This was one of those projects I had set aside time after time. I always wanted to make a divided basket for our bathroom closet, to stash a little pile of washcloths in and a few other bath items. I even knew I had to use my hoarded Ann Kelle fabric. I’m proud of finally using it. I think it’s always that first cut that hurts the most.
So I cut out a couple different sized washcloths, just 7″ and 9″ squares with rounded corners, slap on some bias tape and you’re done. It was fun to see them get used in the tub after being put off for so long.
I also think this would be a fun little gift for a toddler or any child, throw in some bath crayons and bath toys and a new towel of their very own, you’re golden.
Divided Basket Pattern
Ann Kelle fabric available at Fat Quarter Shop
Ann Kelle fabric available at Hawthorne Threads
lining is Essex Linen available at Pink Castle Fabrics
terry cloth from re-purposed bath towels
so pretty! I love the colours and that butterfly bias binding is so cute!
That’s an inspired gift idea. Loving your fabric choices too!
I just love the front fabric!! Beautiful work!
Lovely project! Great model too 😉
Such a cute basket Anna! Just love the pattern 🙂 p.s. I also hoard Anne Kelle fabric too 😉 xo
Again, love it! Where did you get the gray fabric?? I bought some similar at Joann’s a while back (a chambray, I think, from the denim section), but I can’t find more to save my soul!! Thanks!!
You’re right, it’s chambray! I might have gotten it from, so I’d check there first! 🙂
So cheery! I love this pattern. Are you concerned about the basket getting wet? Did you use water resistant fabric on the inside or bottom?
Thanks Marla! I’m just using it in our linen closet, but you totally could use laminated cotton for this!!! 🙂
I’m loving this basket and washcloths- so bright and fun!! Would make an awesome gift and even for myself! Cute model!:)
This is really cute! I’ve been loving the various iterations of the divided baskets.
This is just so stinking cute Anna – that is the best present ever! You have me thinking about baby shower presents now, I love this!
So pretty!
I can’t wait to make cute little edged washies like that for a baby someday! Always love them!
Cute! Cute! Cute! Great idea for a gift too 🙂
It looks fab, love the fabric, and I really love your rubber duckie collection :oD
Cute idea! I’ve been meaning to make one to keep on my son’s bathroom counter, to corral the washcloths and soap and whatever else ends up there.
Baskets looks amazing! and washcloths so cute! What a great idea to make them pretty! I just made 2 baskets for my sewing room to store left-overs fabrics and other junks 🙂 they are quite addictive to make!
I just purchased the pattern for this! I can’t believe how simple it looks to put together! I’m so excited to make this for a friend’s baby shower. Thank you for a wonderful pattern.
So cute! Where did you find that cute butterfly bias tape or did you make it?
I made it, just cut strips on the bias about 2″ wide. It’s one of the Ann Kelle prints. 🙂
Your basket is beautiful. So cute.
Love it! It would make a good ‘wedding’ present for newlyweds! I made one for a 6 year old little girl and filled it with fun art supplies (books, colored pencils, stickers, etc). The possibilities are literally endless! 😉
Great pics! Your daughter is adorable.
Adorable. And if I’m not mistaken, the photo with your daughter is the first pic that really shows how dadgum big and useful the caddy is. I was shocked, and I’ve seen so many other pics.
Thanks and yes, I totally realized I hadn’t shown any with a good point of reference, throw in a kid and yep, it’s a pretty good sized basket! 🙂
Loooove this bright and cheery basket. And Emily is so dang cute. 🙂
can one buy that butterfly bias tape or did you make it like you do for binding a quilt??
I made it! You apply it slightly differently than you might a quilt, although there are quite a few different methods to bind a quilt. I Use single fold bias tape on a quilt and double fold on washcloths like these. Hope that helps!
so adorable Anna! So bright and cheerful!
LOVE!!! I didn’t realize how big the divided basket is.
Seriously? Now I have to make washcloths with the terry cloth I’ve been hanging on to… Just love your divided baskets.
Nice one Anna! Love all the fabrics. Chambray is the bomb in every single project, I swear!
Ooh, I didn’t realize they were so big! Now I’m dying to make one even more! I must find some time this week, it would be so handy (and cute!) in my sewing room!
oh i love this one! and those washcloths are fabulous, too. so many uses for these baskets, i swear. GREATEST PATTERN EVER!!
so in love with this! must make some!
What a cute idea!