When I first saw April Rhodes first fabric collection (Arizona) for Art Gallery Fabrics I of course fell in love. I love geometric prints and the colors were right up my alley. I feel really lucky to be able to sew with them. I knew the colors would pair well with denim so they had to become Super Totes!
I loved making these two Super Totes. I love the opportunity to incorporate many fabrics into one tote. It’s pure joy seeing something like this come together over the course of a few days. I had forgotten what a fun sew they are.
These are headed to quilt market for April’s booth. I can’t wait to see all the other samples being made.
Pattern: Super Tote (by me!) available as a PDF here, and check out some of the shops you might find the paper version.
Fabric: Arizona by April Rhodes for Art Gallery Fabrics – Limited Edition, denim from Hancock Fabrics used right and wrong sides
Zippers: Zipit on Etsy
Magnetic Snaps: Being Bags on Etsy
And now for the giveaway! I was sent a fat quarter bundle to give away! Woot!
To enter the fat quarter fabric bundle giveaway:
- one winner will be chosen
- Just leave a comment! It would be fun to hear if you have any fun plans for the summer! One entry per person. Please leave your email address in your comment. You can leave it in a format like this if you wish: anna [at] gmail [dot] com, it’s up to you though, if you have your email listed in your blogger profile, that works too!.
- Open to US entries only please!
- Giveaway ends Sunday, May 4th at 10pm (central time).
If you want to check out the rest of the wonderful folks who are joining in:
Saturday, May 3 – Julie Herman – @jaybirdquilts / http://www.jaybirdquilts.com
Monday, May 5 – Jenna Brand – @howtobejenna / http://jennabrand.com
Friday, May 9 – Kelly Costas – @cutcutsew / http://www.cutcutsew.com
Hi, great bags and the fabric is super too.
No plans for the summer but we are having Thanksgiving with friends in Chicago then on to Florida for some sunshine. I’m having lord of fabric orders sent to Chicago for collection!!!
I love your totes and you find so many good things at Hancock, I really need to check ours out! My fun summer plans include going to the beach next week! Woot!
The way you combined the fabrics is fantastic! I am hoping to do a little hiking with my two kids this summer. Thanks for the opportunity!
gorgeous combos! i love this bag pattern, inspires me to make another. summer will be filled with sewing and trips to the beach!
melissa (at) blustitch dot com
I LOVE this collection. It’s absolutely stunning. I’m due to have my third baby at the end of the summer, so I imagine the next few months will be filled with last minute panic! 🙂
My summer plans revolve around enjoying downtime with my children and gardening!
Yep, the fabric is really super… and perfect for the bags! I’m in school (new chapter for the second half of life), so I’ll be in the lab this summer. Gardening, beaching, and hanging with kiddos too, of course.
Beautiful totes! I plan to take my kids on some fun road trips this summer!
I love that fabric and that bag! My plans for the summer are to attend as many primitive skills gathering as I can, sew a bunch and work in the yard.
email malilies [at] gmail [dot] com
Beautiful bags, I like how the zippered piece is inset, very nice. As for my summer I plan on enjoying the warmth, living in Illinois this winter was a tough and long one! Thanks for the tutorials and the giveaway.
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So many Bags…So little time. I want to make them all. Love the fabric. My dream is to get to the Grand Canyon. Wouldn’t that fabric look great there??
I love the bags! I’m going to Arizona for a week to visit my sister in law, so these fabrics would be serendipitous
Love the Super Tote! Beautiful done in these fabrics too. We’re hoping to go to Iowa to see family this summer.
Love your bags!
My plans for the summer are to sleep past 6am and to try and not let the new puppy and my small children drive me mad.
We are going to Williamsburg later this month
Love your bags and Aprils fabric is so lovely. We are headed to Hawaii in June. 🙂
I love your bag!! We haven’t really mapped out our summer plans yet, but we will definitely be hitting the beach and visiting family in Florida at some point =)
I love how the two bags came out! So gorgeous! My plans this summer are to sew… I’ve neglected it far too long with work.
Beautiful work!! Have been so excited about this fabric release. This summer I hope to teach my kiddos to swim!
My email is Christina.binau at gmail dot com
I have wanted to make this tote. Cute and functional. Love the fabric samples.
i usually gravitate towards muted colors and greys and shy away from patterning but this bag is so beautiful! we have a few trips planned over the next 3 months..really 1-2 trips per month. it may be the busiest summer we have ever had! i’m looking forward to some good knitting time and i picked up a coups of easy cross-stitch sets to work on as well. thanks for the giveaway!
mrs (dot) kristenholmes (at) gmail (dot) com
My summer plans involve working…booooo… and trying to go to the beach as often as possible…. YEAH!!
Love the bags!!! No big summer plans yet…hoping to do a road trip to visit family.
A bundle would be very wonderful – our summer plans are to find a house to move into! We’ve just sold and have to move out by 28 May and are currently homeless from then…….so a bundle would be a good fresh sewing project for wherever we end up, once we are settled!
Love the bags, very pretty. No plans for this summer. I have just started getting my Vendor Booth in various shows, so hopefully can continue to do that through the summer. Working very hard to get my business name out there.
Julene Jefferson
jewls634 at yahoo dot com
Camping trips. So excited, we didn’t go last year. And one big weekend where the kids get to stay with Grandma and Grandpa.
Love Love Love April’s line! And her fabric shop here in Columbus! My plans are to birth a baby!
I can’t wait to get my hands on this line! Nothing too exciting this summer since our kiddo is still little. Just a trip up to Lake Erie and another down to Lake Loudon in TN.
Gorgeous totes! I bought the pattern and hope to make one soon! Spending time at the beach this summer!!
I’m having my third baby! Which means I should really hurry and finish up the 2 super totes I cut out at Christmas time…
FORGET TO ENTER EMAIL/ fullek@charter.net
Oh I adore these two versions! Just made a bag with this pattern and it is my favorite, so great to see it in such beautiful fabrics.
Last summer we did week long Disney trip. This year will be short but equally exciting, Whale Watching! The kids will be soooo happy. They crazy about ocean animals this year.
shanloy at hotmail dot com
Wow love the bag and fabrics. Thanks for the chance
Our plans for the summer are to go camping once a month, woo! And to stay within 4 hours of home–in two weeks we’re going to The Great Sand Dunes in CO for a 4 night trip, fingers crossed for awesome weather!
This summer I am going to the American Sewing Guild conference in St. Louis. I’ve never been to this conference or to St. Louis, so I am really looking forward to it. Thanks for the chance to win!
Your Super Totes look fabulous in those fabrics! I love the collection more every time I see it! We’re hoping to work in several little mini trips this summer instead of one big one. So far we have plans to visit the zoo and to bike ride the Virginia Creeper. Thanks for the giveaway!
thesimpson5 (at) twlakes (dot) net
Love, love, love!!!
Oh I love your tote bags! We don’t have any big plans for the summer but I’m hoping we get the opportunity to take my toddler to the beach – we went to SoCal over Christmas to visit family and he was entranced by the Pacific.
They look great! Love the print combinations.
Thanks for the chance to win. We plan to take our girls to the beach for the first time….and I have to have hip surgery (at age 35 – boooooo!!!). bonandclyde AT hotmail DOT com
The bags are so cute! This summer I hope to tackle my project pile. Posabug [at] gmail [dot] com
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California road trip … with 8 kids. Does that count as fun?! theharts at windstream dot net
Wow! Now I REALLY have to make a tote bag. I haven’t planned anything for the summer yet.
My email is nmarfan [at] hotmail [dot] com.
Beautiful! We will be poolside this summer. I’m inspired to make a super tote for our goodies! Thanks!! iliajordanrocks@gmail.com
Summer will be CRAZY! Our son is getting married and we are putting the house up for sale and the hubby is retiring!!!!
I plan on sitting by the pool and quickly forgetting this past winter! Michelle.allison.roche@gmail.com
Love these! Our summer plans include a few small trips and a big trip out west for my brother in laws wedding.
Love the bag. Hoping to do some camping this summer!
house work, house work, house work… with a little {read BIG} trip to Norway in the middle of all that. Still loving your super tote pattern and in these fabrics it totally looks awesome!
One of these days, I *will* make a Super Tote. I’m just dying to have it replace my ratty diaper bag. As for this summer, I may be moving. Not sure if that is “fun”. Yes, fun to be moving into some new digs, but to the process — oh so stressful.
Well, I’m not sure if it qualifies as “fun” but we’re moving house this summer. What will be fun is having some space to start sewing again!
love this pattern! We’re going to Disney World later this month!
they look great! isn’t this fabric just the best? i love that it feels so adult while still being a quilting cotton.
Those fabrics are awesome! This summer after some house decluttering I’m planning on sewing a lot!!
Very cute! Our plans include going to New England for a family trip and prepping for Baby #1 due in September!
Oh yeah… jessdshaw [at] gmail [dot] com
Gorgeous Super Totes! The fabrics are wonderful.
I love that modern Southwest look. Such beautiful fabric. We get to go to Oregon this summer with family. It would be fun to make that tote with those neat fabrics for all the stuff you need to take on family vacations.
shebloggidy [at]gmail [dot] com
Love these! Can’t wait to make one. Thanks for the giveaway!
shannon [at] little luvins [dot] com
Those are truly stunning! I cannot wait to sew with Aprils line. This summer we are watching lots of baseball, going on adventures and spending lots of family time at our home and lake house. Thank you Anna for such great patterns and giveaways! Cindyl.molnar@gmail.com
I’ve recently started sewing and am working on making the perfect yoga back (which will ideally also be the perfect soccer bag). I have this pattern tagged as one to start with! The patterns of that fabric are so much fun!
I love all of your bags and those fabrics are beautiful! I’m looking forward to spending more time with my sister this summer!
This is such a beautiful fabric collection! This summer I’m hoping that we can take it easy – my youngest will start Kindergarten in the fall, so this summer is leading up to a big transition for him (and me!). My husband and I always have a long weekend together in Newport for the folk festival. We always look forward to it! heykristi123 at gmail dot com
I just found your blog. Love, Love, Love it.
Your work is amazing! I absolutely love the combo for the second bag! This is my favorite collection of the limited release AGF. Only summer plans for us are flying to the east coast so see both my husband and my families, which costs a fortune so that’s about it for us. 🙂
amazing fabric! We are going to visit family and play!
I cannot wait until i can order reams of this gorgeous line! Our summer is full of traveling, 6 weeks so far. Should be fun and crazy! Lizzyp_159@yahoo
I have lots of fun plans, I have 8 grandkids under 6 and a new play house. We are also friends with Mrs. Texas who just won, so she is coming over for a princess party and ribbon cutting for the new play house and I am going to dresss up the girls and have a playdate with a fun bunch of little girls and having a tea party. So i want to sew some cute things for the house.
I made this tote for my daughter in camera fabric, love this fabric used above, I think I need one too. Thanks for the inspiration!!! Hoping to spend some fun time with the family an grand kids at the boat house,,, on the River.. Rfajita586 at aol dot com
stunning Anna! April created such a beautiful collection and your bag pattern suits it 🙂 Would love to get to the beach this summer but we shall see.
Oh I love those colors. And I really like how big the prints are. Really great for bags 🙂
This summer we’re going to move 700 miles. So there’s that… 🙂
Arizona here I come!! kristinehoke at gmail.com
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Love the Arizona fabric. Would love to win something once. Summer plans including boating on the lake and beachin with the family. Enjoy! debbegeiger at gmail.com
Oh wow, i love the navy print and the mint that you used for the tops!!
summer plans are to have a baby and spend 2 months at home on maternity leave.
I LOVE that coral and Navy print bag! We are headed to the beach this summer and can hardly wait!
Love the combo for the bags! I have had your pattern for a while and have been trying to figure out what fabrics to use- these look great!
Love those fabrics! My plans for the summer include lots of sewing 🙂
I love this line and have been anxiously awaiting its arrival!!
Too many plans for the summer – CT, NH, the beach, camps, the pool and, of course, sewing!
I love those fabrics! Thanks!
We are moving this summer, but I hope to squeeze in trips to the beach!
summer plans…move into new house and set up our new house as well as the garden. phew…tired just thinking about it all! thanks for a chance love the super totes!
We’re heading to our family cabin for the summer…woo hoo!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
I’ll be heading to Colorado soon to celebrate my cousin’s graduation from the US Airforce Academy. Go Airforce!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
My summer plans are to be outside more and inside sewing when the weather is bad. The Super Tote is my favorite bag pattern, currently making number three as a baby bag for my step-daughter. I like the use of denim – have to find an old pair of jeans to cut up from hubby’s closet (shhh!). Thanks for the give away!
wow..i would love to make one of these beautiful yet functional bags myself! I have a 5 month old so this would make a chic diaper bag! My plans this summer is to hang out with my 2 daughters and take short trips here and there. Thanks!
We will be visiting family a lot this summer… Then spending a week in the mountains so we can recover for ourselves.
Hi there! I really need to make one of these totes! This is a year for working so no real plans but hopefully a couple mountain biking weekends followed by a relaxing day of sewing. Thanks for the inspiration!
Love these! I’ve had Arizona on pre-order for what seems like forever now I see these.
I’m taking my teenager to her first big music festival this summer, yikes! Then going to Europe to see the family and go sightseeing by train
all my traveling is in the spring so come summertime i just plan to relax at home. thanks for the giveaway!
I have been dying for the release of this fabric! I love it!! I just purchased one of your bag patterns and I am getting this tote pattern next! We are traveling to Charleston this summer for vacation and I would love to take this tote along! My 13 year old daughter and I are taking sewing lessons this summer too! I love it more than she does, but she is super talented(: We plan to make zipper pouches, pajama pants, and hopefully a top! These fabrics would be perfect for our pouches!! Thanks!! Susan jeffriestyke@adelphia.net
Love your super totes! We are having a baby girl any day, moving a few streets over, and trying to sell our townhouse.
Love the bags! Can’t wait to get my hands on some of this line! I’m extra excited a few are being released as knits & voile.
This summer I plan to hang out with my kids & see where their imagination (and energy) takes us. And lots & lots of sewing where I can fit it in.
I’m in the middle of making this tote bag right now! 😀
This summer I’ll be planning my wedding! slester9 [at] gmail [dot] com
Oh wow! I definitely need to sew myself one of these. Love the fabric! We’re going on a week long vacation to San Diego this summer. I’m so excited!
veeraplin.p [at] gmail [dot] com
Summer plans…hmmm. I want to get my house ready to put on the market. That means organizing and tossing. I also want to work on making my little biz more profitable.
Beautiful work, as always. I have the Super Tote pattern and I’m about to make one too. Not sure yet what the summer plans are other than a few weddings to attend.
Nice totes! My summer plans include a short trip to Chicago and a staycation at home while I wait for my baby’s due date.
What a fun print collection! This summer we’re driving out of state for my youngest sister’s wedding!
colorvibrant at gmail dot com
Love the totes – especially the fabric used on the zipper tops. No summer plans….yet!
I love those bags! I’m definitely going to make one! This summer I’m headed to vegas but that’s all I have planned for now.
Our first born will be arriving any day now, so no plans other than lots of hanging out around the house! I’m hoping at some point we’ll feel confident enough to attempt a quick beach getaway.
secretcityranch at gmail dot com
I love this bag, especially because it has the zipper closure which makes contents safer when out and about. I plan to spend the summer with my new grandson who, at 3 weeks of age, has just had open heart surgery for a major heart defect. He is a little trooper and is healing and progressing well at this point. He and his Mommy & Daddy will be living with us while he recuperates this summer, to be near the Medical Center and his doctors. Long road ahead, but joyful in each day we have with him, and looking forward to the future!
Since I just had a baby, our family’s summer plans are mostly stuff like going to the zoo, museum, library, park, and conservatory. Kinda boring maybe, but I’m really looking forward to it!
Those bags are lovely. I think I’m going to need that pattern after all.
You DO have a way with fabric combos and zippers!:)
Hmmm…summer plans….I think the biggest thing this summer will be my parents 60th anniversary get together….hopefully at the Outer Banks or Chincoteague…either place is fine with me!:)
I am utterly in love with those fabrics too! The super tote is a great way to really show them off too. I can’t believe summer is only a month away! we’ll probably just be doing fun stuff like vacation bible school, summer camp and water parks. 🙂
What great bags!! I just finished sewing one and would agree it is a fun sew.
Hanging by the pool with my Boys. I love the fabric and the bags u make. I always feel inspired after your blog entries!
Nice bags. 24Tangent@gmail.com
We don’t really have any summer plans right now. Just saving up for a house.
Beautiful bags. Hmmm..summer plans…looks like a summer school reading program for my oldest…sad but true!
Work. Sew. Swim. Work. Sew. Camp. Work. Sew. Snack.
love these! we are going to lake erie for a few weeks this summer. we are excited!
We don’t have any major plans this summer, just some small family day trips to the zoo and science center. Possibly a boat ride for my daughter’s 5th birthday, she loves boats!
Oh, gosh, I suppose I HAVE to enter. This fabric is amazing and your bags are so great! But, also, just have to say that your images with the cool house in the background are perfection!
im sending my kids to my parents for the summer, and im not embarrassed to admit that i can not wait for summer to get here!
perhaps there may be a little business trip this summer, but its not yet been finalized.So much easier to manage one if the kids are away.
I love this bag it is on my list to make! I am road tripping this summer with the kids so everyone is getting new bags made for the road!
I absolutely love this collection and can’t wait to get my hands on it! Summer is research time…hopefully I’ll get time to play outside too!
beautiful bags , I need one mine is old, thanks
Oh pretty! Hmm, I’d love to be able to have a bag end up looking that professionally finished on the top. This summer my husband has a family reunion on the Oregon coast, I’m looking forward to seeing everybody!
Love your bags! I work full time, but love to garden in the summer, even tho it takes away from my sewing time.
thank you for the nice giveaway! i’m planning on going to lake erie this summer to dip my toes. i’ve dipped into every great lake but erie, so this will be a fun little trip!
Love your totes, and awesome fabric to top it off! Our family is headed to Virginia this month, and I’m still trying to convince my husband we need to go camping in Maine this summer too.
Love these! I’m trying to tell my daughter to let me make one of these for her book bag to bring to college this fall, and then I thought, hey, I could use one of these on our road trip this summer to hold all my stuff in the car! Thanks for the inspiration!
Love your Super Tote pattern, I’ve made two and I know I’ll made a dozen more. What’s your favorite way to interface/interline them, I can’t remember if you’ve said. I’ve only done the canvas and 101, but I’m thinking about making a less stiff one next.
This fabric is gorgeous and I’d be soooooo psyched to win some! Thank you! Oh, I’m going to the beach this summer for the first time in for-ever.
Love love that tote and the fabrics! I really need to make one for my work stuff. Summer will be the usual work and gardening, but hopefully also lots of outdoor training with the local search and rescue group. 🙂
Love the tote and the fabrics. I hope I am able to attend the Olive Juice workshop!
I noticed that my Go Anywhere bag is getting a bit worn so it’s time to make the Supertote! This summer, my husband wants to drive from CO to Yellowstone and I just might go along. I hate camping but Yellowstone would be fun.
oh it did make up so pretty in your bags! I’d love some. This summer I’ll be getting my youngest ready to head off to college!
such amazing fabrics and they look awesome made up into totes 🙂 this summer. . . .i shall sleep!!!!!!!!
I loved this fabric at first sight! I bought your Super Tote pattern when it first came out and have yet to make it. I think I will need to make it with Arizona; it is perfect! We always do a trip over spring break when the kids are out of school and stay close to home for the summer. We might go to Disneyland this summer. Thank you!!!!
love the color palette of this line. I have 3 Super Totes waiting to be made for our summer trip to the East Coast- the annual 3 week Tour de Family!
After living in Arizona for the past 21 years, I think this needs to play a significant role in my fabric stash. 😉 This summer we are: Graduation from Grad School, starting a new job, having a baby, moving to a new city, and probably playing in water a lot. Not for the feint of heart! We’re leaving Arizona in January of this next year, so an Arizona fabric line will be a good sign-off, don’t you think?
Love both of these totes! And I absolutely love the Arizona fabric line!
So far nothing concrete is planned for the summer as we might be putting an addition on our house….though getting away while construction is going on sounds like a very good idea to me!
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Love the bags! I’ll be spending the summer in India (gulp!).
Love these fabrics. This summer, first to Squam for sale – ing and then relax!!!
Heading to Scotland for a two week tour. Love these southwest inspired fabrics.
I love this line of fabric. It’s very modern-looking. I don’t have any plans for summer yet.
Since April unveiled the Arizona line, I immediately fell in love with it largely due to being a native Arizonian. Definitely gives off the southwest feel to it. As for our summer plans… I plan to sign up my daughter for her first swimming lessons! I’m such a nervous nelly! I appreciate you for hosting this great opportunity for these lovely fabric! studiorisa [at] gmail [dot] com.
I love April’s style and it shows in her fabric design. The totes are pretty snazzy too! I plan to make a dress or two and pillows for my family room with this fabric. shannonbrewster@mail.com
Most of June will be spent getting my oldest son ready for his freshman year at college, and THE BEACH. Love this fabric, btw.
lauradstudio at sbcglobal dot net for the comment above. sorry!
The first thing I have scheduled for the summer is taking your 241 tote class at the Sewcial Lounge in Madison! Very excited about it!!
I am hoping to just go somewhere for summer! I am recovering from foot surgery and want to be able to walk for summer!
Love the fabric combos you used. Our summer plans include lots of sewing and a trip up the California coast.
Since I just moved to AZ last August, I think this fabric would make a very welcoming gift! elaine dot simmons at yahoo.com
I love these totes! So far, my only plans for summer are training for my first marathon and attending a baby shower for my first niece, due in the fall! Apparently it will be a summer of firsts!
My summer plans include lots of puppy lovin’! Just last week we became owners of an 8 month old Morkie and she is just the most adorable little fuzz ball! We’ll be taking lots of walks and relaxing rests on the porch.
Summer plans of heading west to the Smokies and enjoying a slower, more outdoor lovin life! And, of course, lots of sewing!
Like the totes. I always enjoy making tote bags. My summer plans are 3 day shop hop to MN and Iowa. Trip to Seattle as my daughter has planned as crafty weekend. Later in summer there is the MN shop hop and then my annual 3day retreat. Time goes pretty fast……….Enjoy reading your blog…….
MN & WA! Two of my favorite places!
We are having a baby this summer! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
This is such a great pattern! This summer we will be traveling in our motor home, but I will be working on Christmas gifts along the way.
Love, love, love your bags! This fabric is great. Not sure what summer will bring but I hope it includes lots of sewing! shopgirl7232(at)yahoo(dot)com
What a great tote. I love your divided basket — may have to try this one too! Sounds like a good summer project.
i hope to have lots of time to sew this summer and also some time for traveling to far off places. Love your patterns. This bag looks wonderfun.
OH I am an Arizona girl through and through! born and raised, and raised my kids here. I so need this! love your bag, great way to show off that AZ fabric! thanks for the chance. qlt7scrap at gmail dot com
Oohhh I love these! I have been drooling over this fabric … I’m a teacher so my summer means lots of sewing time and gearing up to open a new school in our district! Thanks for the chance to win! Mrsrachelsbooth@gmail.com
Beautiful fabric! My only plans for the summer are to enjoy the weather and get my kids outside as much as they can stand it. 😉
great bags (and fabric!)– perfect scale to take on an adventure. nothing is planned yet, but I’m ready to take an airplane…somewhere! how about Chicago, or maybe Oregon? jilucwal(at)yahoo(dot)com
I just bought the Super Tote Pattern last week and am about to purchase the 241 Pattern, so there will be a lot of sewing going on around here this summer! Along with hiking with the dogs, backpacking, and spending time with friends at Zion National Park. Oh, summer, I can’t wait for your star filled nights 🙂
LUVIN the tote! LUVIN that fabric!
There will be a lot of NC beach on the schedule, maybe done SC as well…and sewing and reading …. TIA! B-)
Beautiful bags and fabric!
Not much planned this summer. Our budget has been cut short. Hoping my mom and family can come visit me though! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous tote bags. The only plans I have for summer are to keep cool & keep quilting. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would like to travel to Florida
We are celebrating our 25 th wedding anniversary with a well deserved trip to Alaska. We are over the moon with joy.
cute bag! we are going to celebrate our 10th anniversary. but because we have three young boys, i don’t know what we will do.
I hope to sew every day. I went to a sewing/quilting retreat over the first weekend in April and have signed up for another one that is being held at the end of October.
I just hope I have more time to SEW this summer! 🙂
My daughter is having her first birthday in June, so I am sewing up some outfits for her photo shoot! In July, we will be vacationing in Panama City for a few weeks, and August brings my big 3-0 celebration! Love April’s designs! coralbunnyandlo [at] gmail [dot] com
I’m going to several weddings and one is my best guy friend so I’m pumped to see him finally take the plunge. Plus my little guy turns one in July. He is growing up so quickly!
Lots of summer travel before baby #2 arrives!
We’re driving from Arizona to Chicago in June. I’m hoping my kids catch my love of long road trips!
jenschweitzer at hotmail dot com
I think this summer I’m taking the kids up to explore Montreal and Qubec City. An adventure – and I’ll need to dust off my high school French.
I love the super tote pattern. I made one last year to use as my carryon for my trip Back East to visit family. I also use it to lug all our stuff around to school and soccer practice etc.
Celebrating 10 years of marriage with a trip to the Riviera Maya! Thankful for grandparents to watch our two boys! nursetrig(at)gmail(dot)com
I’m in love with all of these new Art Gallery fabrics! I’m planning a trip to Austin, TX this summer and these prints would make a perfect bag for that trip! Maddysheiney at gmail dot com.
We just moved to a new city…I’m really not sure what our summer plans are. Find some sunshine I think!
Summer plans… a bit of travel and celebrating our 30th Anniversary!
The geometric prints are so perfect with your pattern – I’ve make three so far and they are all geometric prints! This summer…..will it ever really come? Plans for the whole family to come to the lake for a day to swim and barbeque!
Great bag! A couple of short wkend getaways.
Love them! I’ve really *need* to make some of these super totes! Next on the list! ahayesq [at] aol [dot] com.
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Super cute! Headed to Calgary!
I plan to sew sew sew! I’m a beginner but totally hooked! Emily.m.kropp at gmail dot com
Love the bags!!! So great!! A few visits to Wisconsin Dells this summer, that is always fun: water, shopping, sun!! 🙂 alexmartinson1 [at] gmail [dot] com
Love this bag. Made one this winter & it’s great. Hoping to do lots of sewing & spend time with my kids.
sshuttrbugg at aol dot com
Our Summer are to go to the beach as much as possible, and help my Abi who’s 9 start her tote.. yay. 🙂
Love love love the fabric and the bags.
I would be thrilled to own some of the fabric.
Julia (julchen at mail dot com)
It’s autumn here, so my plans for the winter are for lots of warm, snuggly times indoors. I’m hoping I’ll get to sew more!
The bag and the fabric is a great combo. We are going to spend a week at the beach. Looking forward to relaxing and watching the kids play in the sand.
julieomiller (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
These are beautiful! The Arizona fabrics do look great with the denim. This summer, I’m going to be teaching summer camps at the environmental education center I work at. I’m looking forward to some camping and canoeing. 🙂
I’d love to win the bundle – thanks for the giveaway!
I’d love to win so I could make my Noodle-head patterns (again) laurakam at iowatelecom dot net
The bags and fabric are so pretty!
Just finished two trips: (mother/daughter 1 and mother/daughter 2/granddaughter 1) These are annual trips I take with my girls. We went to a sewing convention and Great Wolf Lodge respectively. Great times. (khassig (at) gmail (dot) com.
I love your super totes. Bags are my absolute favorite thing to make. My dad is getting married this summer so I’m going to Chicago for his wedding on the Fourth of July. My email is sybilette@gmail.com
another lovely bag pattern and that fabric is hot! My summer…I get summers off and I’ll be sewing and vacationing at Dauphin Island, Alabama! angela5chard [at] gmail
I watch my grandson during the school years, so summer will be one long sewfest since I can’t do it when he’s here!!!
Evin5 at aol dot com
Very cute bags. Hope to have more time to sew this summer.
carol at quiltobsession dot com
hey Anna, I adore the totes you made! thanks for the chance to win some fabric. it’s stunning! my summer plan is to work on my Dream On quilt. brianne
my email is jbhanson2000 at sbcglobal dot net
Super looking totes! Our summer will be spent enjoying swimming at the lake, gardening, cooking and taking the kiddos biking through Acadia Nat’l Park!
I really love the coral and mint tote! I think I’m going to have to make one of my own!! This summer, I will be newly graduated from college and I plan to use the fabric line I am currently printing to design a new set of quilts that I will sell in…what for it…my very own online quilt shop! I am so excited to open the store after selling my first collection after my senior show this Spring, and I am so pumped to get sewing and printing this summer!
I love the bag and the fabric just really shows off the awesome elements. I have a new grand baby as of yesterday and my oldest (3) will be playing soccer so my summer will be enjoying my grand babies.
LOVE both the fabric and the bag! Now I can’t decide it I want to get this pattern and make this tote for memorial day weekend in Charleston or the one I just received in the Bag of the Month Club 🙂
kitcat96 (at) gmail (dot) com
Doing a big three leg international trip to hang out with family. and flying with three little kids by myself.
Hopefully my plans for the summer involve a lot of relaxing! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Wow, pretty fabrics! My summer’s so packed I don’t even know where to begin…
First a vacation to South Dakota and Wyoming to see the National Parks, and then a quilt retreat with my daughter/guild!
Beautiful bag & fabric! One summer plan I have is to use my Poolside Tote while camping and going to the pool. I will be starting it soon since I am a member of the Bag of the Month club. I really like that pattern. Perfect tote for the pool!
Hoping to do lots of fun things with my grand daughter while she is with us!
I an dissapointed that I am not alloved to participate in the giveaway
Every time you post a picture of your bags I keep kicking myself because I have most of your patterns and can’t wait to sew them up! I have made 4-5 of the divided basket and 1 of the cargo duffle so far, but none of the totes or other bags. I can’t rave enough with how wonderful the patterns are. As for plans, I can’t wait to get out into the garden again. It’s been a very long, cold winter here in the northeast. Summer can’t come soon enough! Have a great weekend. My email is liz (at) adsbi (dot) com.
Both bags are lovely and the fabric is just right for them.
No real plans for the summer ~ hoping to do lots of hiking here in the Pacific Northwest and know a few friends are planning to come for a visit.
Thanks for the giveaway ~ so generous of you!
elsa dot hart @ gmail dot com
How fun!
My family is going down to South Carolina in July, I’m very excited about it!
love the fabric and bags! summer plans will be to get myself to some outdoor craft markets!
kmfield@gmail dot com
Going up to Iowa for a family wedding, then staying with family for as long as possible!! Not too excited about bringing my toddler on the plane, though!! 🙂
dandelionsandlace at gmail dot com
I am also just loving these fabrics, but haven’t picked the right project yet for them! This bag might be it. 🙂
We have lots of small road trips this summer, and plan to spend a lot of time working around the house and enjoying the sunshine!
Our summer plans include moving across the States from Maine to sunny California! We are really excited because it’s been a long winter (still winter) and my kids deserve sunny days and beaches in their lives.
Oh! I LOVE Arizona, way cute as Super Totes! My hubby and I are planning a trip to San Francisco. We’ve never been, so we are looking forward to it!
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i just love your bag patterns, and can’t wait to try them out on rainy weekend days this summer! thanks for sharing!! kristipetersen75(at)gmail(dot)com
love the fabric. Looking forward to taking the kids on a real big boy rollercoaster this summer!
Your bags are so pretty! I love the fabrics you chose.
Very sweet bags! I love the grey one. Summer is the time to visit family in other states, have picnics and relax a bit. I also hope to get some quilt tops quilted. That may be a stretch though. 😉 Thanks for the fun!
Plan on teaching my daughter how to sew this summer. She’s 9. I’m in love with these prints. Want them all! Buying your pattern too!
I can’t wait for this fabric! Love the bags. This summer, I hope to do lots of hiking (and hopefully sewing).
We’re moving to another city this summer and there’s a new workroom waiting for me there! I plan on lots of more comfortable sewing in the future.
Great bags! I’m going to be working with a day or two off. 🙁
I would like to get some sewing and knitting done. My sons would like to be in the water as much as possible 😉
Pacholke21 at gmail dot com
Gorgeous bags & fabric!! I’m looking forward to my toddler starting preschool and lots of family coming to visit this summer 🙂 melody[dot]griffin92[at]yahoo[dot]com
The fabric and your bags are amazing. It would be so lovely to win the fabric to make a bag!! Thanks for the opportunity!
Love these bags. No special plans yet for this summer Maybe, we will go to Michigan for the British Car Summer Party.
This pattern is a great one and made with Arizona fabric is a perfect match! Summer plans? Enjoy every minute!
I just purchased the Super Tote pattern a couple of days ago and bought fabric immediately. I can’t wait to start mine.
I plan to finish some sewing projects this summer….and start on some more!
i met april the other day at a trunk show and she was adorable. i have my eye on the mint green voile with the tiny metallic gold triangles! april had a scarf made in it that i wore around a little while – it matched my mint green t-shirt! jodydeschenes at gmail dot com (:
In early June I am going to go spend the week with my sister. I’m very excited sine we are going to go watch The Book of Mormon.
Love this fabric and the bags are gorgeous!
Wonderful bags. They would fit perfectly with all of my summer plans. Plans to enjoy the seashore, the park, picnics and play, especially if my grandchildren are part of the fun.
Wow, I am in love with your designs, I really want to make some bags as gifts, this is just what I was looking for, so glad I found you on Pinterest 🙂
Awesome bags. No big vacation plans this summer.
The fabric is gorgeous. I have some baby quilts to make this summer, since I am due in August! My plans are pretty much to lie around in the air conditioning. 🙂 a.w.geletka(at)gmail(dot)com
Summer plans…. I hope to actually de-clutter my entire house!
I love your bags. They are just the size I am wanting to make. Summer here means picking blueberries.
We are traveling to visit family and friends in MN this summer! Thanks for the giveaway. sarah@forrussia.org
Those bags and fabric are fabulous! We are heading to Mexico with a group of friends in July, can’t wait!! Jess.mclard@gmail.com
My plans for the summer are lots of trips to the zoo, parks and beach with my little family! ramen dot pride at gmail dot com
Love these fabrics and your super tote pattern! This summer I have lots of weddings to attend! Got one tomorrow kicking it off!
Only summer plans so far are going to California for a wedding. srbracelin [at] gmail [dot] com
I about 22 days we leave for 11 days in Paris and Italy. So excited! I need a Super Tote! I have the pattern but have been waiting for the perfect fabric!
These are fantastic prints. Thanks for sharing. I’m a fan of these sort of colors and geometric prints as well…and I love a good tote. This one is great with the zipper. I have the pattern saved. Maybe someday I can get around to making one. (I just had a baby…so things are slow making around here for now.) This summer my plans are to relax and let the clock run my life as little as possible. dawdler101 (at) gmail (dot) com
Your excitement about the fabrics makes me like it even more. We have two, yep (2), family vacations planned this summer. One in the mountains of Indiana and the other at the beaches of North Carolina. There will be many childrens running around so each and every one will get something sewn…. super hero masks perhaps, rag dolls, and I hope to make lovely bags for each mommy as well. I better get busy! 🙂 hmm, what to make for the daddies? stephanyzerbe [at] yahoo [dot] com
We are headed to Washington D.C. for a week. I rexpect to spend a lot of time at the zoo. Maybe uncover a quilt shop or two?
These are beautiful fabrics! If I could get my hands on them, I am definitely aiming for some momma clothes-sewing this summer! I have loved the featured tops and dresses on your blog — its time to make something for ME!
I cannot wait for swimming and beaches!
margaretannegibb (at) yahoo (dot) com
Love this line!! We have a new house so we are working this summer to get settled and landscape. Going to Disney in September!! Meadows.marybeth(at)gmail.com
I am going to Europe this summer to meet my new grandniece. I could make this lovely tote to take with me.
I’m in love with this line! Super gorgeous colors and I love what you did with them!
is spring here but is snowing outside. My plans, a backyard transformation, I’d like to grown my own vegetables.
Such cute fabric! We’re heading to Florida to work for a month, it’s a great opportunity and we’re really excited about it.
Love this! Summer plans: become a tourist of my own beautiful city!!!:) fancythatnotion at gmail dot com
Wow, love your totes!! Making a purse or tote is really high on my list of things to make. 🙂
Lots of camping is in store this summer. 🙂
I’ve had my eye on that fabric.and I love how it works up in your pattern. Doing some much needed repainting at home. I love doing that. Plan to spend time with family at the lake.
I’ve had my eye on that fabric collelcltion and I love how it works up in your bag pattern. This summer I will be doing some much repainting which I love. We plan to spend time with family at the lake.
My daughter is turning one in June so we are headed to Missouri (from Florida where we are stationed with the military) to celebrate! This fabric is beautiful and I would love to win some!
these fabrics are just FAB as your Super Tote!! I love ’em. Not sure of any plans for the Summer since we are taking a 2-week vacation in October to the East Coast (road trip for a week) then a week-long cruise to Bermuda! have to save up (time off and money) for that!
Love the colors and prints. I know I’ll make a purse. The Southwest tone just calls to me for such a purpose. I plan to spend a lot of my warm weather to some outside work. I’m also going to catch up on some of my cross stitch. Thanks for the chance to use such beautiful fabric.
katztoo at exede dot net
cleaning, working, sewing, trying to exercise, reading and sleeping.
kjkulas (at) hotmail (dot) com
Gorgeous tote and fabric. I’m a big fan of large totes. Thanks for all the insights on magnetic closures, zippers, etc. I think this tote would be perfect for an upcoming trip.
After this winter in Wisconsin, just plan on breathing as much fresh air as possible. Plus some sewing of course. Hopefully with some of my winnings. Love the whole line. cokerun (at) charter (dot) net
Love the fabric and the bag! Summer plans include learning how to use my serger and make a quilt for a friend’s wedding.
So pretty! Thanks for the chance to win. My summer plans include defending my dissertation, so not much fun there…
Plans for the summer…well, mid May I’m hoping that this baby arrives. 🙂 Then during the summer I will be on maternity leave and we have a few weddings to attend. Other than that, our normal trips up north to my in-laws cabin. Overall, just adjusting to being a family of four.
I love the bags and thanks so much for the giveaway! april at sewingnovice dot com
I will be going camping with the grands for a month!
That fabric is great! I’m getting ready to wind down our home school year – I am SO looking forward to summer this year. Lots of time at the lake, gardening, sewing, and doing art/crafts with my kiddos on lazy days.
I’m going to hopefully go to the beach!
grecomara at gmail dot com
No plans I’m a homebody. Your bag is cute.
I am IN LOVE with this bag pattern. I have made three so far and have plans for many more. So versatile, and I love seeing my detailed sewing improve each time I make one. I am hoping to have a summer at home. I have so many unfinished projects that I would love to finish in order to have a clean sewing slate for fall! I love this fabric and would love to win some!!
I love you totes! Thanks for a chance to win some of that yummy fabric.
I’m hoping for at least a short visit to the shore this summer. Also lots of cookouts and gardening.
This fabric makes beautiful bags. Hope to attend nephews wedding. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I love this tote bag and the fabric is amazing. I live in the oven, I mean AZ, so this would be perfect for me. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love this collection! I’m planning on buying some!
Summer plans? Just enjoy as many moments as possible. Summer slips away all too soon any more.
I have a couple of quilt plans in my head for the summer. debfaber at verizon dot net
Already 90’s here. Summer is spent tending the garden and sewing!
No special plans yet for this summer. We’ll probably take some short day or weekend trips around this area as we new residents to this part of the state.
My plans for this summer are to enjoy my daughter’s wedding! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the bag! Plan on enjoying the time to be outdoors.
Love the bag and fabric. I am headed to Arizona to do some serious Bird watching. A dream vacation for me.
Your bags are so cute!! I just plan on busting out some UFOs and PIGs, no big vacation plans!!
oh my goodness!! I can’t believe I stopped by just in time to throw my hat in the ring… I have had an idea of a southwest motif, in just these sort of muted blues and corals!!! I am so going to see if I can get these in my fabric stash budget – or win some, of course!!! Your bags turned out BEAUTIFULLY, as always!! and my plans for summer are a few days off work here and there to sew, paint, sew, garden, sew, and then some painting and gardening and some more sewing, LOL!! we will see if I get my wish for all of that (or, at least some of it, right?) my e-mail: julieaspear AT gmail DOT com THANKS for the awesome inspiration!
Our summer will be loaded with family get tog ethers, wedding, birthdays, and a trip to the mountains. Thanks for the giveaway!
My hubs doesn’t take off days from Spring through Fall (for his business), so I’ll probably drag my mom or some girlfriends with me on a couple of long weekend “girly” jaunts!
My plans include finishing a few UFO’s and finding a job now that graduation is at the end of the week.
Love this fabric! Would be great in the baby quilts I am making.
I am going to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for four days this summer with some girl friends. It should be an awesome road trip!
No big plans for this summer! Just exploring Seattle since we just moved here from Ohio!
i hope to do some hand piecing on the porch. i only do hand piecing and hand quilting and find it so enjoyable. babscorbitt@gmail.com
Summer will include a couple more super totes and LOTS of pool time. The plan is to have one tote per kid – these are AWESOME for overnights and swimming. And of course I use mine as a handbag.
Love the bags and of course the fabric as well. Thank you for the giveaway.
going to the beach
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
I am more inspired to sew in the summer – it’s the light and hot days and long evenings and all the fruit and flowers ….. I have plans to make a king size quilt in lots of creamy colors to fit with our old house and wood floors. And lots of totes for my kids to haul their stuff to camp and the pool etc.
Great fabrics and bags! I hope to visit grandchildren in Pennsylvania and Texas. Thanks for the chance to win.
We’ll spend the 4th of July weekend in the mountains. Other than that no plans yet.
Love April’s designs and the color palette! I’m looking forward to a mother-daughter sewing weekend with my mom and Heather Ross in June. Thanks! saltyoat at gmail dot com
Love the prints! This summer I’m hoping to spend a lot of time at the pool with my girls!
Forgot email: Leslie.moe@hotmail.com
A few weddings, some camping, some canoeing…I’ll have to find some time for crafting too!
OH MY GOSH…love these prints! I will be gardening all summer along with painting murals on a fence that we just put in…but the pink and grey bag is on my sewing list for sure!
nickie [dot]g[at]gmail[dot]com
I’m going to Spain this summer, which I’m very excited about!! 🙂
oh yeah… anachronavis (at) gmail . com
Plans for the summer is to sew at least 10 new summer dresses!! Hopefully between the beach and the boat, I can make it happen! pterzo [at] gmail [dot] com
We take our annual trip to the beach each summer! It will be fun
I love the totes. They are so fun to make. I plan on spending the summer gardening & sewing for charity.