
Butterfly Collage

I’m sure you’ve seen this great project floating around!  It caught my eye when I saw in on the long thread’s top 100 list of 2008.  My husband has always talked about getting a butterfly specimen art, but they can get pretty pricey.  So this was the next best thing!  I made it for him for Christmas and really liked how it turned out. 

We had gotten the frame at Ikea a while back for down in our basement, but it never got a picture put in it.  I tried to pick out different ads from magazines that had things he likes in the pictures.  I picked out pictures of cars, cereal, spaghetti sauce, and tulips – his favorites!  Check out my flickr stream for detailed notes on the collage. 

As a side note, I was listed in the top 100 list of 2009 for my pencil pouch tutorial, wow!


Mushroom Hunting Bag

My dad requested I make him a morel mushroom hunting bag last summer.  He even gave me a pair or his cargo pants that I told him I could make him a bag out of.  Well, I never got around to it and it’s been in my to-finish pile forever!

I didn’t look at a tutorial or even any pictures of bags like I usually do.  Since it was made from a pair of pants, some camo cotton I had around for the lining, and a strap from a purse I recycled I didn’t think following directions would make it easier. 

I dove right in and cut up the pieces.  I used the cargo pocket part for the front flap and added some brown bias tape to attach it to the lining.  It didn’t take long actually, and it was pretty fun.  I did attach the flap wrong the first time I sewed it however, but it was easily fixed.  Best part is – my dad loves it and my mom wanted to steal it from him. 

Hope he fills it up with morels this spring!

If anyone’s interest in a tutorial on this let me know, I think making another one would be fun – plus I can give it to my mom so my dad doesn’t have to share his.

** My dad thought I should note that you’re really not supposed to put morels in a bag like this, apparently a cotton mesh type bag is best.  Who knew?!