
Pepin Tote in Riverbend

You know I’m a big advocate for making usable things! My Pepin Tote in Riverbend is probably one of my favorite bags to use.

Before this pattern, I had made a tote that I used all the time on road trips and whenever I needed to bring along something bigger than would fit in my daily bag that I carry. So that tote evolved into the Pepin Tote pattern! And yes, if you’re wondering, it’s named after Lake Pepin (my Dad grew up near there).

Pepin Tote in Riverbend
Pepin Tote in Riverbend

Pattern Matching

I’m not super into pattern matching (I try not to make things complicated), but when the scale of the print is large like this one, I felt like it was a prime opportunity to practice my skills! It’s not perfect, but I think it turned out just right.

Pepin Tote in Riverbend

Directional Print

Oh, and I almost forgot that with this print (since it’s a one-way directional print), that I had to put a seam in the bottom of the tote. Not too difficult if you find yourself in a similar situation with whatever fabric design you use.

You’ll divide the Main Exterior in half and then add your seam allowance to that number. I almost always use a half inch, so just add that to your divided measurement for the exterior piece. And then you’ll sew that bottom seam making sure the direction of the design is facing away from the seam. Hope that helps if you decide to try it, too!

Pepin Tote in Riverbend

Here are a few other Pepin Totes I’ve made:

Sew-along with Video!

Don’t forget – there’s a full video sew-along available! Click the link below:

Pepin Tote in Riverbend

Project Details:

*Riverbend has been arriving in shops! Yay! Be sure to check with your favorite shop! Or try an online search for “Anna Graham Riverbend” or “Riverbend Robert Kaufman” and check out the #RiverBendFabric hashtag on Instagram. Can’t wait to see what you make!!!!

Pepin Tote in Riverbend

2 thoughts on “Pepin Tote in Riverbend

  1. Alicia H. says:

    This is so great! When I opened this to read it, it was an automatic “yes! That’s amazing!”. I have the Pepin Tote pattern, but have yet to make it. I can’t wait to give it a try with this new fabric line!

  2. CYNTHIA M BROWN says:

    I just made my first Pepin tote. Love it.

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