
Waxed Canvas and Pendleton Oxbow

I’ve been meaning to show off this waxed canvas and Pendleton Oxbow Tote for a while now! It’s one I made a while back and I just felt like I wanted to wait until it was fall until I took pictures. It’s definitely giving all the fall vibes, so I hope you’ll find it inspiring!

Waxed Canvas and Pendleton Oxbow

Waxed canvas is a great option for the Oxbow Tote whether it be for the main exterior OR the accent fabric (front pocket/reinforced base). I love using it on the Oxbow because you don’t need to add interfacing and it’s sturdy and durable. Win win! It really speeds things along!

Waxed Canvas and Pendleton Oxbow

Canvas as lining

For the interior of this bag I used a canvas and skipping making the interior pocket all together. I do that when I’m making samples to save myself time. It’s also something I do if I know I’m keeping the bag for myself. I always use zipper pouches inside larger bags, so I skip the pocket altogether a lot of the time. I think my mom is getting this one, and I know she’ll use it the same way. Another win about using canvas for the lining fabric is that for most canvas weight fabric, I’d say anything 7-8 oz. and above, makes a perfect lining without having to add interfacing.

Waxed Canvas and Pendleton Oxbow

Fun with Pendleton Wool

When I pulled the waxed canvas my eye went directly to my super special saved pieces of Pendleton wool. I had bought them on my trip to Fancy Tiger Crafts many years ago now. That’s such a fun thing about fabric — finally using it and also remembering all the good times about that trip. I’m glad they made such a great pairing!

Project Details:

Hope you enjoyed seeing pictures of this waxed canvas and Pendleton Oxbow Tote in action!

5 thoughts on “Waxed Canvas and Pendleton Oxbow

  1. Liz says:

    Love it! I made a bunch of wool and wax totes for my friends with Pendleton. They were a big hit!

  2. Cheryl says:

    Love this combo! and where is that lovely sweater from??

  3. Rachel says:

    Oooo love this one! Maybe I need a new bag for summer (I’m in Australia)?

  4. martina says:

    wonderfull bag – and the autumnal backdrop suits your fabric choice perfectly!
    the first Oxbow I made was gifted (and well received) and seing your inspiring pictures, I now think I might ‘need’ one for myself 😉

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