Emily recently upgraded to a toddler bed, she was having too much fun climbing out of her crib so we decided it was a good time to make the switch. Of course I turned to my trusty old friend Ikea for a toddler bed.
Unfortunately I didn’t really think about getting a sheet or any bedding to fit the bed, ha, joke’s on me. The nearest Ikea is over two hours away (which is fun once in a while, but…). Anyway, I decided to try and make a fitted sheet. I found a great deal on some fabric at Sew, Mama, Sew! and thought it went well with the pillowcases I had made a while back. I used these instructions and it worked great!! I started with 2.5 yards of fabric which turned out to be just perfect – with a little bit leftover for some other fun projects down the road.
That is awesome – thanks for sharing.
The project is great but I had to tell you that the stuffed dog is my daughter’s “Doggie” that she got from Santa when she was 1 and has dragged around all day every day since. Yours looks a lot cleaner.
very clever
that looks fabulous! good for you!
Oh crap, please don’t think I’m copying you! I’ve had “fitted crib sheet” on my BOY calendar for weeks. It’ll be going up next week. Don’t mean to be following after everything you do!
You understand, right 🙂
Wow!! thanks for sharing that! That is a great idea!!
Ive gone to the fabric store twice to buy fabric for making sheets and a few other things. (but I forgot to measure the mattress each time!) This measurement you gave will be a great number to have in mind when I go buy the zipper for the “zippy wallet” – I got the fabric and forgot the zipper! My mind is elsewhere I suppose! thankfully the quilting store is right down the road and the ownder is so sweet!
Cute pink projects make me want a baby girl…don’t tell my husband. Very sweet!
OH thanks for the link to the instructions. I did the same thing when my eldest moved into a toddler bed, but I figured it out all on my own. I’m now trying to do the same for my younger daughter but I’ve been putting it off as I’ve forgotten what I did!! Look out purple checked fabric here I come!
(I’ve just started reading your blog, I found you through Dana at MADE, I’m really enjoying it! Thanks!) Claire