Each new fabric collection I design has a favorite sample or two. I think this Fat Quarter Shuffle quilt featuring Around the Bend might be one of them! Quilts are something I wish I had more time to sew, but I do try to thoroughly enjoy each moment when I do get to make one.

This design is by Alison Harris of Cluck Cluck Sew and it’s called the Fat Quarter Shuffle. It’s perfect for me in that there’s an element of surprise in the design – which I am always into. A planner of quilts I am not, I like to dive in and see what happens – and this design allows just that! As you can probably guess from the name you cut the fabrics and then shuffle them around. Endless possibilities and a super efficient use of fabrics.

I enjoyed making this twin size quilt! It’s always a bit intimidating for me to work on a bigger quilt project, but this was really a fun make so it felt like it went together in no time.

Project Details:
- Pattern: Fat Quarter Shuffle by Cluck Cluck Sew (twin size)
- Fabric: Around the Bend complete collection
- Binding: Kona Ice Peach
- Backing: Carolina Gingham in Sand (so soft!!!!)
- Quilting: Olive Juice Quilts
*Around the Bend is in shops now! Yay! Be sure to check with your favorite shop! Or try an online search for “Anna Graham Around the Bend” or “Around the Bend Robert Kaufman” check out the #AroundtheBend fabric hashtag on Instagram.