
up in the air

I just had to make these two last backpacks.  I couldn’t help myself.  There’s no boy that they’re being made for, no special requests, just for fun.  Is that wrong? 

I just love being able to use up all these old khaki pants around here, now just to do more projects with them.

I’m sure I’ll find some little boy to pawn these off on.  Maybe I won’t have to buy any boys birthday presents for a while. 

Meanwhile, I do feel kind of up in the air right now.  I’m really amazed/flattered by how many new followers and subscribers that joined Noodlehead recently.  I love it and I’m glad that you like the same stuff I like!  However, it is a bit intimidating I have to admit.  Nonetheless, I’m pushing on.  My to-do list is a mile long, the laundry is piling up, the tutorials in my brain are beginning to get crowded, and my husband has been missing me coming to bed on time.  Other than that I can’t wait to share a few things with everyone soon, including my new sewing/playroom.  Wahoo!


toddler bed fitted sheet

Emily recently upgraded to a toddler bed, she was having too much fun climbing out of her crib so we decided it was a good time to make the switch.  Of course I turned to my trusty old friend Ikea for a toddler bed. 

Unfortunately I didn’t really think about getting a sheet or any bedding to fit the bed, ha, joke’s on me.  The nearest Ikea is over two hours away (which is fun once in a while, but…).  Anyway, I decided to try and make a fitted sheet.  I found a great deal on some fabric at Sew, Mama, Sew! and thought it went well with the pillowcases I had made a while back.  I used these instructions and it worked great!!  I started with 2.5 yards of fabric which turned out to be just perfect – with a little bit leftover for some other fun projects down the road. 


Sunrise Hoodie

I guess the name of this hoodie is perfect for my youngest who loves getting up at sunrise or before (I’m sure a lot of mommies out there can empathize). 

This is my second entry for the Lil Blue Boo / Dharma Trading Design Challenge.  I’m really excited that Ashley started this challenge because these hoodies have been on my to-do list for a while now! 

I had gotten two girls t-shirts at old navy a while back for 50 cents each, pretty slick I’d say.  I felt kind of bad cutting into them, but it was either that or save them until my girls would grow into them in about 6 years, no thanks.  Not a huge collector of things (excecpt fabric that is). 

I did a reverse applique for the sunrise on the chest area.  It was my first time attempting a reverse applique and I admit I was a little nervous cutting into the material.  Even my oldest daughter said “Mama, why are you cutting into Emily’s new shirt?!”  My reply was “I’m not sure honey, not sure at all”.  But in the end it was a success I’d say.