
2 by 4 Quilt Top

two by four quilt top - NoodleheadI finished my 2 by 4 quilt top yesterday! I’m definitely excited about it. I had been plotting and planning after finalizing my fat quarter bundle for Stash Fabrics Design Star last year. There was no way I wanted it to sit around any longer! I just love these colors and fabrics together. They’re fresh and springy and make me pretty darn happy.

I had considered doing something a bit more elaborate with the bundle and kept flipping through my list of quilts that I someday wanted to make. Nothing was quite striking a chord though. Until Ashley posted her latest 2 by 4 quilt top, that’s when it sort of clicked in my head, but then it took my brain a few months to finally commit and then one day I started chopping up fabric. It just felt right.

The blocks came together in less than the Hamilton soundtrack and I chain pieced the rows together and finished the top in a few hours as well.two by four quilt top - Noodlehead

As I was sewing the blocks together I realized I really didn’t have a plan for this quilt and who it will eventually live with. Almost every time I make a quilt I have a gift to give or already have somewhere I want to donate it to, but not this time. I suppose I might keep it for myself but I think I’ll wait until its finished. It’s kind of different feeling to not know where it’ll end up, but I do know I’m excited to quilt it. It doesn’t feel like I make a lot of quilts, so I really enjoy the quilting process itself. I’ve spent enough time making mistakes and learning that now I’m able to not worry about messing things up, so it’s relaxing and exciting at the same time.two by four quilt top - Noodlehead

Pattern: 2 by 4 Quilt Block by Ashley (Film in the Fridge)
Fabrics: Stash Fabrics Fat Quarter Bundle that I curated last year (bundle here at Stash)

two by four quilt top - Noodlehead

9 thoughts on “2 by 4 Quilt Top

  1. Rossie Hutchinson says:

    It’s so beautiful, Anna!

  2. Those fabrics look so beautiful together. And I love your measure of time taken to block the pieces!

  3. laurel says:

    Oh, I love it! Great choice for those fabrics!

  4. Kay says:

    I love the simplicity of this design. It is fabulous to have a quilt top that comes together so quickly. x

  5. Mauri says:

    ooh I love this quilt! And better yet, my 10 year old son likes it. I’ve been looking for a quilt pattern to make him a new quilt for his bed (he’s outgrown his toddler-esque one I made years ago…) and we have had a hard time finding one that he and I both like. Glad I peeked in here today! 🙂 as always, thanks for sharing!

  6. wanda says:

    Can you tell me the size of each individual square. Looks like 8 squares make a block. So where does the name 2X4 come from.

    1. Gail says:

      2 columns. 4 rows.

  7. Susan says:

    Hi! I love this quilt. I am wondering how you press the seams when you make each block–do you press them open? Thanks so much.

    1. Anna Graham says:

      Hi Susan, for the initial piecing of the strips I press the seams to one side, so the seams nest when joining each block. When I pieces each row and column I pressed my seams open. Hope that helps!

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