Handmade Style

Carry-all Pincushion // Handmade Style

Carry-all Pincushion from Handmade Style by Anna Graham

I taught a workshop in Vermont for Nido a few months ago. I’d never been to Vermont and it’s so beautiful. Really similar to around home here in WI, but Burlington was such a fun town. It had a great downtown area filled with lots of little shops and handmade goodies (I scored a beautiful walnut cutting boardΒ across the street from Nido at Vermont Farm Table).pincushion2

Phiona had me make a few samples ofΒ the projects we were making, this one being the Carry-all Pincushion from my book. I was so happy to make a few more samples from my book, it’s always fun mixing and matching fabrics and seeing how they all come together. Plus I can never get enough pockets – all the pockets!

I think this pincushion comes in a really handy for a swap or a little gift to tuck in for a friend who sews. It uses fairly small pieces so it’s a great one to use up your favorite fabrics.pincushion

When I was designing this project there were some questionable moments. It always takes a little more time than I like to get things looking how I want. In the end I really love how it finishes up. Hope you have fun making one too!


Pattern: Carry-all Pincushion from Handmade Style
Fabrics: Wanderer by April Rhodes for Art Gallery Fabrics

18 thoughts on “Carry-all Pincushion // Handmade Style

  1. Rachel says:

    Love this pincushion! It looks perfect for taking to sewing days with friends! I’m so impatient for my copy of your book to arrive!

  2. SuperSue says:

    That was exactly my thoughts when reading this post, Rachel. EXACTLY. Just lovely x

  3. dolores says:

    Can’t beat little pleated pockets!:)

  4. Katie says:

    I think I’ll make this for my SIL for Christmas. I’m glad you shared this little project.

  5. Stephanie says:

    Oh this looks great for like retreat swaps or really just for anything at all! I have the book don’t know how I missed it. Must be all the other lovely projects!

  6. marysza says:

    It looks super cute and usefull! Great idea and great choice of fabrics :))

  7. I want to make this pincushion so bad! I am hoping your book goes digital soon!

  8. What a great pincushion!

  9. Katie says:

    This is so cute! I’ve had your book on my Amazon wishlist since it came out, but since nobody has bought it for me yet I finally ordered it after seeing this post hehe. It’s arriving today and I can’t wait! I’ve been in a sewing rut lately and this looks like the perfect pattern for getting out of it with πŸ™‚

  10. Laura says:

    Hi there! I love your patterns and I’ve never had an issue following them before but I recently hit a stumbling block on step 4: assembling end pocket panels. Do you have any tutorials or real photos online?

    1. Anna Graham says:

      Hi Laura, it’s a little trickier than a traditional straight seam, but the same concept (so same as making the slip pocket under ‘Make Pockets’ Step 1). The pocket pieces will be RST, you’ll sew what will be the top curved edge of the pocket. Trim the seam allowance (a pinking shears might be helpful) and then position the pocket pieces so they are wrong sides facing, press and topstitch. Feel free to email me, too. πŸ™‚

  11. Olivia says:

    So cute! Any recommendations for the crushed walnut shells?

    1. Anna Graham says:

      Hi Olivia, I think the easiest place to find them is a pet supply store. They’re definitely optional though, so feel free to skip them if you’re not able to get some. πŸ™‚ Hope that helps!

  12. Maureen says:

    Would love to see a PDF pattern for the carry-all pincushion

    1. Stephanie Frazier says:

      I agree. Would love to purchase this pattern. Not really interested in the other patterns as i don’t really need them. But love love this pin cushion!!

      1. Anna Graham says:

        Hi Stephanie and Maureen,
        I appreciate the sentiment, but my book was published under a contract and I am not allowed to publish those patterns individually. Feel free to check your local library out!:)

        1. Maureen says:

          Ms. Graham, thank you for that heads up on the publishing ins and outs. I did purchase the book. I figured I wasn’t going to be happy with any other pattern & it also helped insure I actually made it πŸ™‚ Which I did for a swap. Of course I still need to make one for myself.

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