Sometimes I love it when Natalie comes up with ideas of what I should sew. I think children in general are so much better at thinking ‘outside the box’ than adults. Their minds just don’t have any limits and I love that!
Natalie and I were talking about her many chapsticks and how we should go about keeping them close at hand and we came up with a little solution: a chapstick necklace (or you could call it a lanyard if you were making it for a little boy).
I had her pick out the fabrics she wanted from my scrap bins and I made a little loop of fabric of double fold bias tape (only it’s not on the bias, but that’s beside the point). Then I sewed in a little key ring and clipped the chapstick on, now they’re all set for moisturizing those pretty little lips.
Happy Friday everyone! And hopefully next week I’ll be able to squeeze in some time to whip up a tutorial on my scooter tray. 🙂
I love that idea! Clever. I am sure my little one is going to love that.
such a fun idea! perfect for using up lots of little scraps of fabric they love…
Abby needs one of these! She is forever losing her chapstick (and licking her lips, coincidentally). What a great idea she had!
Maybe everyone in my house needs one of those we lose chapstick and keys all the time.
Cute idea. My oldest is obsessed with chapstick lately. I’ve never seen the clip-on chapstick… I need to check that out.
That’s a great idea. My kids need those this winter. I’ll have to see if I can find that type of chapstick.
Great idea….my neice would love this!
great idea Anna! nadine doesn’t have chapsticks with those funky lids on them but this would make a great easter gift–gonna get me some of those lip glosses!
Ha, wonder if I can get my husband to wear one, he is always losing/leaving chapstick all over the house (and in his pockets when they go through the wash)… Probably not but it sure is cute!
Great idea Natalie!!:) She’s following in your footsteps Anna!:) This is a really cute idea!
O My Gosh. I love this! I totally had a chapstick necklace when I was a little girl. Smackers use to make them. So cute!
cute idea anna! i am sure her lips thank you too!
That is on my to do list! super cute!
this is such a cute idea and really caters to the need little people have to keep their things close at hand in little bags or in this case a necklace.
Super cute! I love this! Lip Smackers are the best 🙂
This is so cute! What a great idea:).
What a great idea! My granddaughter is forever losing hers, plus those little chains some of them come with break so easily. Tell Natalie thank you for the idea! I know my little Courtney will love it!
Great idea!! Grandma just mailed my daughter a “lanyard necklace with a retractable string on the end….we looked at it and thought, Cute…but what can we use it for?” Walaaa…lip balm holder. PERFECT!!!! Grandma’s are so smart! 🙂
Very cute idea Anna! I bet Natalie is going to grow up to be as crafty as her mama.
Great idea! So much better than the sparkly shoelace my chapsticks ended up on in high school.
adorable and how fun for a little girl! love the fabric too. 🙂
oh boy, I have a total chapstick hound at my house. This is a great idea, although I might have to wait a year or two until he stops thinking it is great fun to wind the stick all the way out and smear the stuff all over the place! 🙂
This is such a great idea for an Easter gift! Perfect for my girlie-girl niece.
great and cool idea!
Such a cute idea to use up scrap fabric! I can’t wait to see your scooter tray tutorial when you finish it! 🙂
So very cute and handy!
SO, so cute!
What a great idea. I’m always washing my girls’ chapstick, perhaps this will solve that problem. Thanks!
What a FUN idea! Smart girls!!
Darn, she is cute AND creative like her Mom. Knock out combo! If I show this to my girls, I may just be making a couple this weekend as well…
That is so cute! What a perfect idea for a kid … I HATE finding chapsticks lying around everywhere. Thanks for sharing!
clever! and cute!
I love it, perhaps because I have a 4 year old that at Christmas got about 10 things of chapstick (as she likes to call them “lipstick”) and she is always wanting them and bragging aobut having soooo many of them. My big problem is they aren’t all so cool with clip lids like your daughters!
Don’t you love it when kids ask you to make them something? I love this girly, yet not too girly, project.
Perfect, and one on a lanyard would be so cute as little girls party gift too!
What a fab idea
what a cute idea, my little girl would love this. She feels so grown up every time she puts on her ‘lipstick’.
Such a sweet little idea! I just love how some simple sewing can be so functional at the same time!
That is a cute, fun, practical and beautiful idea! Hurraaay for childrens creativity and crafty mothers!
gorgeous idea! I have never seen chap sticks with holes in the top. Will have to look out for them!
fantastic idea, i’m gonna have to use it.
That is so cute! Wouldn’t they make great party favors?
cute! I love such simple projects!