On with the parade. This was actually the first attempt on this version of the tunic/dress. I had this sunflower fabric (long ago from Valori Wells) in my stack forever, like too forever.
I was thinking of getting rid of it, but then I figure I might as well dice into it and see what it would look like. My stash is getting smaller-ish, still too much, I suppose I’ll be happy when I can fit it all in my shelves again. The good thing is that my scrap bins are overflowing. Yay!
Anyway, Emily loves her dress, it’s so cute to see her button it up.
I love this dress, as well as the tunic. Adoreable little girl, too 🙂 🙂 Love the fabric. Very very cute pattern.
that is DARLING! Brilliant in the sunflower fabric!
She is so cute! The fabric is great for this dress!
So cute. I love the dress. a perfect run around during the summer dress. It could also be easily adapted for fall too, by wearing a shirt underneath. I think kids have the funnest clothes some times.
She’s seriously cute in that dress!
Very, very cute.
so i just read your links and you mentioned about turning this dress into a pattern? are you still thinking of that?
I would love to have it in my pattern stash. 🙂
perfect fabric perfect dress
adorable, Anna! Sometimes I give my friends fabric and then they make something really cute with it and I get jealous…lol! I guess I need to see the potential more sometimes! Hey-we should swap some scraps!
Super cute Anna! The girl and the dress 🙂
I need this pattern NOW 😉 Looks like a cute starting school dress. So cute!
Very cute, and love the poses lol
I think I made a dress for my daughter with a very similar pattern ( burda) many years ago now . She is 22 . Emily looks so cute . I love a kid with PERSONALITY ! The dress looks cute too !
enjoying the parade and love that sunny fabric!! 🙂
Darling! Love the wooden buttons 🙂
Hahaha…very cute dress and I love the faces and poses your daughter is making. Reminds me of my daughter Aria. 😀
you are such a good seamstress. it looks like you bought it at target! ( i love target) your girls crack me up every time!
I second this whole comment!! Your girls are so cute and silly, and you have mad sewing skills Anna!
Very sweet…. and the sun dress too! My daughter was also a little blondie! I use to love sewing for my little girl!! I made summer dresses, fancy ruffled & lacy dresses for weddings, pj.s, nightgowns, robes, corduroy pants, tops and a swimsuit cover-up. Good times!
O, how funny! I was taking pictures of my son in a vest that I made today. And I think I got that same shot you did in the second picture! exactly the same!!
oh my I LOVE these pics. Your lil one seems to be a hoot and the dress is nothing less of beautiful!
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ha ha…I LOVE her spunk. She and my Reid would get along swimmingly. Such a pretty dress. Sunflowers are my favorite flower!
Adorable, Anna!!! That’s a perfect fabric for that pattern and your Emily is the cutest!
She is so cute! The fabric is great for this dress!