Yup, had to make one for my new niece. I figured since life gets hectic with a toddler and baby in the house, that the divided basket was just the ticket for a busy mom and dad to change diapers wherever. I loaded it up with a bunch of diapers, but really one side could be used for all the diapering goodies like wipes and ointments or a toy to keep the little girl occupied.
I know her mom loves the color green and clovers, so this Briar Rose print was just perfect.
I somehow found myself without cotton webbing (seriously it’s one of my staples that I always keep on hand) so I improvised and made the handles by quilting a couple layers of canvas onto some fusible fleece, then went about adding the chambray trim as usual. I really like the way it looks, so it’s a great substitute!
I also wanted to try another interfacing. In the pattern I recommend both Pellon SF101 and fusible fleece (and I still love the results it gives), but I tried out Pellon 809 and really like the extra crispness it gives. I would definitely try this if you are using a quilting cotton for the exteriors. It does make it a little more ‘crunchy’ to turn right side out, but I think it’s worth it.
That’s all!
Pattern: Divided Basket Pattern by me
Fabrics: Chambray, Briar Rose by Heather Ross for Windham Fabrics, Bungalow by Joel Dewberry
Mods: used strips of cotton canvas for handles, substituted Pellon SF101 for Pellon 809 Decor Bond
gorgeous! you and your perfect fabric combos… 🙂
What a wonderful gift. The fabrics are perfect and the handles are really cute!
This is so adorable! I just picked up some Briar Rose the other day and I’m pretty sure I need to make this ASAP!
Love, love, love this basket! Seeing these pictures reminded me of a question. When I made my version of the basket a while back (http://ablueskykindoflife.blogspot.com/2013/04/a-cheery-little-basket.html), I noticed that the divider isn’t as wide as the basket, so it pulls the sides in a bit. At the time, I thought I’d just measured wrong, but I see in your pics above that yours does the same thing, so I’m assuming it was on purpose. Was there a reason for it? I was thinking of making the divider wider next time so it wouldn’t pull on the sides, but I was wondering if you thought that might effect the integrity of the basket (i.e., prevent it from being so sturdy/standing up so straight)? Thanks again for a wonderful pattern!
The divider was designed to be as wide as the ends of the basket (also taking into account the seam allowances). I believe the reason it bows out is when it gets filled that’s the nature of how the fabric accommodates the bulk. Not sure though. This one does look wobbly, but I guess it’s because I was shoving things in and out of it for the pics. You could make the divider wider, I would only make a small change though because the divider might tend to get bunchy if you add too much width? How’s that for a horrible answer? Sorry, I hope it helps a bit. Also I think a good hot pressing on each of the side corners of the basket would help a lot!
And thank you! 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed making yours!!
Great, I’ll try that. Thanks so much!
I love this fabric combination–so pretty! I have some Briar Rose on hand to make a Social Tote. I was going to use bright yellow canvas, but I might have to change to chambray. Thanks for the inspiration!
Ohhhh it’s so pretty. This is perfection and one to copy if new babe is a girl, maybe…??? 😉
Gorgeous, as usual 😉
What a beautiful little basket project! Love your fabric choices and idea. 🙂
This is so precious! Perfect fabric choices.
That is just the sweetest! I really like your handles and think that is perfect for this project.
I’ve only use Decor Bond in The Professional Tote and I have to say it wears well. I’ll give it a try in this.
Fabulous fabric combo + perfect pattern = gorgeous gift! Your creations always inspire me, Anna!! Thanks so much for sharing ;D
this is a great basket, can think of loads of things I could use it for.
I just love Briar Rose! This basket is so sweet!
So lovely!
Greetings Ines
Lovely basket <3
This is just lovely. I especially like your mix of fabrics.
Very, very cute!!
I like the fabrics you chose and what it looks like. I’m also glad that your basket is not rectangle, too. The shape is pretty the same to mine so I’m fine now with mine.