I was recently recruited by two of my nieces to make a few zippy wallets. My one niece is in college (I know, I don’t seem old enough to have a niece in college, but I do). 🙂 My other niece is in high school.
They’ve both worn through their first zippy wallets from two years ago, so I’m sending in the replacements. I wish I would have made them sooner, but I really had fun thinking about what each of them would like.
At least I had their color choices to go off of, Hannah’s favorite color is green, and Ellie’s are yellow and orange, it made it a whole lot easier to decide.
I added a little keychain loop on each (similar to the loop in my little cutie pouch tutorial). I know they’ll enjoy them and put them to use right away since I’ve been holding out on them forever, thanks for being patient girls!
Hope you have a lovely weekend and see you Monday for the second installment of Sewing with Knits Mondays and my special guest. Yay!
I do like to know what designers you use!!! It makes it easier for me to find something if I REALLY like it. =) SUPER cute little wallets. Love them!
I absolutely appreciate seeing the designer and print name.
Saves me hours of frustration and searching if I see something I like.
These are super cute! Love your fabric choices inside and out! I’m a mixed media artist, not a sewer, so don’t necessarily pay attention to fabric designers, as I’m not a fabric user. I do however appreciate the fun design!
I like it! It is very useful.
Cute zippy wallets!!!
Those are super cute – I’m not that great with zippers especially not on small items like that. And YES I read your whole post and I do like to know fabric designers :).
Thanks for the inspiration! I have been thinking about making something like this for awhile. I am still a bit intimidated by zippers… 😛
I love the fabric you have used for the wallets 🙂
I made some of these for the Yr6 leavers to take to High school, they love them 🙂
I like when blogs mention designers, because I find myself saying “Oooh! I wonder what fabric that is?!”
Which fabric is the stripey yellow/orange? From Katie Jump Rope? I can’t find it anywhere!
I love your zippy wallets and these are extra adorable. Thanks for sharing your creations and patterns with us. I also enjoy reading about the fabric. You have two very lucky nieces. I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog! I marvel at what you accomplish and what beautiful work you do. I also loved your girls’ cute art work. Your blog brings a smile to my day.
Yes! I love your fabric sources and those wallets too! I am excited for Monday, too. 😉
very cute. i love that sunglasses fabric.
Great gifts – good knowing the fabric too – I have two teenage nieces who I am sure would love something like these.
The green one is so pretty 🙂
I always read to the end of your blog! and should say that I have used several of your tutorials which are great, I used it to make zippy pouches for my nieces in fact!
Great to know which designers do which groovy fabric too, can’t remember whose post led me to some groovy echino vespas I’d been hunting for from here in Australia. Thanks for the blog-so inspirational. Camilla
Not reading to the end would be like not reading to the end of a book! Have to find out who dunnit! I actually don’t mind either way with you telling us what fabrics you’ve used, but that’s because I’m supposed to be on a fabric-diet and won’t be rushing out to get anything. Sigh…
Wickedly cute!
I would love for you to show this off at my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays!
Yes, I do like the added fabric info and it’s something I often forget to mention in my own blog. Those are cute little zippypurses and I hope to make one someday!
I’m new to your blog, or so I thought. Today I discovered that I’ve obviously been here before 🙂 because I’ve made several of your wonderful little zippy wallets! The one I use most I put a clear vinyl pocket on the backside for my drivers license. Love this pattern!
I really like the idea of including the fabric info. Makes it easy to track down such cute fabrics!
SO cute! And yes, love having the designers and fabric names. Right as I started looking at your pictures I thought “gee I wish I knew what fabrics those were!”
Those are so cute! How sweet that they wore out their old ones, they must have really liked them! 🙂
Those are super cute! I love your fabric choices… so fun!
Of course I always read to the end… don’t want to miss anything. 🙂 It’d be helpful if you said which fabric is which, especially when there are so many, as it would save a lot of searching for those interested in them. I know, more work for you that way. 🙁
Cute, cute, cute! Reminded me how much I love your little zippered wallets. Really appreciate it when you identify the fabrics you use. Still waiting for you to do a pattern & cottage license for these 🙂
You know Anna, I’d love a zippy wallet. Does it only work if I am related to you? 🙂 Those are super cute. I bet they are in love with them.
I like knowing the fabric names, these are adorable!
very cute! Love the green
I think it’s great to know who the fabric designer is! I also just checked out your tute for this, and plan to make a couple to use in my 2-4-1 bag!! Thanks.
Thank you. I do like to know fabric when I see projects. My grandson need a wallet to take with him on vacation, and this looks perfect!
These look great and yes, I agree, knowing the fabric is great. I see Jess doing it all the time from CINO and I was gonna start too–maybe it will result in less emails to answer ;).
These are great. Yes, I do like to know what designers you use, and I think it’s good to read to the end of a post.
The green is cute 🙂
Muy bonitas las carteritas y muy útiles, felicidades.
Besos desde Puebla,México
Add me to those who do indeed read to the bottom! I appreciate you mentioning the fabric information 🙂 Absolutely adorable zippy wallets–and I love your blog!
Adorable little wallets Anna! I still use mine EVERY day. And yes I love to know the fabrics/designer and YES the plaid is Happy Camper.
They’re adorable! and YES I love when you include fabric information at the end!! Thanks for sharing!
The zippy wallets look fantastic! I love the binding and fabric choices you used! I love home decor weight or linen blends, it’s always nice to see the different ways they can be used.
I actually do love to know what fabric prints and designers you used. Sometimes I browse around on other blogs and have a hard time finding a print.
I enjoy knowing what designers you’ve used 🙂
Yes, yes, yes! Love knowing the exact fabric choices! By the way, I just put those little pouches on the Christmas list for my nieces. Perfect!
yes, actually–I’m not quite obsessive enough to have to track down and buy the exact fabrics, but it’s always good to have the option.
these zippy wallets are so cute! and now that I see them, I definitely need to make one for myself. Thanks for sharing!
I love the things you sew and I love your choice of fabrics most of the time, but for me there is no need to post which fabric you have used since using the same fabric would be like stealing your idea anyway… that’s a thing that I cannot understand at all why so many people want to make _exactly_ the same stuff that others made before. We all have our own imagination – we just need to use it… sometimes at least 😉
Super cute, as always!!
And yes, I like to hear about the designers! :o)
So cute – and thank you for the fabric info – so useful. Wish I could find Greenfield Hill in the UK. 🙁
Normally it doesn’t really matter to me if the fabric designer isn’t listed, but you used such cool fabric in this particular post that I found myself looking for a reference to the green glasses print before I even got to the end! I’d love for you to tell us so I can order some!!! It’s the perfect amount of funky without being wacky.
These are adorable! I bet your the cool aunt too 🙂
yes, yes, yes!
I always read all the way to the end, and love that you include the fabric/designer info.
Another big thumbs up for including fabric designers. Thank you! (On that note, I’ve always wanted to find out who made the floral-on-plaid fabrics in your gathered clutch tutorial – I have searched and searched to no avail…)
What great gifts, Anna. I love the placement of the glasses from the Etsuko Furuya fabric. I LOVE that you add the fabric info at the bottom of your posts… even though I spend a lot of money because of it 🙂
love the glasses on the green wallet! so cute!
Those are really cute and the placement of the glasses is perfect!
Gah, those are so awesome, Anna!! And your photo presentation is perfect. Complete joy to me is a Type A personality with a sewing talent, a knack for photograpy, and a blog. You rock!
Both are cute! Nice!
I love how you have used the fabric. Nice. I would love one too:-)