Hmm, where to start? If you’re looking for something genuine in blogland, you can be sure that genuine is what you’ll get with Vanessa.
She’s one of the very few bloggers I’ve meet in real life, twice no less! She truly amazes me. Her creativity truly comes from within. It’s really refreshing to be around her and hear her stories. We had a blast (okay, maybe it was just me) putting on binding on her’s daughter’s quilt. She was so funny, she’s not one to follow someone else’s rules — she makes her own. Sorry if this sounds sucky uppy or whatnot, it’s really what I realized about her after we last met, and that’s really cool. So this is her book, and I feel really honored to be able to give away a signed copy of it right here, today.
Make it Sew Modern has a ton of great projects that you can make your own. If I had my choice, I would have made this lovely pleated pillow, I know the magic of a good pillow. Do you?
To enter:
- one winner will be chosen
- Just leave a comment! It would be fun to hear if you have any fun plans for the summer! One entry per person. Please leave your email address in your comment. You can leave it in a format like this if you wish: anna [at] gmail [dot] com, it’s up to you though, if you have your email listed in your blogger profile, that works too!.
- Open to US entries only please!
- Giveaway ends Wednesday, June 20th at 10pm (central time).