kids clothes

purple shirt dress

Since spring is well on it’s way here finally, I figured I’d better get making some clothes for the girls.  
Of course you’ve all probably seen Made‘s shirt dress tutorial, it’s just a fun dress to make and I hadn’t made one before, so I thought I’d give it a try. 
I had purposely bought this lovely men’s Gap shirt at a rummage sale (probably almost two years ago now), with the intention of making a shirt dress from it. 
So I grabbed it and found that some Innocent Crush went so perfectly with it.  Shattered is my favorite print from this collection, I think I have it in every colorway as well as the yummy voile! 
Emily couldn’t stand the gathers around the waist at first, but after a little bribing, she got used to it and has been wearing it ever since.  She’s one happy camper.

I’ve got another one cut out for the big sister, so don’t be surprised if you see that sooner or later.

kids clothes

yay for jammies!

Since I started really looking at my fabric collection I realized it needs to get used.  I’ve kept some prints for longer than I think is really necessary (for me it’s been about a year and a half), but I think it’s time to move on with some of them and get to ordering more! 
One sure fire way to use up a fabric stash is to make clothing.  Usually they take up a lot of fabric and that’s just the ticket! 
So I decided a few pairs of jammie pants would do the trick for a little while anyway.
I thought I’d give Toni’s pattern a try and I really like how they came together.
I ended up squeezing out a pair for Emily from a half yard for the main part of the pant, and I really liked the way the pants were assembled, so they came together really nicely.  It’s pretty straightforward and I think the fit is really cute. 
It was fun to get a chance to make a few buttonholes, which I haven’t made in forever.  But they’re merely cosmetic, so don’t let that throw you off, you could always omit them if talk of buttonholes makes you break out in hives.
And doesn’t this pattern, Coastal Breeze look fun? Makes me want to start daydreaming about summer. 
Just and FYI, you can also buy Make It Perfect patterns from tons of online retailers. Here’s some at and a nice selection at Pink Chalk Fabrics.
kids clothes

another warhol

Of course I had to make another Warhol dress, they’re just too fun to pass up.  Plus Emily has been on a dress kick lately, every day she has to wear a dress. 

Here’s my effort to beef up the dress supply.
Just some more striped knits I scooped up from gigantic old navy clothes. 
Heidi Klum eat your heart out. I didn’t know Emily’s hair cut was in style.

See you tomorrow with a tutorial, yay!