Good thing I usually have to make two of everything because I think I left out some stuff from the last post. Sometimes I just start writing the post and I get sidetracked into talking about something else entirely. Anyway, this is Emily’s Ayashe shirt and skirt. I used Laurie Wisburn‘s Modern Whimsy for the shirt and pockets/facings on the skirt.
The skirt is a really soft yarn dyed cotton I had gotten from Yozo Craft, although I don’t think they carry that particular fabric anymore (although if you want super cute stationary, they’ve got a ton of cute stuff!) . I just love the texture that fabric has!
I made Emily a size 2/3 in both the shirt and the skirt. Even though she’ll be 4 later this summer, she’s so tiny that I should have cut the size smaller in the skirt and just lengthened it. Maybe next time!
I finished it up at a little gathering we had this past weekend at Vanessa‘s house. Got to hang out with Jeni, Megan, Faith, and Deedee, which was totally cool.
Another fun project crossed off the list, and not to sound like a broken record (or a crappy advertisement), but seriously, Figgy’s patterns are so well done and easy to follow. She even includes little handmade tags for you to put in your finished garment!
All good info. Glad you had such a fun weekend!
SO cute!! I love that fabric so much! They look like they really got to enjoy their new outfits too! 🙂
oh i love them both! i’m inspired! i love the hidden facings on the skirt, especially against that cool textured fabric you used. sooooo good. 🙂
adoarble fabric choices Anna. I can’t wait til my girl is old enough to wear Figgy’s!
Really cute! The fabrics are perfect and the outfits look polished but very comfortable. you do have a teeny peanut there.
It sounds like the get together was really fun too. Jealous! Why don’t people ever want to move to Alaska? Oh yeah, because it’s 6 degrees right now and my kids are still in snowsuits. Darn it.
These outfits are so ridiculously cute! I love the fabrics that you chose and your girls look so lovely in them!
I’m so glad you got both girls to wear them! That fabric for the skirt was seriously awesome. It was great meeting you this weekend and yes, can’t wait to do it again sometime. 🙂
sister love
cute outfits
spring day
does it get any better?
Love the sister love! They look darling!
Very cute!
So, so cute!! Can I get that in my size!?
adorable, beautiful, lovely work=kudos!
I seriously can’t get over how freakin cute those little outfits are. The skirts are crazy! I love the fabric you used for them.
Oh so cute, Anna! Your girlies are getting so big!! Love Emily’s bangs. 🙂
adorable, Anna, as always! love the little pink lining in the pocket. made me smile.
i think i need to hang out with you someday so i can learn how to sew awesome clothes like you do. 🙂
The pockets! What great detail.