Hope you had a lovely weekend! I enjoyed every minute.
I put together a set of bunk beds for the girls, from Ikea. I’ve had my eye on this bunk bed for quite a few years. We almost got them last year, but I’m glad we waited, I think they are just the right ages. Bunk beds were really our only option if they wanted to stay in the same room, their little room couldn’t fit two twin beds. So bunks it was!
I did paint all the pieces (except the mattress support pieces) white before I assembled the bunk bed. I put a couple coats of primer and finished with paint, so I only needed a quart of paint in the end. It should hold up nicely! Even though I’m sure the bunk bed won’t last forever, it’ll last us for quite a while.
I also really happy about helping my 12 year old neighbor finish her very first quilt! She’s in 4H this year and had entered a ton of great things into our county fair.
I showed her how to make a simple strip quilt. She did a really great job and it was fun to show her a bunch of techniques. Over the course of a few weeks we put the quilt top together, basted the quilt, quilted, made binding and attached binding. I feel really happy that I could share quilting with her!

And lastly, the winner of the Martha Stewart’s Favorite Crafts for Kids book along with a fun pack from the Martha Stewart Crafts Collection is:
Lisa who said: “Craft ideas? YES, PLEASE!! My seven-year-old will spend the entire summer reading, my five-year-old is a craft aficionado!”
Congrats Lisa!!
Thanks, Anna! You made my day! My girls will be SO excited when this arrives!
Um, new bunks = new quilts??
BTW, I just started a new blog if you wouldn’t mind checking it out! sarahquilts.com
‘Sounds like a wonderful weekend! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
I love the blue on the walls in your girls’ room–so pretty! It looks so fresh with the other colors. If you happen to know the name of the paint I would love to know!
The bunk beds look awesome!! Bet the girls will enjoy them 🙂
How fun! I have great memories of sharing bunk beds with my sister when we were little!
Great weekend 🙂 Love that you are sharing your skills with your neighbor, she will remember that time fondly.
cute story, i was in 4-H when i was a kid, too
You are one multi-talented women. Now a carpenter, too?
We bought a set of bunkbeds about 17 years ago and just this year disassembled them. I had no idea we would use them for that long, but I am so glad we had them. It made a small room a little more user friendly, if you know what I mean. And I think my kids will have fond memories of sharing a room. (:
Bunks are the dreams of childhood! I hope we need some someday =)
Acabei de conhecer o seu blog,achei maravilhoso.Visite-me:http://algodaotaodoce.blogspot.com.br/
Siga-me e pegue o meu selinho!!!
Beijos Marie.
I always loved, and still do, sleeping in the top bunk. It definitely created some cherished childhood memories. lindaelizabeth@ymail.com
Oh my gosh, you and your neighbor are so cute. Way to mentor! There’s nothing as great as someone who passes on their skills.
Bunk beds! So fun. That is so great of you to pass on the love of quilting.