
New look and a little explaining…

Okay, I did a little revamp of noodlehead.  Natalie was Art Director of the new header.  This is her first actual ‘thing’ she draws besides scibbling or drawing shapes.  Little people!  This is a picture of our family, very interesting how she has it all planned out.  Here’s the lowdown on the header:

Pictured from right:  Grandma, Grampa, Mama, Mama, Dada, Emily, Natalie, & Pepper (our dog)

I thought it was so funny that she said there are two mamas (that would be nice – twice the help!).  Thanks for subscribing and following by the way, I’m super thrilled that you read about the stuff I make, and I love to read about what everyone else is doing, too!  Don’t forget to let me know you were here, I don’t bite (hard that is).  More to come….


Patchwork Skirts

This was my first solo clothing project from this past spring when I really started getting more into sewing.  I had gone to a local fabric shop with my mom and aunt (and the girls) and came out with this Pink Fig Patchwork skirt pattern and some fabric! 

I had no idea if I’d ever sqeak in the time to make the skirts, I just thought I’d give it a try.  I had great visions of taking Emily’s first birthday photos in her skirt alongside her sister, but it just never happened.  I actually barely got them to wear the skirts at all. 

So that’s another reason sewing clothing for the girls is on the backburner for now.  They are so cute on though!


An Epic Failure

Well, maybe I’m being a little hard on myself, but this one turned out pretty yucky.  Good thing it’s a Christmas present for my own daughter, but then again I’ll be staring at it for the next __ years.  I was into a groove when I started it and it was going pretty smoothly. 

Then I attached my walking foot on my sewing machine!  Apparently I must have broken it because I had my husband tighten the screw on the back of the foot and it got a little too tight.  It took tiny little stitches and puckered and stretched the whole thing! 

It doesn’t help that I was in love with these fabrics.  My daughter loves red (although not as much as she used to), and the starling fabric is just perfect. 

I did hand bind the quilt, which is 36″x48″.  It was fun and the first time I tried it on a quilt.  It was nice to sit down and watch a couple movies with my husband while working on it.  Yes, it took a couple movies, hopefully I’ll get a little more speedy someday.

I’m moving on to make a similar quilt for my other daughter, wish me luck…

Oh, and I also decided to treat myself to a little present from Japan…you’ll have to wait until later to see what’s inside.