

Sometimes I get caught up in showing you only stuff I make.  Sometimes I forget that you might be interested in seeing some of the other things we’ve got going on around here.  Am I right? {insert chirping crickets} Ooookay, moving on…

Drawing.  We’ve been drawing up a storm.  It’s been so fun to watch how Natalie’s and Emily’s drawing skills have changed.  You remember those little people up there on the top of my blog?  Yep, Natalie drew those when she was 3.  I was SO PROUD.  I think it was her first time actually drawing something recognizable.  You can read more about the story of that drawing in this post.  Definitely one I’m glad I wrote down and saved.

Well, it’s been a few years and about 1 billion sheets of paper later, I thought it would be fun to round up a few of our new favorites:

a little updated family pic

Natalie’s self portrait

Natalie’s alphabet

Pepper (our dog): this one’s pretty cute because Pepper has a hurt back right now and Natalie drew this picture of her walking up the stairs

abstract landscape
last but not least is Emily’s person
Hope you have a great day!

29 thoughts on “drawings

  1. amy says:

    adorable!!! it’s so nice to have a record of how much they progress!! 🙂
    love the long legs, apparently we have them too at our house!!!

  2. chris says:

    Thanks for the update…I love to see little one’s interpretations of what they see. It’s like a window into their soul.

  3. Jeni says:

    These are so sweet! Love seeing stuff like this! The mermaid is especially awesome! 🙂

  4. Carolyn says:

    They’re all so adorable…but I have to say, I love that little mermaid picture!

  5. I love kid art & can’t wait until my little guy is old enough to draw with crayons & not try to eat them! I think I like the mermaid drawing the best 🙂

  6. So cute. I especially love the mermaid. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Krista says:

    Gah! The mermaid!

    It’s always so magical when kids start to take off with drawing. I bet your girls are super proud to have you post their pictures on your blog too!

  8. alayne says:

    so super cute!!

  9. kristin says:

    aw, these are so great! my daughter just started drawing people recently, and it just floors me with pride. so fun. so YES, keep it up with “stuff around the house” posts! doesn’t have to be all-sewing, all the time. 🙂

  10. Marisa says:

    I love this post! I’m slightly obsessed with kid drawings. I did a whole research paper on the development of kids’ drawings in college. We know there’s more to your life than sewing. . . it’s fun to see it. 🙂

  11. Emily says:

    LOVE these!! Glad for a drawing update. 🙂

  12. Sarah R says:

    Those are so cute! You have a couple of talented girls there.

  13. Poppyprint says:

    Fabulous summer art series, girls!!! I especially LOVE Pepper’s picture and the mermaid. Her bikini top is really pretty 🙂

  14. Suzie says:

    loved all of these!

  15. Victoria says:

    Ha, Ha. Love the Family Picture.

  16. Such a great post. I have a doodle portrait of me done by my 4-year-old granddaughter, on a bulletin board so I can look at it all the time. SUCH a precious drawing.

  17. the.mrs says:

    The last one reminds me of my daughter’s faze of making all of her drawings going potty. She would tell our lovely visitors that she was going to draw a portrait of them and then she would draw them poo-ing. Fantastic!

    🙂 Cute pictures though! You’re going to have some artsy girlies on your hands!!

  18. Susan B says:

    My mother took our old drawings, shrunk them and then made plates out of them. She put 3-4 drawings on each plate and put our ages on them. Then she traced them on the special paper they supply to make custom plates. These would make great grandparent gifts….or the kids would love eating off of them. I still have mine and I’m 50!

  19. Jacqui says:

    Love them! I remember when I first found your blog the thing that really struck me about your header was how similar it was to what Hazel was doing at the time, and they still have a similar style 🙂 The hairdos for example, i have the exact same hair as you do and the husband has spiky hair in our family portraits. Hazel says the mermaid is “pretty good” and she likes the family portrait too, and that’s pretty high praise from a nearly-six year old 😉

  20. sewtakeahike says:

    so cute, Anna! I love that you keep all these photos!

  21. Vicky says:

    Very sweet. I love how kids start writing things, run out of room and finsh it in the wrong place, like Natalies alphabet.

  22. randi says:

    ah cute! i love the family portrait!

  23. Krista says:

    Those are so sweet. 🙂 Luke just turned three, and all he does at this point is scribble. Maybe when preschool starts in the fall he’ll get more into it? I am a TERRIBLE drawer, so I hope it isn’t genetic!

  24. Cindy says:

    Love, love, love the self portrait! Beautiful! My girls (ages 5 and 3) just drew updated family pics today as part of our story art! It’s always so sweet to see life’s little details that kiddos add to their drawings!!

  25. Lorelei says:

    Love them, especially the mermaid!

  26. Dahlia says:

    How cute! I just love the mermaid. Oh yes, and her alphabet – what a smarty pants!!

  27. Lee says:

    Aw, so cute! We have about a billion drawings around here too (including a fair number of mermaids). It gets overwhelming, but they’re hard to part with. So lately my husband has been taking them to work to scan them in as PDFs. We’ll have a permanent archive soon. : )

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