
necklace giveaway winner & a fabric bracelet

and the winner of the Lisa Leonard necklace is…  #30
I’ll be emailing you Kari so we can get your necklace right away!  🙂
(ps I had to delete my original post giveaway because of a conflict with my blogher ads, don’t worry I’m not trying to be shady by deleting the post)
I also thought I’d share this fabric bracelet I made as part of a gift.  I really need to work on my fabric selection on this kind of project – think, small prints.  I just don’t use that many small prints for whatever reason!  I had gotten V & Co.’s Fabric Bracelet tutorial and gave it a whirl.  The fabric is Nicey Jane pocketbook.  I was hoping more of the green rather than the pink would show up, but I’ll definitely be making more.

drawstring backpack giveaway winner

Thanks again everyone for entering my giveaway and all the sweet comments about my blog and the backpack.  I feel really fortunate to be able to do creative things, it seems like I went a long time without creating before I started this blog and now the saying seems to be holding true:  “creativity breeds creativity”.  Thanks to all of you who blog and read blogs and sew.  I get so excited each time I see another new tutorial or great idea pop up in my google reader (which just happens to be a lot of the time). 

Anyway, onto business…

The winner of the drawstring backpack is:

#35 Nancy’s Couture who said… 

I just found your blog the other day and I love it. You are very creative and talented. My son would love one of your backpacks!
Thanks Nancy, I’ll be contacting you shortly. 

**As a side note, I just saw on Heather Ross’ journal that she’s teaming up with Spoonflower and reprinting some of her past designs including the gnome and other prints from the lightning bugs collection.  I’m really excited about this because most of this fabric was already sold out when I started getting back into sewing.  How cool is that?!


#400 Giveaway

~~~ This giveaway is officially closed, thanks to everyone who entered! ~~~~

I’m really excited to do this giveaway in honor of Noodlehead reaching over 400 followers!  I’ll be giving away one of the backpacks I made for Dana & Rae‘s Celebrate the Boy month.

The winner will have a choice of one of the following backpacks:

To Enter:
Leave a comment! Please leave your email address in your comment (or be sure you have it in your blogger profile). 

I’ll close the giveaway at 10 PM on Tuesday, Februrary 9th.   Hopefully that way, I’ll be able to get it shipped to you in time to give to that special boy for Valentine’s Day!

Thanks for entering!

PS.  In case you’re wondering, the lucky 400th follower was Susan!  Yay!  Shoot me an email Susan so I can send you your prize!