Happy Friday everyone! I feel like a giveaway is in order. I’m very excited about seeing projects sewn using my book, Handmade Style. It’s the best part of doing what I do, seeing what you make. So today I’m giving away 3 books, signed by me.
I think the sewing community is a wonderfully generous group of people and I’m happy to be a part of it. If you have a chance, be sure to check out the #HandmadeStyleBook hashtag on Instagram (some are posting to #HandmadeStyle too, but there are lots of other miscellaneous picsย in there). Also, if you use Flickr, check outย the group, Noodlehead Tutorials & Patterns. I need to pop in there more often! So much goodness!
Here’s a lovely quilt my friend Marta (From Marta with Love) finished! Isn’t it beautiful?! Check out her full post here and here. It’s the Picnic Plaid Quilt pattern from the book, it has two other sizes as well!
To enter:
- Open toย everyone! I’ll be reservingย one copy of Handmade Style for an international winner and two copies for US and Canadian winners!
- Leave one comment. For fun, tell me, how do you stay up-to-date with your favorite blogs or makers? Do you use bloglovin’ or feedly, subscribe to their newsletter, follow them on certain social media sites? All of the above? I’m curious! Or if you want to answer a different question,ย what sewing project is next on your must-makeย list?
Giveaway closes Sunday, September 13th at 10 p.m. CST.This giveaway is now closed, thank you to all who entered!
Have a great weekend!
ps. Did you know that my daughter took the photo on the cover of the book? She did, and she was 8 years old at the time! Also, the ‘handmade’ script on the cover, that’s my writing. There’s also bits of it scattered throughout the book, too. Kinda fun, right?!
HI there, i flow on bloglovin so i don’t miss anything.
I subscribe to email and follow daily on blogs. I’m home with cancer so I have plenty of time to see and follow blogs .
I have used Bloglovin. Now I keep a list of favorites. I have them divided into categories. I enjoy checking in when there are several post to catch up on. Congrats on the book!!!
Hi there! Zandra from Sweden here. Mother to Lo, a five months old girl. Next on my to do sewing list is a bag that a can have underneath the stroller. At the moment there is a wire basket. Not that practically when living in sweden with many months of rain and snow.
All good,
I follow my favorite blogs on bloglovin’. I spend way to much of my day on it, but I can’t help myself!!
I follow your blog on feedly, and I follow your instagram, and pinterest….
as for sewing projects…. I’m thinking about making myself a skirt!
Also, I’ve made 4 poolside totes this year – one for me and three for gifts – everyone loves them!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I follow blogs on Feedly, but I started an instagram account this year so I could keep up with people that way and also share what I make with designers. It’s fun to log in and get little glimpses of what people are doing, and it’s a pretty easy way to share what I’m making as well.
Since the demise of Google Reader (RIP), I use feedly to follow sewing blogs!
I follow my favorite blogs on Bloglovin and a few very special blogs by email.
I follow blogs through bloglovin. I’ve been seeing handmade style projects pop up all over the place and want to try some! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!!
blog lovin. all day everyday. (at work… shifty eyes…)
Mostly social media and newsletters, but there are so many great ones that it’s hard to stay current with them all ๐ thanks for the great giveaway!
I used to subscribe some through bloglovin but now I’d say primarily social media like FB and Twitter.
I generally follow blogs on Bloglovin and get newsletters. But I might start following more on Instagram too.
I love to use Bloglovin’ to keep up to date with my favorite bloggers. Thanks for the opportunity!
I like to follow my favorites through Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram! My next project happens to be your Trail Tote and plan to make both sizes! ?
Bloglovin and Instagram!
I use Instagram and Feedly, now that Google reader is gone.
I use Bloglovin and IG as sources of inspiration.
Mostly social media. Facebook & Instagram.
I don’t really follow anything on a blog reader anymore (it started when I stopped blogging myself). I’ve followed my favorite bloggers on Facebook and Instagram. It became too much and was an easy way to pare down to my favorites.
Bloglovin’ all the way! Your book looks lovely. I have it on my must-have list!
Thanks Anna! I would so love to win your book – everything I see made from it is just beautiful! For following blogs I mostly use Bloglovin, but I also subscribe to a few, especially if there are extra perks for subscribers!
I use Facebook to keep connected.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your book! Mainly, I use feedly and Instagram and to a smaller extent Facebook and newsletters.
I use Bloglovin, although I’m honestly not that big of a fan of the format so I’m interested to see how everyone else responds! RIP Google Reader ๐
I follow blogs through bloglovin’ on my phone. I no longer have Internet access or a computer at home. The next sewing projects that I have lined up are a bunch of skirts for my daughters. My 6 yo is super excited that she’s FINALLY getting her poodle skirt!
After that I have a couple of large tote bags planned. One with natural colored duck canvas & turquoise lace.
I don’t have the time for Twitter or Instagram so I am currently using NewBar on my mac to keep up with all of my favorite blogs. I would LOVE to win a copy of your new book Handmade Style.
Dear Anna, I would LOVE to win the book.
I use bloglovin, but I think Instagram is even better to stay up to date.
Instagram totally is the new blogspot ๐
I use Feedly these days. Logging all the future projects I want to make while my baby is nursing or sleeping.
I use Bloglovin’ but also follow favorites (like you!) on Facebook and Instagram.
I use Feedly to follow all my blogs and I love it. It’s very reliable and I can keep up with hundreds of other sewing/quilting enthusiasts! Thanks so much for the chance to win this fabulous book!! I’m such a fan !!
Instagram is the best outlet for me to track designs and projects.
I use Bloglovin and Instagram.
I would love to win a copy of your book! I use Bloglovin to stay up to date with all the blogs that I follow.
Congratulations on your book! I am so happy for you ๐ I used to get updates by email and that was not a good idea when you follow more than 1K blogs lol so I do bloglovin, I have the app so I get updated while waiting in line, or etc etc. ๐ I really hope I can win your book, I really need that push to start sewing again, I haven’t done it since I was in my 20’s and now I am 40 lol
I’ve been wanting this book so bad especially since I see what everyone is making from it on Instagram and because well your patterns and instructions for your bags are flawless! I keep up with blogs using Bloglovin, sometimes it takes a while for me to keep current with them but early mornings, with a cup of coffee before anyone else is up is the perfect time to catch up!!
Greetings from Costa Rica!! I’d love to get your book!!
I stay up to date by following my favorite’s bloggers facebook pages, and you are one of them!
Your work is amazing!
Hello! I’m a feedly user.
Hi Anna,
I would also love to win your book, since I started sewing only recently. I follow your blog on feedly.
Have a great weekend, too.
I follow my fav blogs on Bloglovin or their newsletters, wherever I can find them. I love this book, thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the giveaway! Your book has been in my amazon cart forever!
I use bloglovin’.
I use feedly and instagram (surprisingly little crossover between the two!).
I usually use bloglovin and subscribe to newsletters. Then those that I don’t read regularly, I follow on social media and will hop over to the blog when I see a link that interests me. But the next project for me is new pillow covers for my couch.
Facebook keeps me most up to date on my favorite blogs ๐ I would LOVE a copy of this book!
Oh fun! I’ve seen so many of your book projects out in the world and they are lovely. I like feedly best for reading but I also use bloglovin because I like how I can browse the categories for new blogs.
Thank you so much for your generous offer. Books like yours are very hard to find in Portugal ๐
Answering your question, I use blogovin’ to keep up with my list of favourite blogs and in some cases (blogs that I only follow one topic) I subscribe the newsletter. Social media only for my top 10 ๐
Have a nice weekend!
Bloglovin and Facebook provide updates – Facebook is probably more reliable since I seem to miss posts when I rely on email updates. Your book looks fantastic – super excited for you! I started following your site when Pinterest led me to you while I was looking for tutorials on sewing zipper pouches for travel. Your tutorials are very well written and broken down in such a friendly way that new projects are way more fun than daunting. Keep up the GREAT WORK because you really are making a difference to folks like me!
I follow my blogs through Bloglovin, Facebook, IG, and Pinterest. I need inspiration daily with my coffeeโ๏ธ
I use bloglovin. I’ve got a quilt cut and waiting to be sewn, and I want to learn to make a dress!
Hello Noodlehead, I use feedly and subscribe to some updates by email. I would love to be the international winner of your book!
I use Bloglovin and Instagram along with Bookmarks and Email. Total addict!
I follow on bloglovin, Instagram and subscribe to some blogs by email. I have seen a lot of projects attributable to your book, so I’d love to win a copy!
I mostly use facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates. If something I like is posted I will then go to the blog to read more.
I follow on IG and FaceBook. I love your stuff!
Hello. This book is still on my Amazon Wish List so I would love to win a signed copy. Your daughter did a great job! I follow some bloggers on Bloglovin, but mostly subscribe to newsletters. Also, I follow some on IG too now. Holly
Instagram is my way to stay connected. Would love to be to win your new book! I’m ready to make a new handbag! ๐
Your creations are beautiful! They incorporate form and function in a wonderful one of a kind way.
I follow you on Bloglovin’ and would love to be a lucky recipient of your book!โค๏ธ????
Wow, lnteresting details about your book. Makes me covet, I mean love it even more.
I don’t do social media beyond pinterest. I usually click over to your blog to check it out.
Instagram all the way!
I follow blogs on feedly and often also on facebook. I love your patterns and would love to win a copy of your book :).
Feedly, facebook and the grams – love your look!
I.LOVE.THIS.QUESTION!!! Reading all the responses is enlightening, as I’m new to following creative blogs (to fill my soul). Generally, I have my faves (like noodlehead and mamalovequilts and … ) and check in off links I’ve saved (cumbersome) for ones not off the top of my head. Also I subscribe and get pinged via email. And, for this look, I saw your post w/ the link and jumped over … Thanks for the inspiration and for the insights on ways other people follow. Hope the info is valuable to you too.
I follow on bloglovin, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook! I would love to win your book! If not, I will definitely be buying it!!!! Love your blog, patterns and your creativity!!!!
Bloglovin! I’m just starting to dip my toes back into the sewing pond and have decided to sew Easter dresses for my 3 little girls (3.5y, 23mo, due in Oct). I’ve got my hands full, so I’m giving myself ALL winter to sew the dresses and knit up some cropped sweaters to layer overtop.
Also, great portrait for the front cover. Clearly your daughter has creative genes. One of my “little” ones is a junior in college studying fashion design. I’m hoping if I win the book she will be as inspired by your work as I am. Thanks for the opportunity.
I have my favorite blogs on my Top Sites on my desktop, and I use Pinterest. I haven’t decided what my next project will be just yet.
i mostly use bloglovin and Instagram to keep up! And for the second question, I am really wanting to make the market bag out of your book!
Hi, I follow them on Facebook and subscribe to the blogs.
I would love to win a copy !
I use bloglovin , and I am trying to make a divided basket, a bonnet and a patchwork blanket…
Love from Belgium !
I use theoldreader.com and have hfolders within it to separate my different interests. Your book looks absolutely wonderful by the way.
Bloglovin, nice to have my favorites all in one place.
I really like to subscribe to newsletters for the blogs that I particularly enjoy. I typically follow them on bloglovin’ as well, but don’t check it very often. One thing that I HAVE been doing for those that I don’t want to miss a post is following them on FB so that I get a notification on my feed that they have posted. I think that works the best for me to actually SEE it. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I LOVE all your patterns.
Ooh this book looks beautiful & I’m so impressed your daughter took the cover photo. I follow A LOT of blogs via Bloglovin’ and I also follow my favourite creatives on Instagram too. I’m addicted to both:) P.S I’d be an international reader.
I follow you on Feedly and Pinterest. Right now, I’m mustering up the courage to attack the buttonholes on an Aster blouse. Thank you for the opportunity to win your gorgeous book.
I’ve been following more on Instagram lately than anything else.
I use Feedly to follow all of my blogs. I love it! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Social media usually! Would love a copy of the book
I used to user google reader but now i use Feedbin. also pinterest. I follow my favorites.
I follow my favourite blogs with bloglovin. Yours I have been reading for a long time now and I love that you make so many different kind of projects. The clothing, the bags and purses, I love them all.
Yay! I’m very excited for a chance to win. I generally follow my blogs with bloglovin’
I follow many on Bloglovin’ and sign up for newsletters. I like their Facebook pages when I get the chance, but (is it only me?) I’ve actively avoided adding Twitter to the cacophony that is my life.
Oh my! This question made me realize that I’m a little blog obsessed. I mainly use bloglovin’ so that I don’t miss anything, but I also sign up for newsletters and follow blogs on instagram and pinterest. I just love to see all of the pretty things!
I follow lots of blogs on Bloglovin’. I am also addicted to Instagram. Thanks for such amazing giveaway. Wish me luck ๐
I have my favorite blogs bookmarked, I use Bloglovin’ and I check Facebook regularly so I don’t miss a thing.
I really like the styling of your book. it would be wicked to win one, but if not, I hope it will be available in Europe.
I follow blogs with bloglovin’. Thanks for the chance to win!
The bloggers I like I follow on facebook or Instagram.
I use Bloglovin and Instagram. I am finishing up a quilt top right now, and getting ready to start several pairs of mittens for my kids for the coming fall/winter (mittens are such a good way to use up little pieces of fleece!).
I love the personal touches! How fun for your daughter to see her picture on the cover of a book!!
Bloglovin’ and IG for me.
I use feedly! Thanks for the giveaway!
I need this book – one of my favorite blogs. I follow updates via Facebook for the most part. Kudos to your daughter for the awesome picture!
I’m pretty old school. I bookmark my favorite blogs, though I do follow those that have Instagram accounts on Instagram, too! I’m a beginner sewer, and I’ve only done a few simple projects. I’d really like to make my girls some satin Christmas dresses this year, so I’ve been practicing like crazy!
I use Instagram first and feedly second. I get only about 3-4 email newsletters, it’s not my favorite way to keep up with the blogosphere. And I hate Facebook, so that’s definitely OUT.
I follow on feedly – thank for offering this giveaway!
I usually stay in touch with my favorite “makers” on Bloglivin’ and Instagram. It’s fun to see what they are working on day to day, in between the blog posts ๐
I receive emails and follow on Pinterest and Facebook. I would love to make the Leather Bottomed Pouches. I never have enough bags, totes and pouches. Your designs are the best. Thank you for this chance to win the book.
I suscribe to their newsletters, follow them on instagram and facebook … ๐
I follow links on your blog, on Fringe Association, and on Grainline Studios to find other sewing blogs or sites and pattern ideas. Next on my sewing to-do list is a little doll bed, pillow and blanket for my granddaughter’s first baby. I’d love a copy of your book.
I keep up with my favorite blogs through social media or subscribing to their newsletters. I love Instagram.
My next sewing project(s) will of course be Halloween costumes for my two of my three littles. I have hand sewn Halloween costumes for the last 22 years (my oldest is 22 and I’ve only stopped making her costumes in the last couple years).
I use Feedly to keep up on blogs. I have been looking at this book and would LOVE to have it! I’ve just started sewing a few zipper pouches and knitting project bags and I’m hooked. I can see my fabric stash growing next to my yarn stash!
Oh, I would love to win your book ! I have a list of favourite blogs in Blogger. I am an international reader (from Switzerland). Thanks for the giveaway !
I use feedly and follow some designers on Instagram as well. Thanks for the opportunity to win, I’d love to check out this book!
Facebook and Newsletter!
I just received an email from Amazon telling me that shipment my copy of your book has been delayed, so your giveaway is so very timely! If i win, I can cancel my order & still have your book!. I use Feedly to keep track on the blogs I follow. I’m not all that big on other social media, though. I don’t keep up with Facebook, InstaGram & the others.
I subscribe to feeds using Blogger and love to spend my break times reading new posts.
Hello, Thank you for this giveaway! I follow you on Facebook and I am an international follower!
I keep up with Bloglovin’ and thanks so much for the chance to win! This book is on my Christmas list for this year ๐
I use bloglovin’. It is nice to be able to see which blog posts I haven’t read yet or to mark read for the ones I don’t feel like reading.
I need this book! I use Feedly for blogs ๐
I used to check my bloglovin more but as I’m constantly in FL or instagram I tend to just follow my faves (you included) in social media. Thanks for the chance to win your book. It looks fabulous
I usually subscribe and also do trolling on the internet!
I follow you on bloglovin. It has become a daily ritual to check in and see all the inspiration from around the world!
I technically use Bloglovin’ but actually rely on Facebook a lot – that’s where I saw this post!
I can’t imagine trying to keep up with all my favorite blogs without bloglovin’!
I am another mourner of Google Reader. Now it’s feedly for me. I should really figure out what Instagram is one of these days. AND I am about to sew another open wide zippered pouch (thank you) for a birthday present. Thanks for the giveaway, the book looks beautiful.
I’m a huge fan of Instagram, but I use Feedlly for blogs. Another app I can’t live without is Pocket. I store any article that I want to save in there to read later. I can read it offline and save on data if I’m not around wifi. This means that I’m never without something to read.
I mostly just follow on Facebook and Instagram, and a handful of email newsletters, but it sounds like I should really get my Bloglovin set up!
Thanks for the giveaway! I use bloglovinโ.
I requested your book from the library but there’s a waiting list. I’d love to win a copy! I follow blogs with bloglovin’.
Thanks for the giveaway! I follow “my” blogs on bloglovin’ but then, whenever possible, also follow them on Facebook and Instagram. I like that I can see different aspects of the bloggers lives by following them on different social media accounts.
I follow blogs mostly through Bloglovin. Instagram is my second favorite way to keep up with them. Facebook has become a major way I track bloggers though. I manage social media accounts for my day job, so I’m always on Facebook following blogs related to the industry.
I’m itching to make a tote bag, but just can’t come to a decision on a fabric.
I don’t follow blogs with any app …. i just have my faves and check in when I can!
I follow on Bloglovin. I would love to win this book and start sewing projects from it!! renae1225@gmail.com
I do facebook and instragram and email. I think your book is awesome!
I mostly follow via bloglovin’. So whenever I have time I can catch up with the blogs I like to read, as yours, lol!
Thanks so much for including us overseas in your give away. And say hi to your daughter, she did a great job with the cover picture. i really like it!
Hugs from Switzerland, martina
I subscribe to all my favorite blogs (including yours) with Feedly, since the demise of Google Reader…
I mostly follow blogs via Bloglovin’. I rarely read newsletters, though I receive a ton, and sporadically scroll through my favorites on Instagram as well.
I use Bloglovin and Instagram to stay up to date.
I follow my favorite blogs, including yours, on Bloglovin. You daughter took a great photo. Congratulations on the book.
I’m old school Blogger dashboard but I have a Feedly feed just in case.
Hi, I’ve tried to find your book here in Belgium, but couldn’t find it so far. So I would love to win this one!
I follow via Bloglovin’, Facebook, email,… Any way I can because I love to follow all this creativity. I gives me lot of new ideas.
My next projects are a couple of winter dresses for me and my girls.
Happy weekend!
Congrats on your book! I follow blogs (including yours!) on Bloglovin’. Thank you for a chance at winning your book!
I love instagram for it feeds my desire for eye candy, but photos are never enough to fulfill my curiosity. So, I also use Feedly to organize my favorite blogs into categories to peruse during my spare time. Thank you so much for sharing your creations and content over the interwebs!!
I’d love to win a copy of your book, I’m in the UK so this is an international entry.
I used to subscribe to people’s blog feeds but I never seem to have time to read my blog reader so now I keep up to date with the latest posts via social media – Twitter,Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. A very select handful of blogs I subscribe to their newsletters.
As for next projects I have several bags planned including a handbag, an overnight bag and a big bag for storing my son’s toys in.
Thank you for your giveaway offer:-) I follow designers by subscribing to their newsletter or blogs and RSS feed as well as Facebook. .
Love that your daughter took the photo cover (my son is also 8 and has a phenomenal eye with the camera! They are amazing little people, aren’t they? kiddos!)
As for keeping up with blogs, I am old school… I type in the address of my top 5 that I follow (1 is you, of course).
And my next project? Halloween table linens, napkins and a center table runner out of some really fun fabric!
As for your book, I have been waiting for my local library to get it! What a joy it would be to own my very own copy! Thanks for the chance ๐
I like to follow on Bloglovin’ because I don’t have instagram and Facebook sometimes has too much other info on it. I am starting a new quilt for my aunt soon. Plus, I would like to sew a bag for my mother for Christmas and one for a lady that I work with. I will be busy sewing! Thank you, peterstankovich@comcast.net
I’m on bloglovin’.
I use bloglovin’ but also just keep a “favorites” page in Safari so I can easily check up on my favorite blogs ๐ I have a baby quilt, a cargo duffle and some other things on my to-do list!
I follow using Feedly. I am embaresssed to admit how many blogs that I follow. It’s so great to have a constant source of exciting ideas and projects. There are very few quilt shops near me so with the exception of blogs, my only inspirations are from major quilt shows. Thanks for sharing!
I use Feedly for subscriptions and for those blogs I can’t seem to subscribe to I just check on every week or so. I also follow makers on IG for some eye candy. Thanks for sharing – I love the book!
Let’s see…my next big sewing project is to make a quilt using the silhouettes of each of my Kindergarten students to sell in our school auction! Thank you for the giveaway!
I use Bloglovin and Feedly and Instagram. No facebook.
Bloglovin and Instagram are where it’s at!
Usually Facebook and Instagram, I just started cutting out the canvas tote!
I haven’t really found a good solution for keeping up with my favorite blogs. For the time being I mostly use Instagram (which is how I saw your giveaway ) ?
Bloglovin is my go to place
Oh wow! I’ve been wanting to buy your book ever since I saw projects popping up on Instagram. Would love to win a signed copy!
I keep up with blogs/makers/designers etc. using Feedly (for blogs) and Instagram for day to day updates. I love how interactive Instagram can be.
Bloglovin’ all the way! So easy, every morning a new set of fresh posts to read right there for me. Love your zippered pouches!
I prefer to follow my faves on instagram. If there is something of particular interest, I’ll definitely head over to their blog!
I rely mostly on Instagram these days, but also use Bloglivin’.
I follow my favorite bloggers on Blogloving, and also like to check their Instagram for photos/inspiration. I would love to try all projects in your book, I love your style! Thank you for the giveaway!
Hello Anna,
I’m Luisa from Germany.
I have been following your blog for years and love your style A lot.
For following Blogs I use rss feed and lately blogloving a lot. Also with Instagram (@sewingluisen) I keep up with my favorites ๐
Have a great weekend!
I’ve been waiting for my library to get your book in stock so I could check it out. I use Bloglovin but sometimes I get so behind that I’m prompted to read blogs through Instagram posts about blog posts – like yours today! : )
I use Bloglovin, email and bookmark my favourites.
Your book is on my Christmas list, but I’d love to win a copy before then! Since Google Reader left us, I’ve come to love Feedly ๐ Thanks for the chance to win!
I mostly use Instagram, Pinterest and some newsletters……I really WANT your book….I too have started sewing with leather, I am also looking for a good machine…I’ve heard Juki gets good reviews all the time..My machine can take leather but I want to go bigger using heavier leathers…..Your book with all its great patterns will surely be a must with my leather craz right now…..Thanks for the great giveaway…
Oh my goodness! I’d love a signed copy of your book. I follow most bloggers through facebook or instagram to get updates.
I tend to start on Instagram, and if something grabs me I’ll go check it out. I also use Bloglovin’ when I have time to really sit down and dive in. Thanks for the chance ๐
What a great prize! I follow some via bloglovin, some I subscribe to through email, some on Instagram. Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance! I follow primarily through IG, but I do follow several through Bloglovin as well.
I use a combo of bloglovin’ FB And IG… I’d love to win this book! Everything about it looks so lovely!! ? also, that’s an amazing picture your daughter I’m sure is so proud! ? thanks for the chance!
I use feedly and instagram to keep up. I love when makers share other makers’ work and blogs too–I love finding new sources that way. I just love your book!
I have a 2 year old and a newborn so it’s hard to follow much of these days, but I follow what I can on Facebook. The next project I want to work on is to create some homemade teething / breastfeeding necklaces my little one loves the hand made ones I got and I would love to make some more for my friends with newborns. I also would love to purchase your divided basket pattern and make a bunch of those. Congrats on the new book I would love to read it as well.
I just found you!! ๐ I have recently started using Instagram more.
The book looks great. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!
I would LOVE to win a copy!!! Your bag patterns are so well written, easy to understand, and produce amazing end results! Over the last 2 years (since having kids!) I’ve mostly followed my favorite bloggers through Instagram. When I see an IG post that the blog has been updated I check it out. Thanks for the chance to win!
I follow on feedly, subscribe to newsletters & follow them on Facebook & IG. Thanks for the giveaway!
I now follow blogs like yours on Feedly. I had been on Bloglovin but they kept adding more bars across the screen that were taking away more of the actual blog to look at. Thanks for your generosity! And your daughter did a great job with the photo!
Subscribe to their emails and follow on fb
I use Bloglovin’ to keep up!
I have been using Feedly for some time now & I like it. My next project is going to be a quilt for myself-my last quilt has been well loved by my black Lab so it’s falling apart. Time to make a new one!
I follow blogs with GFC, Bloglovin and email on some. If I didn’t follow so many I could probably get more done, but I don’t want to miss anything.
I have been coveting a copy of your book! I follow makers on pinterest (frequently stalking your hashtag!) and blogs using The Old Reader on my computer and Feedly on my phone.
I follow on IG and bloglovin
I follow blogs by email and IG feeds. I love blog and book hops where I meet new crafters.
I love following you and other imaginative crafters on Instagram. I love seeing the different ways to use fabric, using materials I’d usually pass by, or not combine together. Using Instagram lets me just click on the links and have a mooch through blogs and websites. There is soo much gorgeous work out there…I just need to get off the internet and start sewing!! I follow you, Amy sinibaldi and jeliquilts among others.
Instagram! I love how easy it is to find new artists by clicking through photos.
Fantastic giveaway. I use bloglovin to keep up to date and follow links from Instagram too.
Ever since I discovered Instagram blogs went on the back burner sadly. I do try to follow via Bloglovin though.
I actually go to the blog websites still to read. I also follow on instagram and facebook. And my next sewing project? Just some basic white bath towels.
I mostly use Instagram and Facebook to follow bloggers.
Hi there, I read blogs in bloglovin. I really miss google reader. My fingers are crossed I’d love to win a copy of your book.
Hi!! I discovered your work on intagramm and love it, made a few bags off you ? would love to bring your book to Holland
Woohoo! โค๏ธ How AMAZING is this?!! THANK YOU for this chance to win ?
and thanks to Instagram, where I’m following you and read about this giveaway :0)
I wish you all the very best โค๏ธ
dearest greetings, Gesine
I follow by leapfrogging from QuiltingSquareOne blogspot which I check daily. Love your tutorials!
My must do sewing project is Christmas stockings for my son and daughter-in-law and their three children.
I am an Instagram addict but I also use Bloglovin to keep up with blogs. I went to buy your book at Book Depository yesterday and it has sold out. That’s awesome for you!
Hey Anna! Thanks for the generous giveaway! I’d love to win s copy! I use bloglovin and Instagram!
Instagram or when I get a chance to relax on the couch I check in through my favorites list on my computer
I use feedly and have so far avoided instagram. But I may be weakening. ..
Thank you for the opportunity to win your book! I subscribe to your IG feed and get so much inspiration from it. I’m a novice when it comes to sewing but your patterns make me want to get better. At the moment I’d like to try my hand at making bags, totes and lunch carriers.
I follow my favorite people on IG and I also link them on my blog, so I can stay up to date! And for fun, my next sewing project is a Retro quilt from Simply Retro.thank you so much for the chance!
More than ever I’ve been finding a lot of new artists, crafters, and blogs through Instagram.
I follow on Instagram! Just use the handy link and peruse your blog!
I use blog lovin and Instagram most (saw this post on Instagram first).
Beautiful cover shot…might have to give my 8 y.o. more camera time!
I use bloglovin.
I follow you on IG and via Feedly.
Hi Anna, thanks for the chance to win your book! I use feedly to follow blogs and I love Instagram too. There’s endless inspiration there! ๐
I follow blogs on bloglovin’. I also subscribe to a few blogs newsletters. And if I REALLY enjoy their blog content I usually follow on Instagram. But actually if I think about it it’s kind of random the bloggers I follow on Instagram. It’s interesting to me how we choose the blogs we follow and where and why we are faithful to some blogs and not others. And I’m so excited about your book! Been saving it as a splurge for myself! Love all the fun things I’ve seen you post pics about from it! Fingers crossed!
I just keep a window open on my mac with tabs of blogs I follow. Guess I should find a better way! Love your projects!
I follow via Bloglovin. This past week, I have been trying your Open Wide Zippered Pouch. So far, I’ve made 2, just to practice putting in a zipper. I must say that now I keep looking for fun fabrics to make another pouch.
I follow my favourite blogs on Bloglovin’. It’s like one giant magazine with all the best articles.
Feedly is my blog follower of choice but I must admit I go back to it infrequently now and instead use Instagram as a quick view of project ideas and inspiration. Even my own blog has lay dormant for far too long. I applaud those who still put in the time and effort required for a single project entry. Just waiting for your fabulous new book to restock in my fabric store but winning it would be wonderful too! Thanks for this chance!
Mostly instagram and then i try to check blogs once a week
I keep up with my favorites via Facebook and instagram,my favorite being instagram! I’ve been wanting to make the carry all pincushion for a while now so it would be amazing to win!
I follow my favorite quilters mostly with Bloglovin and Instagram. I subscribe to some news letters as well. I made the Supertote over this past summer and it is my all time favorite bag. I have no doubt there would be many projects in Handmade Style I would love.
I follow on Instagram, but I think I’m going to check out bloglovin! Thanks
I use Bloglovin to keep up with most. Some I only use Instagram because they post a lot of content on their blogs I don’t want to weed through. So when I see an update about a post that I would like to read on IG I hop over the that persons blog and read it. Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.
Bloglovin and Instagram are my favorites. Would love to win your book ๐ Enjoy your weekend, Anna!
I keep up on Instagram mostly. It’s just so visual and easy!
I usE bloglovin And instagram!
Instagram. I sadly use only that, I’ve tried the email thing I someh always miss it.
I follow different bloggers in different ways, some newsletters, others twitter. Now that I have an android phone, Google keeps me up to date with websites I visit frequently. I think they call it “Google Now”, but I always call it “Google Knows”, because they do!
My next sewing project will be an apron. It’s ridiculous that I wear a boring store-bought one!
Instagram by far and away! Love your style!
I use feedly and instagram ๐
I follow via Bloglovin’, I just love the convenience ๐
My next project is a mini for the Schnitzel & Boo Miniquilt Swap and I’d really love to make a little something extra from your amazing book! Unfortunately its sold out at Amazon Germany right now ๐
Thanks for a chance to win your amazing book!
I use bloglovin and IG. love the fun facts about your book cover!
I typically hit Instagram every morning in bed. When something catches my eye, I pop over to their site. Would love to play with the new patterns from your book!
I use Feedly to keep up with my favorite blogs, but have also been known to stalk on Instagram and Twitter.
I follow my favorites on Instagram mainly. Love love love seeing and being inspired by what my fellow makers are up to. I found an awesome vintage suede duster style coat at Goodwill that I’m going to take apart and make clutches with. I scored some fun wool at a thrift store too, so I think I’ll use that for them too.
Feedly and Instagram.
I use Bloglovin’ and Pinterest to follow you and other sewists. It inspires me to make my own stuff! Thank you for that! I’m an oversea-fan of yours.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your fabulous book! I love the fun facts about the book cover!
I follow everyone through Instagram, its a quick snapshot that I can fit in ! My next project is probably another quilt ?
I use bloglovin but really everyone is on instagram now ๐ so pleased this is an international giveaway, I’m in the UK.
I follow thru email and insta
I follow you on Feeddler.
Hello, Anna! Thank you for the opportunity! Would LOVE a signed copy. I am working my way through all the patterns. Have made the dress, but making another what a great fitting pattern and I’m not easy to fit. Can’t wait to add the tunic to my list. Kuddos on the Market Bag oval bottom. I have used/made lots of bags with oval bottoms and NONE fit perfectly! My hats off to you on this…how about a hat in your next book? I use Blogloving to keep up, but have favorite blogs I check regularly. Yours is on the top of my list, it’s amazing. Thanks again and here’s hoping!
I do the newsletter and follow on social media ๐ I’m looking to make a big bag with lots of pockets ๐ I’m so excited to be able to have a chance to win your book ๐
I was seriously about to go buy the book today, but ran out of time with two little nappers in my backseat! I’ve been daydreaming about the rainbow clutch pattern ever since I saw your umbrella prints version the other day. And a few caravan totes are not far down on my list either!
I’m a Feedly fan, Pinterest peruser, Instagram idoliser and a Facebook friend!
Omg! I would love to win this book! I follow on social media and subscribe to newsletters. Congrats on the book, love your work!
I’m a Bloglovin follower! Thanks for a chance to own your book.
I use Bloglovin!
Oh goodness I must be old….just just look at my blogger dashboard!;)
Working on a grandmother’s flower garden for my girl and a batiks quilt for my parents….hand quilting which is going slow because it is so hot! I’m thinking of making a coat too!
Been wanting your book for a long time but waiting for you to get it in your shop….will that be soon?:)
Oh….and the photo is great. Hope she still likes the camera!
If something catches my eye it’s Instagram, if I like you I subscribe to the newsletter and if I love the stuff you do I’ll track down all tips, patterns and inspirations! My next project is to finish the vintage pattern dress I was making for my 40th……..a year and a half ago!
I usually follow through social media and blog lovin. I love the things you make and design! I’ve tried the wide open pouch, but have been nervous about larger bag making. ๐
I do it all- feedly, social media, and newsletters. I tried bloglovin, but wasn’t s fan.
I normally follow a couple of blogs who I check almost daily, and they have their own favourtie blog list, that’s how I go from link to link ;-)…thanks for the giveaway, the projects in your book look fantastic, it would be great to win this giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I have the blogs I follow on my Favorites on my laptop. With just a click I can scroll and see what’s new. It also allows me to save a post like your free Madras Tote Pattern ๐ I just finished aquilt for a grandson due in December and started a lap quilt for my couch.
I just open up all the links in my folder and then go through them one by one in the morning while I wait for my kids to get ready for school. I should probably do something more efficient but this works for me.
Whenever I’m looking for project inspiration I just visit your blog, no blog-following tools or social media required ๐ Thank you for all the wonderful tutorials, they were instrumental in teaching me how to sew!
Big fan of Feedly! I also subscribe to a couple of newsletters. Would love to make that wallet so I’m hoping the book will make it to Stockholm ๐
Would LOVE to win your book! And that is so cool that your daughter took the cover photo. I use feedly primarily, but also Instagram. When looking for inspiration I search flickr tags and groups, but I do feel like instagram is slowly taking that over.
Next on my must-make list is a circle skirt using some really fun kitty printed fabric.
I use Bloglovin’ and check it a few times a week.
Bloglovin and a few on IG! But I miss Google Reader. ๐
Ps. Can’t wait to get your book. Hope I win!
I’m a visual person, so Instagram is my favorite method (Less words, more pics). I also find their ‘recommendations’ for other accounts helpful to discover new artists.
I use feedly and Instagram and I’m just about to embark on making a king size quilt for our new house :-/
Your book is superb. Tell me where you got your blue shirt from in the first photo above……..
My favorite way to keep up is Instagram, but I also follow people on bloglovin! Saw a copy of your book a friend had and would love to win one! Your designs are awesome!
I follow my favs on Bloglovin’ but really need to get onto other social media sites like Flicker so I can check out what others are making from your book (which I would love to win). Thanks for the chance!
Love following my fav’s on Instagram!
Hi from Germany,
I follow you on bloglovin and IG. I would love to win your book!
I use facebook and Instagram. I used to be very in to Facebook but I just discovered Instagram and found that it was easier for me to keep up. Plus, there are so many nice pictures to see on IG.
Feedly is my delivery method of choice… ever since Google Reader met its demise. And next up in my sewing queue is a quilt made with Charley Harper fabrics! Thanks for the great giveaway. Fingers crossed.
I use Newsblur. I want your book!
What a fun giveaway! I mostly use Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date! ?
Hi, I would absolutely love a copy of your book please! Your step by step tutorial of open wide zipper bag started me off and I’ve never looked back. I’m about to finish my second quilt, make toiletry bags, cushions, everything! I try to keep uptodate following on istagram and on pintrest! Louisehayes
I follow you and a few others via Instagram mostly. My next non-work related sewing project is a dress and button up shirt for my kids!
Your book is on my to-buy list. I have seen so many great projects come out of it. Maybe I will get lucky and win it instead! My favorite way to follow a blog is to signup through email. I found this on Instagram.
I use Bloglovin, Instagram, and follow many blogs individually. I saw your book today at the Quilt Expo in Madison.
I follow on Bloglovin’, some on Instagram, and I’m starting to follow on Pinterest too. There are some people I follow by email newsletters (really, very few) and those are mostly pattern designers so I hear about sales or new products.
That’s an incredible photo that your daughter took!
I use bloglovin and instagram.
Also a neoprene waver jacket and a sugar skull belladone are on my fall sewing list.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m an old fashioned, google friend connect follower. Also follow all my favs on instagram & other social media sites. Love your beautiful patterns & would love to have a copy of the book!
I gifted a copy of your lovely book to one of my daughters, and would love a copy for myself. I love the clean look of the book. Thanks for a chance at this generous giveaway. I love Instagram and a few blogs. Working on a wee jacket for a friend who had a baby girl yesterday. ๐
Next sewing project is a valance for my tiny little bathroom window–it looks so bare!
I follow via bloglovin’. It’s nice to have everything in one spot.
I love Instagram! It’s an easy platform and I get so inspired!
thanks for the chance to win! I only follow a few bloggers and it is mainly through social media – Instagram or FB where I catch their updates. My next sewing project is a quilt for my parents as a thank you
I follow blglovin and Instagram and belong to a couple of Facebook groups
I love your handwriting! Most people I follow on feedly and instagram. Some blogs that mix several topics in one blog (fashion, lifestyle, sewing, cooking, etc) I may only follow on instagram so I can hop over when a particular blog post interests me.
I use netvibes – i like having a whole page of things to read, & I have tabs for different crafty things. I find new blogs through other people linking on twitter & in facebook groups.
Instagram and also e-mail for the ones that have that feature when there’s a new post.
Goodness just gong to add book to my Amazon wish list and its ยฃ108 in the UK!!!!
I follow on Bloglovin’… And my next project is most likely a skirt for my daughter. I must take advantage of these years before she gets too old and isn’t interested in mom-made stuff!
bloglovin’. I dislike all sorts of emails in my inbox!
Facebook, pintrest and newsletters! I love all things handcrafted and your work is just beautiful. Really excited that you have extended your giveaway internationally. Holding thumbs in South Africa!!
P.s. next on my list is your cargo duffel bag. I’ve got all the bits and bobs to get going, but this is the most ambitious project I’ve ever tackled, so I’m plucking up some courage before I dive in! ๐
I used to use Bloglovin but have switched over to Facebook. If I like the post or picture I will click through and read the article.
I am bloglovin’ faithful! Keeps me up to date on all my blogs ๐
Hi there,
I use Bloglovin to keep me updated on new posts and I also use Instagram ๐
I really really really like your work, so I would love to win your book. I follow you and othzr blogs through bloglovin. My next project is a sweatshirt for my eldest. I live in Belgium so the weather isn’t that great … ๐
Love your projects!! I am opening a new preschool called Little Roots Garden Preschool and my next sewing project is to sew the kids art & sensory aprons out of fabric cloth! Thank you for doing a giveaway ?
Right now Instagram the most and bloglovin’ second
I follow on bloglovin’ and Insta! It’s fun to get a “behind the scenes” look!
I follow on bloglovin’. Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi Anna. Wow, this give away is very exciting! I live in Australia and love your work! I follow my fave blogs on bloglovin. Been hanging out to make your super tote. I have the pattern but I also have a newborn, ha!
I use feedly and Newsify. I am just ready to make two of the lovely plus quilts for a friend who is having img twin girls
I follow blogs via bloglovin. After years of not sewing garments, I just finished a dress for myself. It’s not perfect but it fits and I love to sew again.
I used feedly. Love it and your blog!
I’ve been eyeing your book for a long time ๐ I follow my favorite designers via IG and read blog posts when I have some spare time. On my to-do-list are too many things to count, top would be finishing my countless UFOs, first of all the EPP blankets I’ve started years ago for both of my kids. Sending hugs from Germany ?
I am a happy feedly user! Your book looks awesome, thanks for the giveaway!
Excellent giveaway! You book is hard to find! I use bloglovin’ and I currently hate the ads they started promoting! And this weekend, I’m working on custom baby quilts for a friend.
I foallow blogs in many ways: Bloglovin, emails, newsletters, Instagram, and Facebook. Nothing escapes me!! Lol
I follow blogs on Blogglovin, emails, newsletters and on Instagram.
I’m using Netvibes. I like it because I can see many posts at once.
Thank you for your blog and this giveaway !
Feedly for reading and Instagram for visual inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway!
I use feedly, instagram, newsletters and pinterest to get ideas. I love your work. Thanks for the giveaway.
Mostly social media, instagram, tumblr, and by newsletters.
I start off your (an) Instagram, double tap for some love, then proceed to the web if something catches my eye.
I mostly follow my favorite bloggers on Instagram! It’s my favorite!
I used GoogleReader back in the day, but when that went kaput I switched to Feedly. It works pretty well both on my computer and my phone (where I read most of my stuff).
I follow them on blog lovin and do pretty good about keeping up with that. I do find that instagram is what most folks have gone too for just more day to day stuff. I like that too.
Your book looks lovely. I’d love to make something from it.
I stay up to date using bloglovin’ as well as IG ๐
My next “must make” project? A bunch of zipper bags for co-workers. They were admiring mine and I promised I’d make them some. What was I thinking with Christmas around the corner?
If there’s a newsletter, I do subscribe but usually follow in IG. I used to follow on a blog shelf app but felt that I was missing out on certain aspects that we’re posted on IG.
Linda from New Zealand here. I follow on blog lovin and also Instagram – great for seeing what others are making and what designs/books etc are being used. Have loved seeing what has been made from your book. Thanks for the chance to win.
I follow my favorite blogs on Feedly and a few of my favorite bloggers on Instagram.
Instagram and feedly
I typically follow my favorites on IG. It’s pretty much the only social media l have time for right now.u
I still really miss Google Reader, I now follow blogs on newsify. I tried a few of the others when reader stopped, but didn’t like them as much. I also follow people on Instagram, fb, Pinterest and Twitter. I’m from Australia.
I adore your patterns and would love to win your book!
I use Feedly regularly. I like to search IG, but I miss most updates posted there.
I follow some on bloglovin and some by email. I have looked at your book at a friends house and would love my own copy! I want to make your storage boxes using coffee bean burlap bags. I have a quilt top pieced, ready to start machine quilting it–my first on a queen size! I just sewed a “buttercup purse” with your “zippy wallet tutorial” as a matching coin purse for a friend’s birthday. Fun!
Your books looks lovely.
I don’t …but will check out bloglovin.
Next project … A dress for myself ๐
I use bloglovin and instagram. And since a year, I’m exploring the international blogs not only the german blogs – and i love it.
I follow and stay up with my favorite blogs on Instagram and some on Facebook.
I keep up-to-date with Instagram and Bloglovin! And next on my list once I finish teaching my first quilting class next week is a printed quilt for quiltcon! And then after that is a big strip quilt to try to use up some of stash. And after that…. ๐
I would love to win your book, so many great projects! Everyone seems to be using bloglovin’ so I am going to have to check that out (complete novice when it comes to that sort of thing!)
I use Feedly! My next project: baby quilt! I love making them for family and friends.
I use Bloglovin and I love it!!!
I keep up using Feedly and Instagram. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book! Amazon keeps telling me it’s on the way, but they just pushed me out another few weeks again!
Love Instagram so I can see all the beautiful images! I am new to sewing and overwhelmed with all the inspiring projects out there!
Hello Anna, thank you for this giveaway and a chance to win your book :). I use mostly feedly to follow my favourite blogs. I have them in one place and available through different devices, so it’s easy to keep up to date and not miss posts. I also follow a couple sewing related pages on Facebook. Cheers from Poland!
I mostly use bloglovin, though I follow lots on FB – FB has the habit of not showing me everything I want to see ๐ Bloglovin is always there, though not all designers use that either. Your book looks fabulous, well done.
I use feedly and instagram. Thanks!
I follow blogs or newsletters and also Facebook. But on Sunday’s I have just go into podcasts, especially the visual one where you can see the projects and then check out the show notes. It’s a great way to communicate to a large audience. Would love to win your book.
I use bloglovin. You’re book has been on my to buy list, and I can’t wait!
Hey, thanks for thinking of the international readers! I use feedly, some instagram and flickr. Amazing handwriting, did you do the NOODLEHEAD blog banner too?
Bloglovin and instagram. Love your designs, and there is a space just right for your book on my shelves!
I follow blogs on feedly. I would love to win a copy of your book, the projects look gorgeous!
I’m a total Bloglovin addict. It’s my favorite thing to do in those spare five minutes that happen during the day, like when you’re waiting for dinner to cook or for your husband to get ready in the morning. Love your book and your style!
Next up on my list to make is a bag for me. I’ve been saying this for too long now, so I really need to do it!
I use Blogger AND Bloglovin AND Facebook — I’d hate to miss a single post. ๐
I have been loving Instagram for that lately! I subscribe to newsletters of those who are not on Instagram. This keeps me (more or less) focused: otherwise, no time left to sew!
I foolow blogs on bloglovin and also instagram . some I get emails from and some on facebook depends which is the best feed. They tend to vary slightly depending on the platform. Sewing class next weekend my first ever so wish me luck. Lisa comfort trousers.
I use feedly, Instagram and Facebook. Love the photo on the front of your book! What a creative and talented daughter you have! Oh, and I’m from sunny Australia ?
Hey, hey, hey! Agnes here – I started using Instagram about a year ago, and have never looked back! That is where I follow you. It is so fun and in the minute living! Cool days will be arriving soon, so I am looking for a good poncho pattern to make before it gets chilly.
Any more, I follow my favorite bloggers on Instagram. Most of them post on IG about their blog posts. I enjoy seeing what’s going on in between blog posts, too.
Looks like a great book! I follow with feedly.
I follow blogs using feedly, but I also follow several blog people on Instagram and on Facebook ๐
I follow blogs on Bloglovin. I have a large list of ‘next projects’ in preparation for Christmas. Many of which I suspect won’t get completed with a new baby in the house, but a girl can dream!
I follow you on feedly. I also try to follow folks on IG I enjoy as well. Not a fan of facebook.
I am an Aussie girl who uses IG to follow those I like and if they post about something I want to read I click through from there. I don’t subscribe anymore as I find it too overwhelming to have loads in my inbox! This way when have some time I have a flick through a page I likes feed and if relevant their blog.
What a fun giveaway! I keep up with my favorite blogs mostly on Instagram and I also use the Bloglovin App. ๐
I use bloglovin & instagram.
I would love to be a winner of this book, its on my wish list! I keep up with Instagram and bloglovin I get emails when new posts are added to the blogs I follow. I usually take time before bed or when taking a break to catch up on posts and pics ?
I use instagram, facebook, and tumblr to keep up with my favorite makers.
Hi there! I’m a feedly user. Also I follow instagram links if it’s a blogger I don’t follow on feedly. LoVe!! your work and would simply adore a copy of your book. From another Australian โบ
I would love this book! I follow on instagram and bloglovin’ with my all-time faves on my blog list on my own blog!
Greetings from Suffolk, UK. I follow my favourite blogs on Blogger, fb updates and a few favourite ones by email updates. My next sewing projects include a run of 1950s barkcloth lampshades, that I sell through a London store and online, a couple of cot sized patchwork duvet covers for my youngest, and as requested! “an owl oilcloth messenger bag”, for my six year old, who says that she does not want to have the same bag as anyone else in her class! I love your blog and makes, and would love to get hold of a copy of your book!
I do use Bloglovin, but mainly Instagram and still Flickr ? thanks for the chance!
Your book is on my Amazon wish list! I follow you both through bloglovin and on my blogger reading list (old style I know!). In general between IG and bloglovin I get most of my inspiration. I do purchase an occasional magazine and then there are the lovely books on my book shelf! So many plans, not enough time!
Hi! First off, I would LOVE to win this book. It’s been on my Amazon wish list since it came out. As for blog following, I do use the blogglovin app on my phone to keep up with my faves. I use IG to click on hashtags and see what fabrics people have used for certain patterns that own (inspiration). And I’m also on FB and try to stay in the know on there as well.
Hi! I usually subscribe to their newsletter. It pops up in my inbox and I don’t miss out on anything.
I’m planning on sewing a good-bye present for a good friend who is moving back to her home country and I’m still pondering about what to sew. I might sew her a few of your wide pouches in different sizes. They are so beautiful and practical.
I follow all my favourite blogs on feedly, and love checking pics out on Instagram! I would love a copy of your book, great giveaway.
Wow, there are a ton of comments already!
I use Feedly to keep track of my favorite blogs. Then Pinterest and/or Evernote to save my favorite posts to refer to later. I love following sewists on Instagram. It’s like a bucket of inspiration! I don’t like when people post the same things on many social sites. You know, like someone’s Instagram post automatically feeds to Facebook AND Twitter. That bugs me. Anyway, love your site. It’s my favorite sewing blog right now!
I use feedly and then follow my favorites on instagram as well
I subscribe and I follow on social media! It’s how I found you! Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook let me follow and discover new blogs for my crafting addiction!
Same – would love this book. I follow bloglovin and Instagram religiously. Never miss a post.
This is amazing. I need this book!!!
I use Feedly since it most resembles the old Google Reader- it will show an entire post, not just a teaser, so I can read all new content in one place. Thanks for the giveaway!
I mainly get info by following Instagram. Facebook a little. ๐
I use a mix of Facebook and Instagram, as well as pinterest and bloglovin’. It really depends on what method the person I’m following uses. Really loving Instagram lately though.
What a wonderful giveaway! I use Feedly. I don’t know how I’d keep track otherwise!
I follow my favourite things just by reading them (my list isn’t too long) but recently I’ve started using instagram for a quick and easy way to see pretty pictures and inspiring ideas. My next sewing projects are a simple puppet for a niece who just turned one and finishing off a bean bag set for my daughter.
I Use bloglovin. Your daughter seems to have inherited your artistic talents!
what sewing project is next on your must-make list? I’m making a nest quilt.
I use mostly instagram and by email
I use feedly and sometimes Instagram. Thanks for the chance!
Bloglovin’ & Instagram, I follow you on both ;o)
Hello and congratulations on your beautiful book (and wow I guess it’s clear your daughter has inherited your creative talents!). I follow blogs on a combination of Bloglovin, email newsletters and Instagram.
bloglovin, and instagram!
I would sooo love to win a copy of your book – it’s been my most coveted craft book since it came out – I’ve made your great clutch pattern so I know your patterns are fantastic. I mainly use IG or look at my favourites on my blog which sounds basic but works for me ๐
I follow on Bloglovin’ and on Insta! Love them both.
I plan on making myself a new purse!!
I subscribe via email, but that means I get about 100 emails a day. I would like to get a new email address just for sewing blogs, but haven’t done that yet.
I use Instagram more than anything, and use feedly to browse blogs.
I love newsletters in my email, always inspiring and informative.
I follow via email. I follow a few blogs and I keep some posts in folders for future reference.
Great giveaway! Your book has been on my list! I keep up through bloglovin, follow a lot of the same folks on Ig + I do subscribe to a few newsletters.
I look forward to seeing you on Bloglovin so often. Your emails are so inspiring and informative.thanks
My next project is to design a purse for my 3 year old granddaughter. When we went to the store to buy fabric for a diaper bag for her new baby sister, she informed me that she wanted a bag. I am going to include pockets for her lip paint, a holder for a small notepad and pens, carabiners for her keys, zippered pockets …oh how do I stop with features so I can actually sew it?!
Instagram! Happy weekend!
I have blog lovin and also just subscribe to sewing blogs! I will be making a tree skirt with Hollys Tree Farm fabrics! Thanks for this awesome chance to win your book!
I follow people on bloglovin, newsletters and Instagram. I don’t like Facebook so I don’t use it. I love your style and your fabric selections. Thanka for the chance to win!
How cool about the cover photo and the script!
I find that since having children I don’t really have so much time / inclination to visit blogs. Except for the odd time when the mood strikes me, in which case I just go to the blogs I think of. I follow lots of bloggers on ig and Flickr and sometimes click through to blogs when I find an interesting link through one of those platforms.
Have quite a few of your patterns – so well written, and the end result amazing! Thank your for sharing your passion ! Follow you on Facebook, email and regularly pop over to your website !
I am going to checkout bloglivin’ because I need something to manage the blogs other than having them in my Facebook feed. There are just a few that I have come to my email like yours and Really Handmade by Amy – I already have your book on the way because I asked for it for my birthday (put it in my Amazon wishlist so my hubby and twin daughters could place the order) but I am still waiting for it to ship – hopefully next week!
I subscribe because I like to be notified . I have 3 small children and my mind is not organised. I love being reminded via email. I always get excited to see the Noodlehead email and find out what you’re working on. Or if there’s a free pattern. I have wanted to buy your book many times but have not had enough moulah.
You have amazing style.
I am trying to make my own handbags atm to sell. And teaching myself to quilt. First quilt was inspired by your triangle quilt.
Keep creating Anna xxx
I love getting all my blogs in email, right there in front of my eyes.
Blog lovin is my big one. But I also subscribe to email for many individual ones and use Facebook and Pinterest as well. Congratulations on your new book. Love the photo – and amazing that an 8 year old captured the moment. Creativity in the making there. My life doesn’t leave a lot of time to do a huge amount of sewing but I take all opportunities! Seeing what others are making does fill my soul!
Love the projects I’ve seen from the book. I follow you on bloglovin and also receive your emails. That way I’m sure not to miss anything.
oh i really want a copy of your book…and I keep up to date with all the fabulous blogs by email subscription
Oh my gosh ! I so want to make the bags and everything I follow on Instagram gram and blog love
I have all bases covered, between Bloglovin, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter I manage to keep up with my favorite blogs!
Hi, I subscribe to your email. My next project is a mummy costume for my son for Halloween.
I love instagram and email newsletters! Would love to win a copy of your book! Fingers crossed ๐
I follow my favourite bloggers usually via Facebook. When they post I go to their blog and check out what is new. Through sewing friends and Pinterest I am learning of new amazing sewing blogs all the time. Next on sewing table is a half finished divided basket but what I really want to make is a pincushion for myself!
My son wants a Pacman quilt so I am doing some research into historic games! Looks like a challenge because I have to design it from pixels.
I follow you everywhere, and I find when I love a blogger or creative I follow them on all platforms as I love to see what they are upto. It challenges me to think outside my comfort zones and inspires me to do more creating myself. Next on my sewing table is a pair of harem style pants for my 10 year old in a funky patchwork fabric.
Greetings from Norway!
I follow blogs mostly using Feedly – and sometimes via newsletters. Some even theough Facebook.
I’m old-fashioned — I like to suscribe to newsletters to be delivered straight to my gmail inbox. That way I only have to look in one place to check my emails, blog updates, and facebook notifications. A simple girl at heart.
Thanks for this opportunity to win a copy of your book. I subscribe to newsletters and check Instagram, Twitter and Facebook daily. My favorite is when I can subscribe to get an email notification of a new blog post. I see that several here like bloglovin so I’ll look into that. Thanks!
I bookmark the sites I want to visit often and sign up for email updates and newsletters if they are available. Love your book and your style!
Instagram is really a treasure trove of ideas and links to fabulous work – often I follow people that others do or post, and in that way come across new blogs and creative sites. I also use bloglovin, as well as direct subscriptions to blogs. Would love to make something from this book – have yet to get it because the Aussie dollar is so bad it makes it very exie$$$$
I subscribe via email to blogs, but more and more I keep up to date by Instagram.
Love hearing that your daughter to the cover photo on your book! I can’t tell you how excited I would be to win a copy of your book!
I follow via Bloglovin and Instagram mostly. I do a quick scan on the commute to work. Although I find that there are many bloggers that I still don’t follow on Instagram and vice versa! I would love to win your book. Every time I see something someone has made from it I think to myself “I must get that book!”
Love your book! I follow you and a couple of other bloggers by email. I really like that because I know pretty much immediately when something gets posted. I also like it because if it is something that I want to refer back to, I can file the email.
Your book is on my wish list. I use bloglovin to keep up with your blog and many others. Thanks for the giveaway.
I didn’t even know about bloglovin! I will look it up now!!!
I subscribe to all. Follow on Instagram and Facebook. Also on my favorites tabs.
My next project is your double zipper wallet!! I can’t wait to get my hands on your book to make some!!
Your book looks amazing! I have bought many of your patterns and loved making each one. I follow bloggers and designers on bloglovin and facebook. I love the ideas I get and love seeing all the beautiful things being made. ๐
The book looks amazing ! Usually I just rely on email to follow everyone! Love the opportunity to win, thank you so so much !
I would so love to win your book! I especially love the pincushion that looks like a little loaf of bread. : ) Just adorable with so many pockets for stuff. I use Bloglovin’ and/or follow the blog directly through email if it’s available (my preferred way). Thanks!
Wow. So many followers. I love this WWW. It brings us together in so many ways. I use Bloglovin, Instagram and Facebook if I’m not on someone’s website. I have a little one so it’s either early in the meningitis or late at night after squeezing in some sewing!
I use instagram! All my favorites in one place!
I use links from Ashley’s blog at Film in the Fridge and Instagram now but will look into Bloglovin. I have been eyeing your book, thanks for the chance to win a copy!
I follow you and a lot of other bloggers on Instagram! And your book looks really interesting!
I follow along on Facebook. Next on my must do is a take two tote with an adjustable strap – I love mine but didn’t get the strap length quite right.
I have a favorite list from which I occasionally stray. Your book looks like a new adventure. Thanks.
I usually just go directly to the sites I have bookmarked, but I also follow on Facebook and Pinterest. Haven’t quite figured out how to follow blogs yet, guess I should check out bloglovin. I’ve made quite a few of your projects…too many to list…but the next one on my list is a 241 Tote for me….
I’m in the midst of moving soon but hoping to get some Noodlehead cosmetic bags and a made by Rae Beatrix top at my girls retreat I host in November.I would love to bring you (your book) with me.xo
I follow along on Instagram.
My favorite way to keep up with my favorite bloggers is to subscribe, so that I receive updates right in my mailbox. I know that’s lazy. I also follow some via FB, and I am slowly getting the hang of Instagram.
i love your book, or what snippets i have seen of it! i would love to win a signed copy! i follow what i can on IG…it’s about all i have time for….so fun that your daughter took the picture. I’m working on about ten quilt WIP that I must finish!!!! I do want to make a couple of your bags, they are really my favorite. thank you fir the giveaway!
Hi. I’m Shazlin from Malaysia and i would love to be your international winner (- feeling hopeful =D) I use Bloglovin’, newsletters via email, Pinterest, and Instagram where i turn on the Post Notification setting so i wont miss any posts. My current project is your Trail Tote for Robert Kaufman in both sizes! Just finished cutting the main pieces. Can’t wait to finish and style them up! Will post it on Instagram when its done and tag you, okay? XOXO
I use both Feedlyand Bloglovin
Facebook & newsletters!
I follow blogs with feedly. Also, instagram & a select few on facebook. Thanks for the giveaway.
What a beautiful book with designs that definitely don’t look home-made. I subscribe via email and every morning my inbox is filled with creative ideas for sewing, crafting and quilting! It’s a nice way to start the day!
I keep up to date by following on Bloglovin’ as well as IG – thanks for the chance to win!
I love keeping up to date through instagram, or still use my RSS reader to go through the crafty blogs
I’m a ‘subscribe to newsletter’ gal. I like being able to read in my browser.
Although I get bloglovin, I much prefer to read my favorites in email. Thank you for the chance to get your beautiful book
Follow my favorite blogs with feedly and a few on Instagram.
I get updated via social media and the occasional newsletter. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!!
I can’t believe your daughter took the cover photo. That’s so great. I would love a copy. You have so many beautiful projects to choose from. Oh, as for your question, I use feedly. Thanks!
I use bloglovin and I’m also member of some Facebook groups. The caravan tote bag and pouch are in my radar since the sew mama sew challenge. I would also like to make lether bottom pouches like the ones you sew for your husband.
I follow you a many other fabulous designers on IG and subscribe to their newsletters when they have them. IG is the first thing I look at every morning! So inspiring, all you people!
And furthermore…241 Tote is one of my all time favs! Thanks for the generous giveaway.
I follow my favorites by email. I have loved checking out what others are writing about you book and would love a copy, thanks for the chance to win one.
More and more, I use Instagram and Facebook, but I also have a list of my favorite blogs on my own blog, so I can have quick access to check archives from my favorite sewing artists. My next project on the list is transforming a too-small-for-me dress into an original tote bag.
I follow on Instagram and Feed Wrangler (I don’t know about these things. Ask my hubby!) Would love a copy of your book! Working on a Union St. Tee currently!
I mostly read bloglovin. One of my favorite blogs, make something, has made very nice things from your book.
Bloglovin is one way Or Another keep up, but I am also a blog hopper, one blog leads to another, to another, etc.I love Instagram for finding new ideas and blogs.
I like newsletters. And the ones that are emailed to me. I’m finally going to finish a quilt for my husband and my bed. I have been making things for my grand daughters. If I win the book, I will make something from it! Way to go. Robin in New Mexico.
i’m from malaysia. i love your creation so much. i subsribed your newsletter email, followed your instagram & fb so i don’t miss a thing. ^_^
I subscribe to the blogs and get updated by email!
Instagram and bloglovin make blog following a breeze :). Next on my list is a baby doll basket by Dana Made It for my girl and a friend.
I’m down in New Zealand I think one of these books wants to travel here!
I stay in touch however I can; bloglovin’ for some, feeds for others, newsletters, FB, pinterest boards for companies/people. Which is always why I’m on my phone, tablet or computer (according to my husband). My next sewing project is to design and make a few wine bottle holders/aprons/covers. So rewarding when I turn a pattern I’ve created into a finished product.
I love receive all the emails, and spend time relaxing and viewing them all.
I just take a few moments a couple times a week to cruise through the blogs I like to keep up with.
Bloglovin is my way to go, and also Instagram and Facebook.
I follow on Bloglovin ‘. I love your patterns and hope I win this book – it looks fantastic
Wow this is so kind! Thanks for sharing
Love the projects I’ve seen!
Bloglovin’ is how I try to keep up but I’m on Instagram and Facebook too.
I’m a Bloglovin’ devotee but also keep an eye on Facebook for things I might have missed ๐
Congratulations Anna! I would be so happy to win your book! I keep up to date with my favorite blogs through Bloglovin’, newsletters and IG. I could read blogs several hours a day for their inspiration. I love that your daughter took the front cover picture….so personal and special!
I get my favorites delivered to my inbox but also follow on Bloglovin.
Social media and newsletters mostly.
I follow my favorite designers on Instagram, through their newsletters, and keep a list of favorite blogs. Your designs are beautiful. Thx!
I subscribe to blogs so I get them direct in my email and use Instagram. Would love a copy of the book.
I receive blog posts via email. Bloglovin doesn’t work on my iPad and they don’t respond to my questions. I know you didn’t ask but I’ll offe my opinion on the frequency of emails/posts. I think “less is more” as I’d rather receive a weekly post than daily. Thanks for asking and for the giveaway.
Follow via my RSS reader Vienna.
I use bloglovin to follow blogs. I love pinterest too. Thanks for the chance to win your book.
Wow. Looks like a gret book. Thanks so much for sharing. I am an email follower
I typically keep up with my favorite sewing and knitting bloggers via Instagram. The next project on my sewing list is the Staple Dress!
I usually follow bloggers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Different things catch my eye on different platforms.
I like to stay in touch via newsletter or blog subscription and I do prefer the ones that email occasionally – find the daily ones a bit too much for me. Tried social media but again too much noise. My next must sew project is a coat – either one from one of the existing patterns I have (following a Cratsy class) or the Cascade Duffle Coat from Grainline Studio.
I stay in touch via newsletters and Facebook. Love your patterns!
I use Bloglovin’ and email subscription. But more and more I have moved to email notification because I find that Bloglovin’ keeps sending me cooking blogs–of which I have NO interest. I also have a list of blogs, like a previous commenter, that I have bookmarked, along with special projects. I don’t use Instagram as I haven’t yet got a phone.
I understand that your book is a best seller. Well done and Bravo.
How about a book of quilts?
I use bloglovin and love your sewing style!
Thank you for the giveaway. I generally subscribe to newsletters to follow blogs.
I love (and am possibly addicted to) Feedly and Instagram. I check them right away in the morning while I drink my first cup of coffee to catch up on what everyone has been making.
I use feedly to follow your blog. Thanks for all the inspiration and the chance to win your wonderful book!
InstaGram is my daily ‘go-to’ and BlogLovin’ is my leisurely catch-up read when I have extra leisure time (which is it often enough!). My current project is finishing many quilts for the ‘FloodTexaswithLove’ quilt drive for those in Texas who were severely affected by the Memorial Day flooding this year (including many personal friends of mine in Houston). Thank you for awesome patterns (I’m hoping I win one of your coveted books – fingers tightly crossed! Toes too!!!?)
I read all my blogs via their email newsletters they send out. I will also check their Facebook pages for new projects or designs and additional pictures. Since I do not have data on my cell I do not follow instagram.
I subscribe to newsletters/blogs and follow on facebook
I subscribe to the blogs I like and follow on facebook. Yhank you for the giveaway!
I Follow blogs using bloglovin. I also use IG. I love your patterns. I have made several of your bags! Thank you for so many awesome patterns!
I have loved EVERY project I’ve seen from your book. Thank you so much for sharing it with us your followers. I follow through bloglovin, Instagram and e-mail. I barely have time to read them all!
I follow blogs on email and on bloglovin. Congrats to your daughter for the great cover! And as a reitred teacher, kudos to you for such fine cursive writing–I fear it’s a dying art. Please pass on lessons to your daughter if she’s not learning it in school–it’ll make my heart sing ๐
I use Bloglovin’ and I look at Pinterest where I follow the bread crumbs of my favorites.
How do I stay up to date? It’s hard, really. I try to follow on bloglovin’ but I really feel like it’s so much harder to keep up than it ever was on google reader. It seems like I look at instagram more often than anything else, just because it’s quicker. I’m a traveling teacher and I sometimes have a few minutes between schools, so instagram is a bit quicker to glance at, rather than trying to read a whole blog post.
I follow blogs using Bloglovin. I would love a copy of your book! I’ve only made a few zipper pouches — would love to expand my bag making skills. That’s cool that your daughter took that picture. Very nice!
I subscribe to blogs/makers e-mail newsletters and follow some on social media. Would love a signed copy of your book!
I follow with Bloglovin’ love your work!
I’m hooked on IG!
So far I’ve relied on Instagram to inspire me to check on blog postings. Think I will check out Bloglovin’ and see what it is all about. Thanks for the chance to win your beautiful book!
I am a new fan and would love to win the book. I use bloglovin and follow others by email
I am 64 today and keep up with email. I don’t twitter or instagram. It’s to techie for me. Your book would make a wonderful birthday present. I have made several of your 2fer bags. Love them! I’d love to have your book. Thank you for your wonderful blog and tutorials.
I use bloglovin and then I also follow most folks on Facebook too. It’s nice to have a couple different ways to keep up with my favorite creative folks!
I subscribe to newsletters. Love reading about all the new things going on!
I use bloglovin
I scubscribe to the newsletters and receive them by emails! I Love your patterns!
I follow on Bloglovin’ a bit but mostly I follow everyone on Instagram. I find it easy and relaxing to scroll through my IG feed once in awhile and see pretty pics. Your book looks amazing. It was on my birthday list but sadly I didn’t get it.
I just have my favorite blogs bookmarked and click to check what is new. You work has been so inspiring, thanks for the time you put into posting and just being creative!
I would absolutely LOVE to win a copy of your book! How exciting!!! I stay up on blogs through bloglovin’, follow by email/newsletters, and just visit a few of my very favorites. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Feedly for me!
I follow through email subscriptions.
I mostly use Bloglovin and follow some people on Instagram. I would LOVE to a win a copy of your book! But even if I don’t win, I’m sure it will find my way eventually. ๐
The blogs I follow the most are the ones that appear all by themselves in my inbox! I much prefer to follow blogs via email than by bloglovin – that is overwhelming to me!!
I use bloglovin and blogger and subscribe to some newsletters and have some blog posts sent right to my email~ I think I’m pretty well covered! LOL Your DD must be so proud to have her photo on the cover! Great job!! crazy(dot)boutquilts(at)yahoo(dot)com
I follow most blogs on bloglovin and I do get some newsletters from some bloggers.
I follow several bloggers/crafty ladies on Instagram! I love seeing all the creativity!
I follow my favourite blogs by email and then others through bloglovin. I find it hard to post a comment on a blog that has come from bloglovin and this is frustrating to me. I like to use my iPad and bloglovin doesnt work as well on my iPad. Maybe that’s just me! Ha ha . Love your book and I hope I win! I would love to make lots of versions of the clutch bag on the cover! Well done to your very talented daughter for the photo.
I try to keep the blogs I read/follow to minimum. I enjoy following people/crafters on instagram.
I use bloglovin. I have seen your projects on quite a few blogs and would love to win a copy of your book.
I follow on Bloglovin and email. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
I subscribe to newsletters, so I receive e-mails daily or weekly. I frequently check Instagram too.
I follow by signing up for newsletter to my inbox. Lovely book you made I love some of the designs that you have shown. hugs Patty BC Canada
I would love to win your book (I’m an international follower, now live in Australia). I use bloglovin and Instagram to follow along with seamstresses and crafters. As a born and bred ‘sconnie I’ve especially admire(d) your blog, congrats again on a successful book!
Hi there, I’ll be honest I have never followed a blog. New to Instagram and pod casts though. Blogs are next! ?
I use a combination of Feedly and Instagram to keep up with my favorite bloggers. I love how much I learn every day. Thanks for the opportunity to win your lovely book.
I mainly use instagram and sometimes use the email newsletters. I am sewing sweater mittens and sew together bags right now. Oh, and a pineapple quilt.
Instagram is my favorite way to keep up to date with people and gather inspiration! I also subscribe to newsletters but not everyone sends them out regularly.
Mostly I bookmark the blogs I like, and make sure to take a bit of downtime before bed and check up on them.
I sign up for newsletters and often find new blogs from pins on Pinterest. Thanks for the giveaway!
Bloglovin. I’ve gotten so many compliments on my trailhead tote! Would love to win a copy.
I follow on Bloglovin and many on IG and some newsletters. Thanks for the giveaway, would love your book!
I follow on bloglovin, I also subscribe to a couple newsletters for my favorite blogs.
Facebook Facebook Facebook! I wish I could say I have time to visit my favorite sites every day, but it’s so hard when you are a working mom and own a small biz. Facebook is easy cause I can check in on friends and relatives and all my favorites I follow whenever I get a chance. If I see something I love, I always click on the link to read the whole post. I totally envy your creativity and style – would LOVE to win a copy of your book – thanks for sharing!
Jody from Montana ๐
Mostly bloglovin… I spend way too much time on there ๐ I just finished my second divided basket… thanks for the great pattern!
Bloglovin is how I follow noodlehead! I love your style. Very classic and streamlined. I would love to win the book
Bloglovin, newsletters, pinterest. Next project a bag for me. I always make things and give them to everyone else. I don’t have my own handmade bag.
I appreciate your stylish patterns! I would love to have your book.
My favorite way to follow is by email. I enjoy seeing what everyone has written while drinking my morning coffee ?. I would love a special copy of your book as I have several projects picked out in it. I checked it out at an Oklahoma library then put it on my birthday list! Yes,having your eight year old take your cover photo is pretty sweet..topped off with your writing. It must make you smile every time you see it!
I sign up to get the blogs I want on the blog site to have new messages show up automatically in my email . I also get bloglovin emails so there are a few duplicates. I found you from someone else’s blog talking about one of your bags she had made
Newsletters-and facebook-but maybe I should learn more about Bloglovin!! Would love to have your book!
I use bloglovin’ and subscribe to newsletters.
Feedly & Instagram are my methods ๐ that is a beautiful picture by your daughter! Amazing. I am in Australia so would love to be your international winner ๐
I subscribe to several via email and check in on the rest on Instagram. Love your book!
I bookmark blogs I like and follow on pinterest. I love your blog and would love a copy of your book! I’m in South Africa so fingers crossed for the international copy xx
I fallow by the newsletter, Facebook, bloglovin, email. Thank you for the give aw
Hi! I love your blog and have had it marked as a favorite/bookmark on Safari for years and have shared it with lots of sewing buddies. My 14 year old made me an Instagram account almost a year ago and I follow you and other sewing blogers there. I love IG for a quick look around at who has been sewing what….and am always inspired. Of course when I have time and crave more details….I gravitate back to my desk top and my favorites blogs. Thank you so much for being so generous with your knowledge and creativity over the years, you truly are making the world a better, more beautiful place! Take Care!
Bloglovin and IG and email. Your book looks wonderful!
I have a drop down on the blogs I follow. There are a lot of them but I only have time for 2—yours and crazy mom’s quilts. I also love, love love your patterns for sale. Your free tutorials are such a gift to us too. Thanks.
I follow on Bloglovin’. I’m getting ready to make a baby quilt for my friend’s second little girl!
(Western Washington state).
I’m old-fashioned — I type in the URL! I also sign up for a few newsletters via email. I don’t like all the social media stuff (too invasive), so I stay low tech and it works for me.
I follow my favorite sewing blogs either by subscribing to their news letter or following on instagram. Next on my sewing list a dress and a coat and a bag for a girlfriend. So much sewing so little time.
I can’t wait to see your book in person – it looks great! I use Feedly and Instagram to keep up with my favorite bloggers. Thanks!
Instagram!!! There’s this cute white dress I saw on pinterest I’ll like to make next weekend.
Oh how exciting – i use bloglovin in the main but i also follow some on facebook and instagram.
I read my favorite blogs through feedly.
Usually I follow on Instagram and Facebook! And if I really really really can’t miss the blog, then I will subscribe for newsletter as well
I follow my favorite bloggers/designers via email subscriptions and facebook. Thanks for the chance to win!
my next sewing project will be a snuggler, I am expecting a little girl.
the campfire tote is already made for the walking and playground missions ๐
I really like your designs and ideas Anna, wish you much success and all the happiness in life – and please go on this way. Hugs from Hungary,
I use Bloglovin mostly. Jennylarking at gmail dot com
I usually subscribe to their news letter or follow on Facebook. Thank you for your giveaway!
I have been following you for some time via Bloglovin. I am about to finish my first ever quilt so it is really exciting! It is very lovely of you to host this generous giveaway. Your book looks gorgeous. Thank you very much! Pati from London x
Ooh! I would love a copy of your book. I follow most of my favourite blogs on Feedly. Sometimes on Facebook.
Oh this book is on my wishlist! I follow your blog and many others using feedly, but my favourite place to follow my favourite makers is Instagram.
I follow on Bloglovin . Thanks for the chance.
Hi there from windy Perth, Australia!
My next project is a single bed quilt, made of hexagons, hand pieced. I’m making it up as I go, so wish me luck!
Hi I do use Bloglovin but also directly subscribe to my favourites (yours) by email newsletter as I love to hear your news and see the items you make. Thank you for the chance to win your book I have converted it since its release.
I follow my favourite blogs on bloglovin, and then some of them on Facebook and Instagram too. Thanks
Marta’s quilt is striking! I follow on Bloglovin and thank you for a chance to win your interesting book.
I follow most of my favourite blogs by Bloglovin. There’s only one i foloow by newletter. Thank you for this nice give-away.
Liesbeth Dufoor from Belgium
That’s great. On my must-make-list is a mini sewtogether bag. I already have the hexagons pieced for the outside. Oh and quilted, too. Other must-make-projects are a couple from your book. Also some stuff for my kids. You see I won’t become bored. ๐ I use bloglovin’ and instagram.
Greetings from Germany!
Thank you Anna for the giveaway, most of the blogs I follow are through Bloglovin but I’m also subscribed individually to some of them!
Myrto in Athens, Greece
Just finished a needle turn applique quilt yesterday and now I’m making my list of things to make for Christmas. I keep thinking about all your wonderful bags and this would be the perfect chance (excuse) I’ve been looking for to make some for gifts.I can’t wait to get some started.
Thanks for the giveaway Anna. I follow on bloglovin and I’m hoping to use some Rain Walk canvas to make a car tidy thing to hang on the back of the car seat in front of my boy’s new, big boy car seat!
Oh, I’m in Cambridge, England BTW!
Instagram! If my favourite blog doesn’t have instagram, then Facebook, if still not, I’ll subscribe to its feed ๐
thank you Anna for the giveaway! I use IG and FB and suscribe to your newsletter !
Thank you so much for your generous offer.
I use to follow my favourite blogs by bloglovin or signing the newsletter.
Have a nice weekend.
Hugs from Portugal.
I am using bloglovin’ , i write my own blogs on blogger, and i have a facebook account. I used your pattern of the caravan tote and i made three copy’s (check my blog), the pattern is easy to understand with good instructions. Making a copy for myself soon! Or the zip top tote.. i need the book for that one, love to win!
Love from the Netherlands,
Great picture, your daughter did well! I follow blogs via Bloglovin’ mainly
Thanks for the international chance!
Hello! I follow my favourite blogs by feedly, instagram and facebook. Thank you for this giveaway! I love your projects! Bye bye from Italy
Hi Anna.
Thank you for this generous giveaway.
The rainbow clutch pattern is what I would like to realise first, and otherwise, my next project is a sarouel for my 2 and a half years old son and a “duvet cover” for his new bed (he left his baby bed only a few nights ago :).
And to answer your question, the easyest way for me to follow the blogs I like is to subscribe to the newsletter.
Catalina, romanian but living in France.
Since autumn is almost beginning in Belgium, my next sewing project will be a plaid, or maybe a sweater for my daughter. Or yet a tote bag in some rain walk fabrics, which I ordered and will arrive next week?
Most of the blogs I follow, are trough bloglovin’, but yours I follow by newsletter (e-mail).
Thx for all the inspiration you give!
It would be great to win this give-away! I haven’t seen your book here in Belgium! My way to stay tuned with my favorite bloggers is Bloglovin. I check it every day! So many good seamstresses around that have amazing ideas I can learn from!
I follow on Bloglovin’, but I really like Instagram for the visual impact it has! Even my hubby will watch me scroll through pics and comment on the ones he likes. : )
I’d love to win your book, I love seeing the emails with your latest posts. Next project is a quilt – present for my sister, it’s great to be inspired by your ideas and designs.
Julie. Leicester, UK
I love instagram and occasionally Facebook. I’d love to win a copy of your book and make some of the gorgeous things I see on instagram.
Kathryn, Australia.
Obsessed with insta the moment I signed up. But it keeps making me buy more stuff I don’t need. Ha ha ๐
London, UK
I use Instagram for following blogs. I wish more people had Instagram accounts.
My very first bag pattern that I tried was a Super tote, I was so scared to try my very first sewing project, but Anna’s pattern and her instruction are simple, clear and so easy to follow. I had so much fun and now I’m hooked on Noodlehead patterns! My next project is a Caravan tote and I cannot wait to try it! I would love to win your book so I can learn new techniques and try more sewing projects. I’ve never ever thought I would enjoy sewing this much. The Super tote pattern really changed my life:) I use Bloglovin to find and follow blogs and also follow some bloggers on Instagram too.
I cannot wait for Anna to release lots and lots more new bag patterns!
I’m a total Instagram addict. Most of the blogs I love have an IG account and they show their latest blog post there. If I’m interested I’ll hop over to the blog. Your Super Tote Pattern sits in my shelf for a while waiting for the right moment that will come soon I’m sure ๐ I thought about buying your book for a while so I’m happy to join your give away. Thank you for the chance to win Anna! Best wishes from Switzerland and https://instagram.com/kathikrause/
Bloglovin and Instagram keep me up to date! Hi from New Zealand!
Just recently started using Bloglovin and it is an awesome way to keep track of my favorite blogs!
Love your designs, I follow on Blogger. My next project having just moved house is curtains first adjustments and then a couple of new pairs. Much bigger windows at the new place. Can’t wait to get back to more interesting stuff.
What a great chance! Thanks. I subscribe to the newsletters if the blogs have that option but I use bloglovin’ with most and also Instagram.
HI, I follow on Bloglovin…keeps it easy to catch latest postings! And seriously your daughter took that photo!? She has a great eye!
I have my favorite blogs bookmarked (old school).
Can’t wait to get my hands on your book,,,such great designs.
Hi Anna,
This is my first comment ever in a blog – thanks for giving me the opportunity! reading creative blogs and sewing are my new hobbies – so I am learning sth new every day. And your blog is so inspiring for me! Thank you so much! I bookmark my favourite blogs, subscribe to newsletters and follow some on Social Media. Apparantly bloglovin is a big thing…so I have to check that out!
My next sewing project is a campfire massenger bag for my boyfriend as a birthday surprise – so exciting, especially as I still sew with more passion than skils ๐
All the best from Germany! Sandra
I would like to win so much since I want your book so much but I cannot order it due to capital controls in Greece…..
Bloglovin <3
Hi from France!
I follow blogs on Bloglovin, some on IG and FB, but mainly Bloglovin.
Totally subscribe to new letters as i check my email way too much!
I use bloglovin’ to follow blogs. For my real favourites I subscribe to the newsletter and follow on Facebook and Instagram (sounding a bit over the top/stalker like now). Instagram is probably my favourite way to follow at the moment but I also like getting an email from my real faves.
Feedly is my blog reading app of choice but I also love to follow everyone on instagram.
Hello from Singapore! I use IG and FB :-)))
I stay up to date with Boglovin, Facebook or any other means that the maker uses. I never cared for Facebook, but most of the groups I wanted to join were there so I had to break down and learn it.
Hi,from Belgium. My next sewing project will hopefully be a flower girls dress for my daughter Louise. It’ll be my first time sewing clothing, so I’m a little nervous about it. ๐
Hi from London! I’m really happy you’re doing this giveaway because I love the projects you post on your blog! I keep up with bloglovin and instagram. Instagram is great because not everyone posts full blog posts on their projects but do on IG.
My preference is to follow on Instagram or by emailโฆ (not an email service thing like Bloglovin). Are you on Facebook?
Bloglovin. I’m frantically sewing clothes for my almost 6 year old who is growing up way too fast and out of all last years.
I haven’t heard of the 2 you mentioned, Bloglovin’ and the other one. I’d go back and get the name but it took me forever to scroll to the bottom I might not make it back! Lol… I belong to several groups on Facebook which keep me up to date and I sign up for newsletters from websites.
use newsblur, feedly, bloglovin, email, and facebook to follow my favorites….. and still miss some interesting stuff….
I do all of the above, lol. And double up on a lot of them too. ๐
Wow, so many responses already. I know your book is popular as I have seen several highlights and projects from it all over the Internet . Everyone loves it. My next sewing project is a quilted table runner for my friend for Christmas.nothing like getting an early start to the Christmas list! Thanks for the chance to win your book.i am from Ontario, Canada .
I use bloglovin.
I use bloglovin to make sure I don’t miss a thing!
I follow on feedly for tbe most part. And subscribe by email to just a few. My next project is a poolside tote to use for work.
I follow mostly on Instagram, but the blogs I like want to make sure I do not miss I either get updates by email and/or Bloglovin.
Wow, this is great! I would love to win.
Bloglovin and sometimes, facebook.
First of all, thank you for this opportunity! And then, I follow my favorite sewing/DIY bloggers by subscribing on their newsletters, or following their socmed accounts (Instagram and/or Facebook). My next project should be sewing a comfy sweatshirt for the oncoming cold season. It’s a must for me. Just need to find a perfect pattern.
I use blog login to stay up to date with all my favourites. Next on my sewing list is a double patchwork quilt in an Aztec style
Congrats on your new book! Your patterns are great and I plan on making the canvas tote next. I mostly use FB and Instagram to follow my favorite blogs. Thanks for the chance to win one of your books. You and your daughter did a great job!
Hooray, one copy for international readers- thats hopefully me:). I follow you via bloglovin and ms next Project is a leather tote…
Greetings from Switzerland, Anita
I would really like to make the tunic from your book!
I use feedly and the Google now app on my android phone. If I visit a site frequently it lets me know when there is a new post. It’s actually how I saw this one. ๐
I just bookmark the blogs I love and catch up on Saturday morning with my coffee
Hola from sunny southern Spain! I absolutely adore your blog and patterns, so THANK YOU, THANK YOU! – in fact, I just bought the PDFยดs of patterns for 3 more gorgeous bags! Already made the Caravan tote and pouch for my mom, and will make the little clutch purse and Go Anywhere pieces for my sister. Who can have enough bags…NO ONE! ๐
I keep up to date with my favorite blogs on Bloglovinยดand through WordPress. So many projects, not enough time! I look forward to seeing what other awesome patterns you put on your site and will continue to frequent my little local fabric and notions store.
Keep the great inspirational blog posts coming and enjoy your autumn season ๐ Would love to win the book for the International giveaway!!
Vicki B.
That is fun, that your daughter took the photo and it’s your handwriting. I love personal touches like that. I follow my favourite makers on IG and FB. I also use Bloglovin, but I’m finding it hard to keep up with all the blogs I love!
I follow my favorites by email/newsletters…I have not yet gotten into the instagram thingys…and only get frustrated by Pintrest…I do like to keep up with many on Facebook…thanks for the chance to win
I use Instagram and use Bloglovin’ but I also have a list of my favourite blogs (your on that list) on my computer and iPad and whenever I have a free moment enjoy getting fresh inspiration from them. I have made several of your patterns and love them!!
Bloglovin and Instagram! Your book is in my Amazon shopping cart! I’m winning! ?
I love having my favorite blogs land in my inbox. I also check out instagram for a more day to day perspective. Would love to win your Canadian book, I live in the capital.
I have been enjoying your blog for quite some time now. Would love to win the book!
I prefer the old fashioned email inbox. One stop shopping!
I am thinking I am going to make the leather bottom pouches from your last post. So cute. I am looking for gratitude gifts for some friends and these will be perfect! Thanks!
I use bloglovin and Instagram:-) My next sewing project should be trousers…but I just got a package in the mail so lace underwear might be jumping the queue;-)
I follow some blogs by email and others by Blogloving. BTW, I love Marta’s quilt!
I follow all blogs through feedly plus I follow a couple special ones on fb.
Feedly and subscribing to newsletters keep me up-to-date with my favourite blogs. Next on my sewing list is creating a cushion using a special shibori piece my sister dyed for me ages ago.
I am in the process of switching everything over to bloglovin – trying to make life easier! Thanks for the chance to win your amazing book ๐
Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow by Bloglivin and IG. I’ve been loving your blog for years! Best place to find my favourite bag patterns!
It’s great to have a giveaway open to Canadians. Thank you. I follow quilt designers by subscribing to their blogs. I’m not on Facebook or Twitter. Great book.
I follow my favorite designers by subscribing to their newsletters/blogs and Instagram. I also subscribe to Bloglovin’, but that usually ends up being a duplication. I have been eyeing your book since I first heard of the publication: it is a definite must-buy! Thank you for the chance!
I follow on all social media. Never heard of bloglovin so going to try that it too! Love your designs and your instructuons are so good!
Wow! 634 comments…I don’t stand a chance but here goes anyway. I follow blogs through Bloglovin’ and I follow a number of people through Instagram. I adore your work and I think it’s totally neato that your handwriting is “printable”! And, your daughter takes fab photos but then again she is your daughter so of course she’s very talented!
I have a long list of bookmarks that I routinely check every day, like this! http://prntscr.com/8fhghi
I must check out Bloglovin’ though, it sounds interesting!
Hello from Canada ๐
I follow via Bloglovin. Thanks for being a great source of inspiration! I can’t wait to try some of your patterns.
Hey! I spend a ton of time on Instagram
Ram these days and also subscribe to newsletters and follow on bloglovin too! I have plans for your trail tote and a duffle/weekender next!!! Thanks for the chance – I know I would love your book!
I subscribe to newsletter and follow makers on Facebook and Instagram.
Oh Sister, I do it all! I subscribe to newsletters { so many e-mails ๐ }, I’m a bloglovin fool, I save stuff to my favorites, I subscribe to DIY self’s and magazines… you name it I’m doing it!
Bloglovin’ and Instagram are by go to sites for certain blogs I follow. Also use Pinterest occasionally when I am looking at a specific design idea.
Hello from Germany! I follow you via Flipbord. There I have a Magazine wehre I flip inspiring articles.
Next on my sewing list is a quilt with the new line Eden by Tula Pink. I am absolutely smitten with the tourmaline colorway!
I follow on Facebook – Pinterest – Bloglovin – eletters – I have purchased or tutorials patterns so far – cant wait to see what your books has inside to make <3
I use feedly mostly but I also follow a few on Facebook and Instagram.
Bloglovin, email newsletters, Instagram…..I read everyone’s blogs every day and they truly inspire me! I look forward to it every morning ๐ I would LOVE to have a copy of your book, CONGRATULATIONS it is FABULOUS….and CONGRATULATIONS on your fabric line too!
When I find a Blog I like I usually subscribe by email, if I can find that spot on their Blog (you wouldn’t believe how many times that is hidden). I will usually follow on Pinterest because I’m a big Pinterest fan. I do follow Blogs by Instagram, Bloglovin and Facebook, although I usually don’t check these as often, so I keep up things mainly through email. Also some Blogs have a feedly feature which doesn’t work with the IPad unless you download an app, so I don’t mess with that because I use my IPad Mini predominately. Thank you for the chance to give input, have a great day! Oh, your daughters a great photographer.
Email subscription and instagram are the best ways for me!
Usually I check my newsfeed on Facebook. It’s easy!
Dear Anna, I’m from Germany and I love following your blog which I found through following another sewing blog ๐ I mainly use newsletters and instagram to see what my favourite sewers are up to. My next projects are some open wide zippered pouches that suite very well as little presents. Wish you all the best and hope to see lots more of your projects, yours Nadin
I follow my fav bloggers both via email & on FB. Because FB is so peculiar with what I see in my feeds I’d rather double up & email subscribe as well so I don’t miss a thing! Because you’re so awesome I want to answer both of your questions. Right now I’m working on an “origami” purse/bag made out of The Walking Dead fabric to take with me this weekend to LouFest in St. Louis. Thx for a shot at an awesome giveaway!!!
Thanks for your inspiring projects! Email and feedly are my main sources to keep up-to-date with new posts. My next project is to organize my sewing space.
I tend to use Instagram a lot. It’s like flicking through the pages of a lovely bespoke magazine! I also use Bloglovin.
I follow my favorite blogs by email, and bloglovin. I use Instagram to see cute projects of folks whom I love their style!
I follow blogs using feedly, newsletters get deleted! I also use IG which is great for brief updates. I’d love a copy of your book – thanks
I keep up to date with my quilting bloggers through Bloglovin and email. I enjoy seeing what you are creating each time I get your update.
I’ve used several of your patterns and love them! Can’t wait to try some things from your book.
I use The Old Reader, which is very much like the Google Reader used to be. I do also follow some bloggers on instagram, but prefer to rely on a reader to make sure I am up-to-date! Thank you for the giveaway!
I am a busy working mom and social media is eating up so much time so I have restricted my time spent on reading blog posts, etc. I am following my favorites on FB and pinterest, but that’s all, I cant believe I am still resisting IG and I do not use bloglovin and others like that. I feel like a dinosaur: I have bookmarked some of my very favorites and I take a look at them every 2 or 3 days. I guess it might sound very strange and old-fashioned but I feel if I allowed myself any other means, I would spend way more time than I cannot afford…
Another story: My birthday was yesterday (September 11) and I wished to get your book to my b’day but it could not be ordered online I was so sad as it is/was (?) out-of-stock ๐ Is it a sign that you posted this giveaway on my b’day? Haha ๐
Greetings from a long-time follower from Budapest, Hungary ๐
Hello Anna,
I’m from France and I love sewing ! I’ve made a dozen of your baskets (no need to say that everybody’s happy with them) and I’m thinking of making a two-zipper pouch soon… and BRAVO to your daughter for the book cover ๐
Usually through Facebook and Instagram. After reading all the comments I think that I need to explore Bloglovin. Wow, I am super impressed that your daughter took that photo. The talent apple didn’t fall far from the tree!
Hello Anna,
I’m from Germany and currently living in the Pacific Northwest. Maybe I qualify as an international contact? ๐
I found out about your bags at one of my favorite fabric stores in Portland, OR and check in on your website for new ideas on a somewhat regular basis without any specific news feed. My next projects will be a bomber jacket and a bag impregnated with otter wax, for the rainy season. I’d love to get one of your signed books.
I’m a feedly girl but considering switching my allegiances for something with a better Pinterest interface… What’s the point of reading blogs when you can’t easily pin for later??
Greetings! I mainly use facebook and I have a sewing blog so I get your updates mainly from these two places. Pinterest is a close second as I like the idea of pinning (although many may not know people can save projects to their fb page). Your projects would be a perfect pick me up. Thank you!
I use Bloglovin! Also, I just got some great Kokka Echino canvas that is just asking to be a bag!
Hi Anna, wow! So many responses already – no wonder, you do a wonderful work and are a big inspiration! Thanks for this great giveaway idea. Delivery time for your book is between 2-4 weeks in Germany at the moment. I really wish I was a lucky winner….
I follow my favourite bloggers via bloglovin’ and wordpress, and yes I do subscribe to newsletters and I use Pinterest. I am hesitating to use Facebook, instragram, Flickr and so on because I am afraid this would just be too much and I would be loosing myself in this variety. I hope this helps.
Have a great day! Regards from Germany, Claudia
Hello, I’m glad some American blog thinks about “overseas” visitors ๐ I have been visiting your blog regularly for the last… 3 years I think, love it!
How do I keep up to date? Oh, I’m the old type, I have folders in my favourites and once in a while I open a folder (5 to 8 blogs) and see what’s new. That’s a bit like coming to visit a friend, I enjoy it ๐
My next project? Hmmm, my next handbag I guess… The spring one is not waterproof and the rainy days are coming even in Southern France J
Thanks for your great blog, your sharing and all that you do!
I use feedly so I can stay up to date with all my favourite blogs. I also follow those who have engaging account on instagram so I can stay up to date on smaller more visual details.
Anna, congratulations on your new book. I am in love with so many of the projects I have seen coming from here! I follow my fellow quilters and crafters on Bloglovin’, Feedburner and newsletters. One of my next projects is your divided basket. Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us.
Greetings from the UK! hvparkes@yahoo.co.uk I have a brand new baby girl in my arms so not too much sewing going on here! But my little boy is moving up in nursery next month and I want to make something for the lovely ladies who have been looking after him. I’m sure there will be something perfect in your book, I’ve loved all the projects you’ve shared from it so far.
I adore your patterns. Would love the opportunity to win your book. Thank you!! The Super Tote is definitely on my to do list. I follow my favorites on Instagram, subscribe to newsletters, and Bloglovin’.
Hello from the UK! I subscribe to newsletters and follow favourite bloggers on FB & Instagram. Love your patterns!
I keep uptodate through fb, instagram, and get notified when there’s a blog update! Hello from new zealand ?
I use GFC and facebook mostly!
I use blog login and Instagram to follow.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I’m still using the Blogger reading list – is that hopelessly out of date?! There was all that panic about Google Reader being shut down a couple of years ago, but I didn’t do anything about it and it turned out the Blogger reading list function kept working. It’s nice and simple and I keep the blogs I follow down to a manageable number. I’m on Flickr too, which I also find very simple and non-overwhelming. Your book cover is beautiful – so nice that it’s really your handwriting!
I mainly use Bloglovin but have just started an Instagram feed which I love. Can’t think why I didn’t use Instagram before.
I use bloglovin mostly. I also follow a handful of blog newsletters.
Greetings from Switzerland ๐
Instagram is the best!!! So inspirational. Thank you!!!
There are just too many to keep up with. I do check out Instagram regularly.
I subscribe to newsletters and have quite a few blogs in my favorites tab.
I follow some blogs via GFC, some with Bloglovin’, some by email. I don’t do instagram or twitter and I only do Facebook a little. I joined Facebook last year to be part of a few bag making groups. But It all gets too overwhelming to keep up with so much AND to have time to sew and create. So I usually only glance at a few blogs, etc. and comment on a few because there just isn’t time to do it all.
i subscribe to blogs or just try to remember to check them occasionally!
hi! I use Instagram daily and bloglovin’ a couple times a week!
I have a Stitchin’ folder in my Inoreader account, which I ported when Google shut down Reader. I also subscribe to a few newsletters. Instagram is great too, and I love Facebook.
I use both Bloglovin’ as well as Instagram to keep up with all of my favorite blogs!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!
I follow individual blogs through my bookmarks. It works for me. My next sewing project is to sew up the baby gifts I’ve got cut out. Need to take them to church tomorrow to give my friend who just had her 4th little girl!my
I subscribe to my favorite blogs and have the emails automatically to a folder so I know what’s new and can view at my leisure!
Feedly, pinterest and instagram are the ones I use.
I’m planning to sew a Tessuti Alice dress with a friend as its spring here in Australia
Hi there Anna,
I just love your blogโฆit was one of the first I subscribed to when I discovered blogs back in 2010! I have been home, off work since then due to a disability.
Ooooโฆa copy of your book!!! How cool! I own several of your e-patterns too! You are so clever!
I get most of my blogginess straight in my inbox, but do also use Bloglovin’ and Pinterest to keep informed.
Quilty Huggs,
Yay! I have been seeing the patterns in this book popping up via blogs and pinterest. Many of those patterns are calling my name. ๐ I keep up with my favorite blogs using bloglovin’!!!
I use bloglovin and IG but I don’t feel up to date since everyone seem to be prolific blogger and I’m always behind with my feed.
I start every morning with feedly, instagram, and coffee. I tried bloglovin after the demise of Google reader but hated it. Feedly works much better for me.
I follow on bloglovin’. I love that the cover photograph of your book was taken by your daughter!
I follow my favorite blogs through instagram and the sidebar on my outdated blog. I check every few days these days. Love the giveaway!
I use Feedly. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Blog login is a great resource but my favorites, like yours, come directly to my email.
I use feedly and watch bloggers on Instagram; that’s how I found out about this!
Your book looks lovely! I subscribe to blogs by email. Have the blog readers installed but seldom use them
Hello Anna
It would be amazing to win a copy of your lovely book! I’m dying to try some of the patterns, especially the big squidgy floor pouf!
I use Bloglovin and Instagram, and I subscribe to newsletters. I also spend hours (way too many!) on Pinterest – I love it.
My next project is to have a go at block printing some linen and making a purse with the fabric. I’m planning to use your leather bottom pouches pattern and I have bought an old suede skirt from eBay to cut up and use.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win a copy of the book, and thanks for being such an inspiration!
Best wishes from Manchester in the UK.
I typically follow blogs on Bloglovin’ or through Google Blogger’s dashboard. Some I follow on Instagram, but that’s typically in addition to Bloglovin’ or Blogger. My next sewing project will (hopefully) be sewing up a tee. ๐
Love your name and your work!
I want to sew up all of the patterns in your book! I subscribe to blogs via Bloglovin’, and follow many bloggers on Instagram.
I follow blogs with Bloglovin
I follow mostly with Instagram & Feedly. Thanks for the giveaway!
i follow the most with instagram, then there are some duplicates in my feedly feed, then ever fewer are duplicated as newsletters.
I don’t really have a method to follow bloggers, just visit the blogs every week or so to see what’s new. For my next project I want to make a quilt for my son from an etsy pattern I bought years ago.
Pinterest, bloglovin and email on my tablet for lunchtime reading. I would love to win your book in the international giveaway as I always find your patterns to be so inspirational.
I follow blog post via Bloglovin and email. Thanks for offering a giveaway.
I follow blogs (only blogs) with bloglovin. I love that your daughter took the cover photo!
I get my info through bloglovin and a few newsletter subscriptions. I’m working on a self drafted wristlet/clutch in a faux leather. I’m hoping it will look as good as I imagine.
Your book looks lovely and I think it wouild be a great addition to my quilty/sewing library. ๐ I follow my favorite blogs mostly on Bloglovin’……yours included. Some I follow just with newsletters.
Congrats to your daughter for a great photograph! Who knows…..maybe she’ll love photography and grow up to be famous. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she could do something she loves? I think that all mothers wish that for their children.
Your daughter has impressive photography skills. I think it’s fantastic that her photo is featured on your cover, as well as your handwriting. I consider books personal…much prefer them over ebooks…and I now feel yours is extra-special! Bloglovin’ is my favourite way to read blogs.
I always subscribe to blogs I am interested in. Thanks for your lovely book.
I would so love to win your book. I’ve seen other bloggers post pictures of projects they’ve made from your book, as well as those you have posted. I follow my favourite blogs (including yours) by bookmarking them and checking in every couple of days when I have some free time on the computer. By the way, I’m from Canada.
I follow on blogs.
I use email a lot, but I also subscribe to Bloglovin’ for a quick overview of not only blogs I follow, but also others that I may not know about yet.
Love your book but I am looking forward to making some bags and smaller projects this fall. Newsletters for mt favs and feedly for others
i keep up to date with bloglovin. love it!! your 241 tote has been on my Must Make list for a while now — since it’s for me, it keeps getting put on the back burner while i work on other projects for other people. i’m sure you know the feeling! your book looks like it has lots of great things to whip up!
I follow your blog with feedly and I also follow your IG account. I’m not a fan of Facebook, even though I keep a profile there for those who are. I know everyone is mad for IG but my heart still belongs to blogs. I love being able to see more pictures and descriptions. And you can’t put a good tutorial on IG! I’ve loved following along as you show us your book – I’d be super happy if I won!
I do “all of the above”. My next project is the Blavery Ellis legging for my daughter. Thank you so much for the chance to win!!
My next must -make is a new handbag and I know it will be one of yours. Thanks for the chance!
I love to email subscribe to the blogs I really want to follow, always my first choice, and on IG I turn on the notifications for when certain people post so I am less likely to miss them… This book keeps selling out like crazy so I really hope I win (Canada if that matters LOL)
Thanks for a great giveaway. I’m mostly following on IG but do check Blogvin every couple of days.
I use feedley to follow blogs. I would LOVE a copy of your book! Amazon is sold out right now.
Thank you for a fantastic giveaway – my fingers are crossed! I use Inoreader to follow my favourite blogs. I also follow some on Pinterest, and subscribe to several newsletters – that way there’s always something fun to read when I sit down to play on the computer ๐
Sandra (in Canada) ๐
I read blogs while nursing my youngest to sleep. I just have a mental list I check daily/when I know they’ve posted. I also use instagram to keep up. Love that your daughter took the cover photo – how fun!
I follow blogs with Bloglovin, but I also love using Instagram! ๐
I use feedly and Instagram to keep up with my favorites. My sewing list is long at the moment, I have several garments I want to sew for myself this fall.
I use The Old Reader because it’s so much like Google Reader of past. That, plus facebook keeps me pretty current.
For sites I really love, I go straight to their website on my own. But then I will also sign up for emails or blog lovin so that it comes right to my email as well. I will sometimes follow on facebook, instagram, pinterest because I know it can help the blogger, but I don’t do it to keep up with what they are posting. I find social media a bit too much!
I like to visit the blogs itself. I need to subscribe but haven’t sat down to figure all that out. I also use Pinterest to find other blogs I might not know about. It’s always fun to see what others make.
I get newsletters and visit blogs when I have time.
Instagram keeps me up-to-date with my favorite blogs. My next sewing project will be a lace dress for my son’s Rehearsal dinner the night before his wedding. Thanks for writing such an amazing book. And thanks for the great giveaway.
I’m currently drawing up a wall hanging that I want to try.
I Follow with Facebook, Bloglovin and emailed newsletters
Instagram, Facebook, and e-mailed postings keep me up to date ๐ I have a block of the month to start & a noodle head bag in the works!
I just have certain blogs I check back in with on a regular basis…some not so regular..but I don’t use any tools to see if blogs have been updated. Maybe I’m just not techy enough.
I subscribe to a few, but mainly Facebook and a lot of time in the evenings searching through my bookmarks. I am currently making my 3rd go anywhere bag, am trying to put in a zippered pocket but am stuck!! So of course reading blogs instead!
I love to follow by Pinterest….but then there is emails…and of course browsing! Facebook…lol…. let’s just say I should be spending more time in my sewing space!
I like to follow blogs through Bloglovin and the newsletters because a lot of times when business’s have sales or special offers they will promote through their newsletter.
I follow on bloglovin and on Pinterest, I love the Inspiration!
All of the above, although I like newsletters and blogs emailed directly to my inbox the best.
I kinda do a little of all you mentioned! Also, my next sewing project is a pattern testing item for Sara at Sew Sweetness!!
I use blog lovin but I also have several blogs that I just browse through the search engine. I also follow some via FB , IG and twitter. A bit of everything really! Thanks for the giveaway. It looks like a great book x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
Sometimes i follow by email but mostly I do it the old fashioned way and search for them in my browser!
Bloglovin’ for me. Thank you for this generous giveaway Anna and especially for thinking of your international audience! That’s super cool.
I love bloglovin ๐ It makes reading feed so easy. Thank you for the giveaway
I follow in bloglovin . My previous comment did not appear
Right now my two favourite ways to follow bloggers are Feedly and Instagram. Never subscribe by email. my email box is too cluttered already ๐
I follow feedly and get newsletters and look at instagram and spend too much time on the net when I should be finishing other things, and thanks for thinking of us overseas ๐
I keep up with bloggers by subscribing via email and I also follow by bloglovin. Love your blog ๐
After a heap of mending, my next project is a new supertote for me!
I’m a Feedly follower!
All the way from Australia
hi , I’m Edith from Germany. I don’t follow but I do have the best in the favorites.
i love that your daughter took the cover photo!! and i’ve followed forever… first with google reader and now with feedly! i always look forward to your posts… and sometimes go straight to them if i see you’ve posted on instagram!
Hi Anna,
I’m Martina from Cologne/Germany and I’d love to win a copy of your book, that I know, because one of my friends has ordered it yet via Amazon ๐ I stay tuned with my favorite blogs by bloglovin and the ones I never ever want to miss a post are listed on my blog in the blog fav list (where you’re too, by the way ๐
Take care, Martina
I use Bloglovin, although the format has become a bit irritating so often I just type in the URLs of my favourite blogs and access them directly. My next sewing project is a Citronille pattern – my first!
Ohh…i wish i could win….i just love your fabric choices..
It makes a huge difference in standard to the finished
I always hop on different blogs….almost on a daily basis?
Wow, it’s opened to international entries!!! Well I’m French and that’s a jolly piece of news! : ) To answer your question, I jsut browse my favourite blogs once a week, I don’t want to use any feed. Next on my list is sewing a pair of boxer shorts for my brother, who had his birthday…last June…but who’s used to me coming up with a handmade gift randomly during the year : )
Thanks for the chance and keep up the good work and fun!
I have a list of favourites and love to sit on Sunday morning to read through them. I’m making April Rhodes’ Popover Poncho today in a beautiful plaid I bought in Montreal. So excited to sew a cozy fall project!
I use blog lovin but I also subscribe to MANY newsletters, including yours.
I have a number of blogs I follow on both Feedblitz and Blog Lovin’, but my favorites, like Noodlehead of course, I get directly in my email . In fact, I really hate when blogs don’t have that option!
I use feedly! Like others, I used to use Google Reader, which was so awesome with the save and search functions, but feedly gets the job done too. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I use bloglovin’ to track everything!xx
I use Bloglovin and follow on Instagram! I have a few projects on my table (just waiting for my fabric to arrive!) like April Rhodes Popover Poncho, and the Weekend Duffle by Betz White on Craftsy. Waiting for fabric to arrive is the hardest part! Your fabric choices are my biggest draw to your blog, so beautiful and professional!
Congratulations on your beautiful book!
I follow my favourite blogs, mainly by feedly, and you’re certainly one of them.
I only recently discovered bloglovin’ and I am lovin’ it!
Bloglovin and Instagram!
I have always love your style and follow on Bloglovin, but often by Pinterest or other links brings me to your site. Your book is on my wish list at Amazon.
I just bookmark the blogs I like and go throught the list when I want to get new ideas and inspiration. Greetings from Germany, Marie
I follow on Feedly and Instagram with Instagram being my favorite. I used google reader before and really liked it I tried bloglovin but if the owner of the blog doesn’t connect themselves to it you can’t access their blog through bloglovin so I started using Feedly after being unable to follow several bloggers. I personally am a no to Facebook
Hi Anna! IG is my favourite way to keep up with my favourite bloggers. And right now I’m working on sewing my first divided basket. Yay!
I follow blogs through Bloglovin’ – I usually check every day, though I slack sometimes on the weekends.
I follow blogs through Feedly, though I do have bloglovin I never use it. I subscribe to newsletters sometimes if there are offers of coupons or free patterns, and I like FB pages also. I just started using instagram and twitter though I’m not in the habit of checking daily yet.
Hi Anna! Thank you for this opportunity! ๐ So I usually follow my favourite bloggers on the social media (instagram mostly, also facebook), and I have some of them linked on my blog (www.aikamaku.com) so I can cach them up every time I look my page ๐
And the next thing I want to sew for me (if I have some time) will be a cargo duffle bag, a little bit larger than the original pattern, in order to bring my sewing machine with me when I travel! ๐ Thank you again! And regards from Barcelona!
I use Feedly to follow blogs, but also Instagram for more up to date/by the minute updates. Sometimes there’s just too much inspiration (I had a lot less wips/ufos before I started all this), but it’s still a lot of fun to have a peek into people’s creative lives.
As for projects, I’m working on a quilt-along (Midnight Mystery with Meadow Mist Designs), but my next project is quilting a quilt top I think I started piecing two years ago. (I really need to work on finishing things.)
I use the Pulse ap on my phone!
I sign up to follow blogs with bloglovin as an encouragement to the bloggers, but don’t really use it much. For blogs I really like and follow, I just type in their addresses when I want to read their blog, and some I get over e-mail.
Bookmarks! I also like to look at Instagram and occasionally will subscribe to newsletters.
I ove the homemade touches on the cover! I am a daily Bloglovin’ user!!
I’m an avid Bloglovin’ reader and also like to be kept up to date via Instagram ๐
I’ve tried using feeds but they never seem to work right. I just bookmark those I like and they pop up as favorites.
I keep track of my favorites in Bloglovin’, but rely on Instagram for daily updates. Thanks for the chance! (And I love the cover photo/font trivia!)
I use Bloglovin’, but sometimes its notifications are slower than the blogs; I love going on Instagram (because photos with captions are my favorite!!)
I keep up with blogs on Bloglovin’ and check Instagram a couple of times a day. Any more than that and I’d never get anything done! Thanks for your generosity.
I follow most blogs using Feedly, but some on bloglovin just because they look better on that system. I’m currently in the making of my own pants/trouser block so I can possibly make my own designs someday, but really to help me make adjustments on sewing patterns. My biggest love of sewing is pants, as that’s what got me sewing as a child. I’ve never been able to find rtw pants that fit me well. So, hopefully my block/sloper will do me well!!
Feedly and a few newsletters. I also LOVE instagram.
I would love to get one of them!!
Hi there,
I just check on my favourite bloggers when I think of them! Thanks for the chance!
I mostly use Instagram. Thanks for the chance to win this book – I just love it!
I use Bloglovin and also Facebook. I live in England and love to read blogs from all around the world to get a glimpse of what is current, for instance the U.S.A. gets fabric ranges much earlier than we do so I know what to look out for eventually. My favourite British blog is Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle. Thanks for a fun giveaway. x
Hi! I’ve discovered Noodlehead recently and LOVE your work!!!! It’s inspiring to see your designs and pics. They are wonderful.
Depending on the blog, I follow it by newsletter (like yours) or by Blogger. My next projects are a wallet for myself and gifts for friends who are pregnant. I enjoy sewing gifts, but now I need a cute wallet ๐
Congrats for your blog and thanks for this chance, I would really love to recieve one of your books!!!!
I follow on bloglovin’ and instagram, I like to check both on my phone ๐ And I’ve got a pair of hudson pants being cut right now, really hoping I’ll get some time soon to sew them up!
I like to keep up with my favorite blogs by following them on instagram and facebook.
I follow on bloglovin’ and on my blogroll on my (rarely updated) blog.
I mainly use bloglovin or use the blogroll on my own underused (shame on me) blog.
I follow by email- bloglovin’- and also Flickr & Facebook. I don’t want to miss anything! An open wide pouch is almost always included in a swap package- such a perfect, simple pattern that can be made as special & unique as you’d like! I also have most of your patterns, and wasn’t going to get the book, but the more I see pictures of your amazing projects inside, I feel my self- control going away! Keep the great paqtterns coming!
I use Google now to let me know of blog updates
I use Feedly, mostly. I also follow people on Instagram and sometimes I get newsletters emailed, but Feedly is the best place, I love it.
I just check up on the blogs I like to read whenever I think of it – it makes for lovely surprises when I haven’t had a look at a blog in some time! Also, I’m German, so I’d be delighted to win the international book. Congrats on your work!
Would LOVE to win a copy of your new book…I tend to follow blogs and learn about new ones from links posted in blogs Im currently reading..It has led me to some great places!
This book looks amazing! I use bloglovin mostly- sometimes a newsletter. Thank you!
I use bloglovin to keep up but I also go directly to your site on a regular basis. This is a great give away.
I follow most blogs on Bloglovin but I also follow on Instaragm as well.
Hey, I use Bloglivin and Instagram. There are so many talented people it is hard to keep up.
I use Bloglovin. Sometimes I subscribe directly….can’t decided which I like better.
Your new book looks just like what this 73 year young granny and a 55 year survivor of open heart surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. It was referred to as the “Pioneer Days” of open heart surgery. Truly I am blessed in so many ways relative to this surgery. I died on the table and Dr’s could not restart my heart. Here I am trying to do all the good I can do, because I will only be here once on this earth. I am a retired high school educator from Western S. D. .
What a joy is would to receive your lovely book Several times a week I follow the Bloglovin, Instagram and Facebook Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win your book.
Hi there, cheers from Chile. I use Instagram for sure, i love it. Get newsletters from my favorites blogs and spend a lots of time on Pinterest. I’m new to Bloglovin, but so far i’m in love with it.
Before there was Bloglovin, I created a blog that I don’t post to but use to follow blogs. It has been several years now and that is still how I do it. I follow some on IG too. I’d love to have a copy of your book.
I love Bloglovin and i get some newsletters. I would love a copy of your book!
I didn’t know that was your writing was throughout the book… what a personal inclusion! I have your book on the top of my birthday list!! crossing my fingers ๐
I follow via bloglovin’ and subscribe to newsletters… I don’t have instagram but I do like to peek at a few instagram pics when I can. thanks for the chance to win, Anna!
I use bloglovin!!
I have a feedly account. But I tend to go on a blog binge and catch up on posts every month or so of all my favorites.
I follow on bloglovin and subscribe to email newsletters/post updates from my favorites!
I love to read and following my sewing and other blogs w/ Bloglovn! thank you!
Thanks for this opportunity! I use feedly to leep up to date with blogs. I have a lot of next projects but i’ll most likely work on a hat for my husband.
Hello from Australia. I use feedly and pintererest to follow my favourite bloggers.
Bloglovin for everything. Thanks, the book looks great ๐ I’m an international entry
I use feedly for blogs. I also follow bloggers on Instagram and Facebook. I use all the channels!
I love following blogs on Instagram. It’s such a delicious and visual way to keep up. I also follow blogs on FB and via bloglovin.
Unfortunately I use more than one method to keep up with the blogs I like to read- bloglovin’, Feedly and plain old email notifications. Not very efficient, but there it is! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Hello from Germany! I usually use the newsletters to get information of my favorite bloggers. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win your lovely book!
Hello from France ! I use bloglovin and facebook to follow my sewing mentors ๐
Thanks for the chance to win…
Hi there. Iยดm Ana Cristina From Portugal. I subscribe my designers blogs, and also follow tem by facebook. Iยดm participating, but Portugueses people never win ๐ So Iยดm here trying, maybe luck is with me this time ๐
I’m from England! I like to put favourite blogs on my own blog sidebar and try and keep up to date from there.
Hello from Australia – I have been following for a number of years. I now follow my favourite blogs via bloglovin, instragram and Facebook. Very thankful that international readers have the chance to win. That usually doesn’t happen. Due to the failing Australian dollar purchasing from US is too costly at the moment.
Hi! Thank you for thinking of all of us for your giveaway. I am a news we are gal on the way!
My next projects are pajama pants and an open wide zip pouch for my knitting supplies. Thank you for the chance to win your lovely book!
First, I’ve got to tell you how much I admire your work and I love your blog! That said, I use a favorites list and Instagram now to follow my favorite blogs, but I thonk I’m going to try Bloglovin based on the other comments here.