spice up your kitchen

quilty table runner

Our kitchen is actually one of the darkest rooms in our house. We had designed and ordered the kitchen before we even moved in (we started gutting it out on closing day), so the dark countertops might not have been the best choice looking back.  But, this table runner sure brightens it up! 
It’s pretty basic, just started cutting pieces all the same width and then added the striped sashing to the sides.  The fabrics are mostly Nicey Jane with a few other basic blue polka dots/stripes added in. 
I did the back a little less busy with some linen and a few pieces added in, for those days I’m feeling a little more plain.

And of course when I don’t feel like using it in the kitchen anymore, it can also double as a doll quit. 

(ah, yeah, no comment on the gigantic wrinkles in these pics, I blame it on a long stay in the dryer)
spice up your kitchen

guest post with Kari of Handmade Mommy

Today’s guest is none other than my good bloggy friend Kari!

Please welcome Kari of Handmade Mommy.  Seriously, Kari is such a sweet and caring person.  You can just tell by the various topics on her blog.  Plus she has an awesome variety of tutorials, you know I’m a fan of her 15 minute jammy pants.  I think Kari’s blog is one of the first blogs I started reading and haven’t stopped since (seems like a theme for me).  She’s always takes time to leave a sweet comment and a bit of encouragement. 

Take it away Kari!

Hi! I’m Kari from Handmade Mommy and I still can’t believe Anna asked me to join in the fun here. When she contacted me I was totally flattered and my first thought was, “Oooo now I have an excuse to get those canisters I’ve been wanting for the kitchen!” But what are new canisters without quilted labels? (I’m sure you were asking the same question yourself).

I have a confession: I don’t even like cooking all the time but it makes me feel like a good wife and mom and I really do like yummy food. And, let’s be honest, I’m a lot more likely to cook in a kitchen filled with beautiful things to inspire me.

So I bring you a tutorial to make some beautiful things for your own kitchen (including a template for the printable fabric labels). Enjoy!
Go check out the complete Quilted Canister Labels Tutorial HERE on Handmade Mommy.

giveaway, spice up your kitchen

lunch bag pattern giveaway CLOSED

~~~  Giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered! ~~~~

Remember this lunch bag I made?

Well now you get a chance to win the pattern!

Virginia from ginia18 graciously agreed to allow me to give away one Love Your Lunch Box pattern to one lucky reader.

But don’t stop there, check out her shop, it’s filled with some totally cute patterns just waiting to be made into something special.

an art caddy pattern (already have this pattern, can’t wait to make one!)

I’m so in love with the owl pillow (she has two owl pillow patterns available).  It looks so huggable.  I can just imagine using up all my scraps on these!

Does a little girl in your life need a new summer dress?  Go check out the pattern here.

To enter the giveaway:

  • Leave a comment, please include your email address in your comment.
  • One winner will be chosen.
  • One entry per person please
  • Giveaway closes Friday (May 21st) at 12:00 PM!