This was the only pattern I bought for Spring Top Week, and at 99 cents, not too shabby. I was really afraid of having the top too big, so I went with a size 6 (even though I think it would be better in a size 8 or so – it’s pretty tight across the chest area).
I used a lightweight interfacing like the patterns calls for, but it still feels too stiff, I think I would use it without if I ever made the top again.
Of course the fabric is Anna Maria Horner’s Little Folks voile. It was nice to work with and very light weight, which is nice for spring/summer. It was so hard to choose which fabric from her line that I wanted to use, they’re all so pretty.
Absolutely gorgeous!! The fabrics, the pattern, everything!
This is a beautiful spring top… nicely done and I love the colors!
I love it! That fabric is sooooo pretty! Great job!
Another fabric I’d love to try. This turned out great with the ruffles.
This is such a cute top! I always struggle with pattern sizes. Just going by measurements doesn’t help, because the fit is never modern enough for me. 🙂
And I agree about interfacing-I almost never use it for garments anymore. I followed directions to the letter when I sewed with Heather Ross’s Far Far Away line, and my shirt was WAY to stiff. 🙁 Not making that mistake again!
Great job!
so sweet:)
i think you chose the fabric well…this one is beautiful. another awesome job
You know I love this fabric! Sizing is so hard. It almost takes making a pattern twice (or more) to get the fit right but we don’t always want to do that! It looks great though.
Lovely! The colour, the shape, the fabric, all perfect for spring and summer indeed.
I love this one too. I’ve been looking for a fun top pattern with ruffles and may have to try this one out.
LOVE the fabric and I like the pattern too. Great job!
Okay, I’m making this! I haven’t made any clothes for myself since college.. but I want that shirt! The voile is beautiful. What size do you normally wear? (small/medium?) do you mind if I ask.. I’m just trying to figure out the sizing..
Oooh! I really really love it. I want one!
beautiful fabric and the shirt is fabulous. man i wish i was as thin as you! great job!
This is officially my favorite shirt from the Spring Top Week flickr set! I wasn’t going to commit before, but I can say with certainty now that this is it! I SO wanted to make a shirt very similar to this, with ruffles down the middle, in voile, but I tried to make a muslin and it was awful. AWFUL. Susan and I nicknamed it the Cuban Man’s Pajamas. I guess a pattern would’ve been helpful. I’m totally buying this one after seeing your version.
So, to sum up: your top = perfection, and no matter what happens in the competition, you are the clear winner!
it’s way gorgeous! love that print!
That is so great! I think it could easily be a winner :). I haven’t made a shirt yet to enter, maybe I can get my act together tomorrow…
Oh, I like this one even better than the last! Nice job!
That is adorable and love the fabric. That is so your color!
Really just so cute!!
SO flippin cute and that material is perfect!! Im gonna have to get that pattern 🙂
I agree, it looks fabulous. The fabric, colour and style are gorgeous!! Well done. You should make another one, it really suits you.
Love it! Love your fabric choice especially… All I hear about these days are Anna Maria Horner’s voile. It’s a trend I should try out. 🙂
Great job!
That is sew beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pattern number with us and suggesting another way to use that voile!
It’s so pretty. I’ve been wanting to get my hands on some of her fabric! It looks great on you 🙂
so lovely! i recently got some of her voile in green with plans to make a dress but am paralyzed for fear i’ll mess it up — thanks for the inspiration!
what a beautiful top! I love the pattern and – as always!- the fabric you picked!
Oh, so cute! You did a wonderful job. I love this pattern.
I always wish I had time to make a double layer skirt with this. You did a lovely job. Maybe that fabric they use for christening gown would interface well.
This is just so feminine. I really like it.
Ooo, your tops all look great but this is my favorite one by far. It looks awesome. Now I’ll have to go out and get that pattern for this summer…
All your tops are great, but this one is just amazing. It makes me want to run out and buy the pattern to see if I can make one half as great as yours. And, now you have 3 more tops in your wardrobe – that is awesome.
It’s very pretty and makes me want to make one 🙂
I really like this one!
Let me just say that with all 3 of your entries that you are kicking some spring top butt! love it!
Hey, wanted to tell you I featured your picture of your spring top on my blog today when talking about using voile. I credited you and linked back to your post. I hope that’s OK.
Hi Anna –
I love this top – I blogged about it here with some other of my faves, with a link back to this post.
Hi Anna – this one is beautiful too! Nice job!
Hi Anna! I was looking through the Simplicity book last night (.99 patterns at Hobby Lobby this week!), and when I looked at 2448 I thought, “I think this is the pattern Noodlehead used on that gorgeous blouse!” I bought it, came home and double-checked, and was ecstatic to see that I had bought the same one you had used. At the risk of really sounding like a groupy, I’m tempted to buy some AMH voile and REALLY copy you, because I like your blouse so much. Question: Is it difficult to get this shirt over your head since there is no closure on the back?
hey addy,
cool! I hope you have fun making it. 🙂 No, the shirt is actually really quite easy to get on and off, but I had to give it to my friend because it was just a little too tight under my arm, the size 8 would have probably been a better choice, live and learn, right?!
Inspired by your post, I actually just finished making this shirt. Last year, I bought my husband a buttondown for work with a really nice blue check pattern. Well, he managed to get a big rip in it next to the button placket within a couple weeks. I saved it looking for a way to remake it into a shirt for myself and I finally did it! I skipped the interfacing per your comment and it worked fine, not lacking structure. One thing though in response to a previous poster, I can get the shirt on fine but since the v-neck is so small, it can be a little tough to get off without getting makeup all over the neckline.